Baby Girl "Campfire Talk."

Kathrine Ann's body was pulled close to Lucifers as she felt his arm wrap around her waist, keeping her afloat as she searched for the unreachable ground. His face leaned closer, and she shut her eyes. Anxiety, embarrassment, and anticipation filled her mind as she felt his cool breath on her lips, causing a familiar feeling deep inside. Her breath caught, and her lips felt dry, so she licked them. He pulled her head forward, and his lips connected to hers. He was unexpectedly gentle, a sweet kiss that made her body crave more as her mind tried to figure out how to react, then suddenly, it was over. Not only did he pull back from the kiss, but he also let her go. She forgot she couldn't reach the bottom and sank under the water's surface. She emerged with a gasp for air and saw him laughing at her,

"Not funny!" She snapped, pulling herself together and swimming for the shallow water.

"What's wrong, Baby Girl? Expected more?" He teased, moving towards her.

"Yes, but not saying I wanted it! I'm shocked you were able to control yourself." She snipped, trying to take control of the conversation as she finally found footing and brushed back the hair that had come loose.

"Says the one who suddenly forgot how to swim." He smirked, laying back and letting his body float to the surface as he drifted away from her now, "You wanted more, and you know it, Baby Girl, say the word, and I'll show you a whole new world." He chuckled, floating as if he had no care in the world.

She laughed, "A whole new world, huh?" She said, settling on the shallow end of the spring, the water coming up just past her chest as she leaned back on her hands and her butt sank slightly into the sand, "Does that promise come with a genie." She asked, rolling her eyes.

"Genie?" He questioned, lifting his head a bit to look at her curiously.

"Don't worry about it, Prince Ababwa." She chuckled, "Can we have dinner soon."

"Yes, I suppose we should start cooking. Who or what is Ababwa? I've never heard the Devil referred to by that name."

"I'll explain one day, and did you say cooking?" She gasped, "The tent didn't come with a team of servants?"

He skidded his foot across the water, causing her to be sprayed, and she laughed, putting one arm up to block her face, "No, Milady. We will be cooking for ourselves." He huffed, forcing his lower body to sink so he could stand on his feet while she smirked, "I'll leave first, so the prude princess doesn't have to be embarrassed." It was her turn to splash at him, which he quickly avoided with a smirk and, without another word, left the spring while all she could do was watch. He was a very handsome man; his fit body made her bite her lip, but as the setting sun reflected off his wet skin, she noticed some scars. She looked away. She had scars of her own, ones she didn't want to talk about, so the last thing she wanted was to be caught staring at his. She closed her eyes and let her mind drift while soaking in the spring a bit longer before getting out. As she walked onto the shore, she realized there were no towels or clothes to change into! Just about to curse her Devil, she glimpsed a small bundle. One of his shirts, some pajama pants, and a towel. She grabbed the towel and began drying off. This man, she wondered if she would ever figure him out, and for some reason, a smile crossed her face as she dropped the towel and grabbed his shirt. After quickly getting dressed, Kathrine Ann picked up all her discarded garments before walking back to the campsite where Lucifer was poking at a fire pit that had just started to burn,

"I have a cord pulled between those two trees." He pointed, "Put your wet clothes there so they can dry." He ordered.

"Aye, aye, sir." She saluted, walking over and hanging her underclothes. She tossed the towel over the cord as a slight breeze passed, chilling her to the bone. She usually loved the cool breeze, maybe it was her wet hair or thin shirt, but something was unsettling. She shook off the feeling and walked back to the fire.

"Are you ok, Baby Girl?" Lucifer asked as she looked over her shoulder.

"Yea, just a chill." She smiled, sitting close to the fire.

"Want me to warm you up?" He teased, flipping something in the pan.

"I'm fine, Luce," She rolled her eyes, "I do have a question, though. Something I've been curious about." She added as she looked up at him and wondered why he was grinning from ear to ear.

"What is it, my sweet doll?"

"In the castle, those angels with their wings bound, their servants?" She questioned.

"What of them?"

"Why? Why are they here, and why are their wings bound?" She asked, and he smiled, suddenly realizing she didn't know.

"Depends. Our angelic servants have earned punishment. Grandpapa has strict rules when it comes to happily ever after, and occasionally, some of his angels break the rules or disobey him in some way. Their crimes aren't worthy of eternal damnation, so he sends them here for a few hundred years or so of humiliation. If they disobey, disrespect, or try to cause harm to my father or me, more time is added to their sentence. Imagine being an angel who has to bow to not just the Devil himself but his son, who is considered an abomination." He explained.

