Baby Girl "We're Really Going Camping."

"I'm sorry he's making you do this." Kathrine Ann sighed as Azazel scribbled away, filling yet another piece of parchment with the exact words she had already written a few times.

"I don't mind, Princess, but the least you could do is tell me what's on your mind. You keep drifting off into your own little world and staring blankly at the wall behind me." Azazel accused, looking up from her writing.

Kathrine Ann sat in Lucifer's chair while Azazel questioned her from across the desk where she usually sat, "He's taking me on a date." She shared, "Camping alone in the woods with only him for two nights."

Azazel paused for a moment before she busted out laughing, "Camping? Where in all of Hell did he get that idea?" She asked once she calmed a bit.

"From me." She sighed, "He asked what I used to like to do when I was alive, and I mentioned I liked camping. He promised to behave himself, though. It could be fun, right?" She asked as Azazel turned back to the paper in front of her.

"Well, Princess, all I can say is your idea, and Louie's idea of what behaving means is very different." She chuckled, "But I doubt he'll force you to do anything, maybe try to seduce you, and I don't think I have to tell you how persuasive the Young Lord is."

"Yea, that's what I'm worried about." She admitted, leaning back in his chair and noticing a slight hint of his scent. More specifically, his 'after a morning of torturing souls' scent. It was a strange combination of iron and smoke, which would seem unappealing, but she had become accustomed to it over her time here. She zoned out again, wondering if he was almost done with his work for the day.

"Something's changing, isn't it?" Azazel asked, folding the last letter. She stuffed it in the envelope and looked up to see Kathrine Ann's flushed face as she tried to choose a response, "Something already happened, didn't it!" She accused as a smile stretched across her lips, "Did you give in? How was it?" She demanded, "Was he gentle? I told him to be careful with you. He likes it a bit rough,"

"No! Stop that, Azazel, and yes, something happened, but not that, jeez!" She huffed, "Wait a second. You two talk about stuff like me?" She gasped, feeling her whole body flush.

"Yea, and you'll thank me one day." She winked, "Now spill. What happened between you and Louie?"

Leaning down, Kathrine Ann opened the bottom drawer of his desk. She needed a drink and figured Luce wouldn't mind. Quickly gritting her teeth at the fact she called him that again, unable to catch her thoughts before the nickname slipped into her thoughts. Grabbing the first bottle she touched, Kathrine Ann poured a glass for herself and Azazel. She capped the bottle and returned it to its home before sliding one of the drinks across the desk.

"Well? Don't keep me waiting, Princess." Azazel demanded, and Kathrine Ann knew she had to fess up, knowing this persistent half-demon would pester her till she caved.

With a huff and a large gulp of her drink. Raising a brow, she wondered what she had poured. It wasn't whiskey, but she didn't mind it. Azazel cleared her throat; with a deep breath, she recounted the events of this morning as her cheeks glowed the entire time,

"I see, so the Young Prince got you all hot and bothered. You know, if you give into him," Azazel began.

"No! I'm not just handing myself over to a man I barely know just because he's my husband. Yes, I know how that sounds, but you get my point." She huffed, "If he wants me, he has to want all of me." She said, shooting the rest of her glass.

Azazel helped her clean up and assured she would send off the invitations tomorrow morning before leaving with a bow and a wink, "Have fun, Princess!" She called, pulling the door behind her with a click, and all Kathrine Ann could do was roll her eyes.

She was just about to leave the room when the door opened, and one of the punished angels walked in,

"Milady, the Young Lord has told me to inform you to pack a bag of clothes and meet him in the garden as soon as you're ready. He is already there waiting." The man informed with his head bowed to the floor.

"Thank you." She replied after hearing the message, and without another word, he left the room quickly, never meeting her eyes.

Kathrine Ann picked up her pace as she returned to the room to pack. She didn't want to keep Lucifer waiting too long as a smile crossed her face. Camping would be fun. She just had to keep that devil of hers under control.


When Kathrine Ann met Lucifer in the garden, he wore a pair of black jeans, a crisp white v-neck, and a dark brown cardigan accompanying the dark pants. She wore the same dress as this morning but now had an off-white knit sweater pulled over the top. It wasn't particularly cold, but the wind bought a chill with it, and it was a windy afternoon. She adjusted the bag of clothes on her shoulder as she descended the stone steps and walked to where he was waiting. With a swift movement, he grabbed the bag off her shoulder and slung it onto his,

"Afternoon, Baby Girl." He greeted her as the wind shifted again, blowing her hair in her face.

"Lucifer." She returned, brushing her hair away and trying pointlessly to tuck it behind her ears, "Where's all the camping gear?" She asked, looking around.

