Lucifer "Playing in the Hot Spring."

His Baby Girl huffed and glared at him but knew better than to doubt his threat.

"I suppose if you're really that uncomfortable, you can return to the campground, and I'll just swim alone." He sighed, letting his shoulders drop a bit for dramatics.

After a minute, she groaned before slowly taking off her sweater and tossing it to the side. She then tried to grip the zipper on the back of her dress, but the angle made it difficult, and the zipper kept getting caught. Finally giving up, she approached him,

"Unzip the back." She commanded, turning, and he quickly obliged, "Don't look! Get into the water, and I'll follow." She instructed as his eyes gave her bareback a quick glimpse causing him to bite his upper lip.

Lucifer was tempted to ignore her, demanding she shed the dress while he watched, but he turned and walked into the warm water instead. Wading in until submerged up to his chest, he let his body drop, exposing only his head and the tops of his shoulders. He genuinely did enjoy the spring. It had been a few years since Lucifer had visited it, and when he said few, he meant a few hundred. Life had become cold, and he had grown accustomed to it. He excepted and adapted to it, causing him to lose pleasure in simple things. Slowly he found himself not wanting to put in the energy or time to attempt relief from the stress and unforgettable past. The things that he used to enjoy became nothing but mostly forgotten memories. Pushing his melancholy thoughts away and returning to the present, he began waving his arms to keep himself afloat as he waited for her to enter the water. After a series of quick splashes, the fragrance of annoyance with a hint of embarrassment faded into comfort, and he turned to see his Baby Girl treading water a few feet to his right.

"Lovely, isn't it?" He asked, making his way towards her.

"Umhum." She smiled, ducking her head under the water. He took this quick moment to move closer, and when she popped back up, they were only inches apart, "Can I help you?" She huffed with a quick swish of her arms, putting about a foot between them before running her fingers over her now-soaked braid.

"You can. I was wandering back to this morning." He began as embarrassment and awkwardness mixed into the air, "Not that, Baby Girl, though I would be lying if I said that particular moment hasn't popped up in my head a few times today." He chuckled, trying to move a bit closer to her again but seeing his intent, she moved to the right, and he thought he surely caught a glimpse of a playful smile. "Let's go back to the cake. Assuming I've decided not to eat my cake yet, what am I supposed to do with it?" He questioned.

"You still don't get it." She sighed, floating on her back, now a few feet away, "It's not really about cake. It's about making choices. You need to figure out what you want, Lucifer, and know that you may have to make changes or sacrifices to gain it. Decide which you would rather. Make the sacrifice or don't but know that you can't have it all." She explained calmly, and he began to understand what she was saying. He didn't like it, but at least he understood. He would have to decide at some point, but he would push that off to the side for the next two nights because, for now, he had plans to pull his precious doll closer to him. He carefully approached his relaxed wife as she floated peacefully, her eyes closed. Seeing her happy and content was lovely, but the mischief was forming in his eyes, and his smirk only verified it. He was about to splash her, but as he took one more step closer, she was gone! Not only had she ducked under the water, but he felt her swim right between his legs before popping up behind him,

"You'll have to be quicker than that, Jr." She giggled as he turned, but she ducked under the water again and popped up a few feet away.

"Look's like my Baby Girl may be part fish." He smiled, "Suddenly, I have a strong urge to go fishing." His smile twisted up into a smirk.

"Good luck." She taunted as he slowly moved closer, "I was a competitive swimmer in high school."

"Cute," He chuckled, "So confident it almost makes me want to go easy on you." He poked, getting closer, but now she braced herself, ready to dive again.

"Easy on me? I don't remember agreeing to play any games with you." She scoffed but was still smiling.

"Come on. It'll be fun. A simple game of catch is all. Besides, it should be easy to outswim this simple devil if you're as good as you say you are." He coaxed, stopping just a foot from her, "Tell you what, if you win, you can ask one thing from me, within reason." He bribed.

"And if you win?" She asked curiously but also cautiously.

"Oh, nothing much, just a kiss." He smirked, and she splashed him, causing him to throw his hands up and laugh, "Oh come on, we've kissed before."

"That was different," She protested.

"Of course it was. I'm giving you a choice now. Come on. You're already swimming with me in your underwear. What harm is a simple kiss?" another splash and more laughter, not just his.