"I don't think I have to imagine." Kathrine Ann replied, earning her a scowl. "Oh, Right! I forgot I don't have to bow, just curtsey." She fluttered her eyes at Lucifer, and he just shook his head and turned back to his cooking. She chuckled, "I'm just picking, grumpy. Seriously though, that's a Brilliant idea!" She stated, shocking him and causing him to look back.

"You think so?" He asked.

"Yea, what better way to humble an angel than make them serve the Devil." She laughed, "It's very clever. Your father is a smart man." She complimented, getting up.

"It wasn't my father's idea." He grinned, "We used to keep them in cells alone and not allow any social interactions, but about forty-thousandish years ago, I came up with the idea. Both my dad and Grandpapa agreed it was a better way for them to pay their penance."

She smiled, "I should have known, my clever Devil. Would you like a drink? Also, where is the alcohol? I know you brought some."

"Yes, I would like a pour, and it's inside the tent to the far right in a wooden box. I brought a couple of bottles of your wine as well." He answered.

"Hum, thanks, but I'm in a whisky mood tonight, assuming you don't mind sharing?" She asked, moving towards the tent but stopping to look over her shoulder.

"I guess." He scoffed and mockingly rolled his eyes.

She walked into the tent, and her eyes fell on the cot again as she swallowed, feeling like there was an invisible ball in her throat. It's not like she wasn't used to sharing a bed with him. However, his bed was huge, but this cot looked just big enough for them to share.

"Shameless." She groaned, bringing attention back to her task, and quickly found the box. A few minutes later, she returned to the fire, a glass in each hand. Lucifer had just finished putting the food onto plates as she sat back on the log before handing him his drink and then taking the plate he offered. Neither said a word as they began to eat. She hadn't realized how hungry she was until she started eating the delicious food. It wasn't as decadent or fancy as the food served in the castle, but it was delicious and hardy,

"I'm guessing you like it?" His voice rang, quickly reminding her she was being watched as she scarfed her food down like a little piggy. Lifting her head, she chewed her food carefully and swallowed,

"Yes, it's delicious." She replied, feeling the heat in her cheeks, "Didn't realize the Young Prince could cook."

"There's a lot about me you don't know, Baby Girl," He replied, sipping his drink, "and a lot about you I don't know, thus the reason we're here. To get to know one another." She nodded as she chewed another mouthful of food, "I propose a little game of sorts, a question for a question. You ask me anything, and I answer, then it's my turn, but if one of us refuses to answer a question, the other gets to ask another question that has to be answered." He suggested.

"We can't just talk like normal people?" She asked, shaking her head.

"Boring doll." He huffed, looking back to his plate.

"Fine, I guess it could be fun." She relented and noted that Luce seemed to like games. Thinking back, she should have realized that when she saw the closet stacked with board games. 'The Breaker of Wills enjoyed playing games. How cute.' She thought with a smile while stifling a chuckle.

Kathrine Ann put her now empty plate onto the ground and scooted down the log a bit closer to the fire and to where Lucifer sat as he raised a brow at her, probably wondering why she was feeling the way she was, "Go on then. Princesses first."

She thought about what to ask; there were so many things, "What's your favorite world?" She finally decided.

He hummed as he slowly chewed his food while considering her question, "Depends, I suppose. There's no one particular world that I favor." He answered, swallowing, "Most of the worlds have had an Era I've enjoyed. On Earth, the Renaissance was one of my favorite times. Not so much the clothing but the architecture, the art, the music, and the self-awareness sweeping the world was interesting and fun." He explained, taking one last bite from his plate before putting it aside, "Do you miss Heaven?"

Kathrine Ann's brow furrowed as she thought about his question, "Not as much as I feel like I should." She answered after a moment, "I know that sounds weird. I guess I feel like I was sent here as a punishment, so I should be missing Heaven and wishing I hadn't fucked up, but it's turning out to be not so terrible...usually." She answered, smirking at the end, "Do you like animals?" Was her next question as she sipped her drink.

"Eh, I don't particularly dislike them, but I also don't get all fuzzy on the inside when I see them like some. Do you?" He returned the question as he moved a bit closer to Kathrine Ann.

"Yes, can I have one?" She asked, not noticing the shift, "Oh, do you have cats here?"

"That was two questions," He chuckled, "But I'll answer both," He added with a smile as her face lit up with anticipation, "We have Hellcats, but they are not like the cuddly little fur balls you're thinking of and no, you may not. No pets in the castle."

"Awe, man." She sighed, pouting a bit.

"If you need something to cuddle, I will happily oblige. Now, since you had two questions, I get another." He said, his lips pulling up into his signature smirk, giving Kathrine Ann the feeling that his next question wouldn't be one she would like.