"Already set up. Didn't want to waste any bonding time." He smirked as her wild hair blew into his face this time.

"Sorry!" She sighed, grabbing her hair around the roots and trying to pull it over her shoulder.

"Turn." He directed.

"Why?" She asked.

"Trust me, Baby Girl, turn and give me that elastic around your wrist," He replied as she squinted at him before doing as he asked. She felt him run his fingers through her hair. His nails scratched softly over her scalp, causing her to let out a small involuntary sigh, "Careful, Baby Girl, don't want to get me too excited."

"I uh, I just enjoy a good scalp massage, sorry," She stuttered.

With a light laugh, Lucifer braided her hair quickly and tied it off before pulling away.

"Better?" He asked, and all she could do was nod and run her fingers over the braid he had just made,

"Didn't realize the Prince of Hell was so infatuated with hair."

"Just yours. I like the way it feels." He replied as if his words weren't slightly creepy, "Shall we?" He followed, offering out his arm.

With a raised brow, she wrapped her arm through his, and they began walking.

"Just mine?" She hummed, looking at him skeptically, "How did you learn to braid then?"

A sinister smirk crossed his face as his blue eyes looked down at her, "Whips." He answered, causing her eyes to widen, and he laughed, "Oh, and if you ever need anything incorporated into your braid, like shards of glass or metal spikes, let me know." He added, but her shock had passed; now Kathrine Ann just rolled her eyes and lightly shoved Lucifer with her shoulder.

They walked silently for a bit, the wind blowing ever so often, making Kathrine Ann smile. She loved this kind of weather, wind and all,

"You're happy," Lucifer stated as they reached the tree edge.

"Yes." She smiled, looking over at him, "It's a lovely afternoon. I've always enjoyed this kind of weather."

"Well, look at that. Bonding already, we've found something in common." He replied, leading her down a small path, "We should enjoy it while it lasts."

"Why do you say that? Are the winters here bad?" She asked.

"Winter?" He asked, "Ah, right, your cold season. The cold gets pretty bad, but what accompanies it is much worse. Soon we'll enter the Hell showers. It's a time of year when heavy rains, liquid, and frozen strike the area. The storms make it dangerous and stupid to leave your home; unfortunately, they last most of the cold season." He informed, "Though there are a few days here and there that can be enjoyed."

"Is it safe for us to be out?" She gasped as her panic scented the air.

"Yes, we still have a good bit of time before the rains begin, and trust me, you will know when the time gets close." He reassured as they strolled casually, and the trees began getting closer together. The silence took over again. She busily looked around, taking in her surroundings and sounds as they walked deeper into the woods. Far deeper than she had ever been.

"How long till we get to this campsite?" She asked, finally breaking the silence.

"Not long, just a bit further." He answered, and true to his word, they entered a clearing with everything already set up and arranged just a few moments later. She followed Lucifer into the tent and immediately noticed the one large cot. Dropping her bag, she ignored it for now and walked back outside. She took in all the nature around her and smiled. Though she wasn't on Earth anymore, the smells of the woods were similar.

"Follow me, my happy doll." He demanded as he passed her, and she listened, curious about where he was leading her.

It wasn't more than a couple of minutes before she found herself in front of a beautiful body of water that was slightly steaming, the water blue as the morning sky and somewhat milky.

"It's a hot spring. The water is supposed to be wonderful for the skin, but I enjoy the relaxing warmth more. Shall we?" He asked, pulling off his cardigan quickly, followed by his shirt.

"Uh, yeah, I just need a bathing suit." She blushed, turning back toward the campsite, unsure what she had in her bag to use as a bathing suit.

"You haven't one. Come in wearing your underwear." He suggested causing her to quickly shake her head as she glowed red, "Why, a bathing suit is just waterproof underwear?" He informed, dropping his pants and leaving only his tight-fitting boxers.

"Lucifer, I…I don't think it's appropriate." She pleaded, turning her gaze away, but her shameless devil wasn't having it as he quickly closed the gap between them.

"No one is around, Baby Girl, just us." He reassured, less than a foot away now, "Besides, I've already seen most of what you have to offer."

"Isn't us enough? And that only because you insist on barging into the bathroom while I'm bathing." She snapped, not meeting his eyes and swallowing hard.

He chuckled, "Get into the water, Baby Girl."

"Fine, but I'll wear all my clothes." She negotiated.

"You wear all your clothes, and I wear none." He smirked, causing her to freeze, "You heard me, you enter this spring in any more than your underwear, and I take what I have left off." He promised with his signature smirk.