"Okay, fine, but if you win, which you won't, it's only a kiss, nothing more, Lucifer." She demanded, and he crossed his fingers over his heart, "And no cheating! I'm only human, so no using whatever weird demonic or angelic gifts you may have."

"Deal, just one real kiss. Now I'll give you a quick head start." He smirked as she didn't waste a second and dove under the water, popping up quite a distance away, "I will catch you, sweet doll." He chuckled as he dove under the warm water for the first time.

He swam in the direction she had emerged, but when he surfaced, she was grinning ear to ear a few feet behind, and all he could do was smile and shake his head. He slowly pushed himself closer to her through the water. He couldn't touch the ground, so there was no way she could. As he got closer, she was ready to move but waiting for him to tell her which way. Lucifer genuinely smiled as he approached. He had never seen her like this. She wasn't just happy but playful and mischievous, not only through her emotions but also in her smile and eyes. It made him feel weird, like a new kind of happiness. He made a fake lunge towards her to see where she would go. To the left! He dove and slightly brushed her ankle before she got away, and he resurfaced to see her a few feet to the left. The game went on for a while, and they both enjoyed themselves. He lunged and dove, but she always slipped right out of his grasp.

"You'll never catch me, Luce! Hum, what will I ask of the Young Prince?" She hummed a few feet away.

"The game isn't over, Baby Girl. I bet I'll catch you within the next minute." He boasted.

"The next minute?" She laughed, "You've barely been able to touch me."

"If I catch you in the next minute, then," He began creeping closer.

"No way! Same deal, same rules. I'm not falling into your trap." She smirked, pushing back into the deeper end of the spring, too deep. He needed her closer, so he dove for her, and using his senses, he came up right next to her, causing her to shriek and kick back to the shallow end. Was it cheating? He couldn't help that he sensed emotions, which let him know almost exactly where she was. It was another sense gifted to him. Had he learned to tune it out, sure, but that was just semantics. The game was fun, but it had gone on long enough, and he wanted the prize he had guaranteed himself to win. Following her emotions throughout their game, he noticed a pattern, so all he had to do was wait for the right time. He moved closer, his feet hitting the sandy bottom, she dove, and he lunged maybe just a bit quicker than a human could, and as she surfaced, he didn't waste a second,

"Got you, Baby Girl." He smiled, grabbing her by the waist from behind while she thrashed a bit.

"No way! You cheated!" She claimed, almost laughing.

"How?" He challenged, "You swam right to me, hum maybe you wanted to be caught?" He suggested turning her toward him and sliding his hand up her back while she grasped his shoulders.

His feet may have hit the ground solidly, but hers definitely didn't, and his arm was the only thing keeping her above water. He ran his hand down her back, lightly caressing her spine. She shivered despite the warm water, and Lucifer began to sense what he was doing to her,

"No, no, of course not! You used some…of thing!" She insisted, getting flustered, and he chuckled.

"You lost, Baby Girl. Now you owe me that kiss." He smirked, turning her as pink as a newly blossomed rose.

"Y…you said just a kiss." She stuttered as his fingers drew little circles on her lower back, and she put both her hands on his chest, pushing slightly to gain some distance, but he wasn't having it.

"I said, a real kiss. There is more to a real kiss than a peck on the lips, right?" He questioned, but she didn't respond.

He pulled her closer as his hand reached the small of her back, holding her to him and above the water. His other hand brushed a few wet strands from her face before moving to the back of her neck. He leaned closer as she shut her eyes, and he smiled. He wanted her so badly. The way she smelled and felt, he wanted all of her, and then her lips parted as her tongue poked out to lick her bottom lip. He felt an ache as his dick began to stiffen. The want started to become a need. He took a deep breath reminding himself he had to be patient with his innocent doll. If she noticed his…excitement, she would run like a skittish little animal. He pulled her head towards him to close the gap as his lips finally met her warm sweet lips. How the fuck was he supposed to control himself. He pulled her closer until all he could feel was her skin on his. Lucifer's plan was dissolving as he softly moved his lips on hers. It was he who wanted her. He wanted to devour her and take everything she had to give, but he couldn't, not yet. Despite how tempting she was, he had to control himself for now.