Lucifer "My Inner Demon."

Lucifer woke with a yawn and a few blinks, his Baby Girl, to his surprise, was still in his arms though she had rolled over. When he had fallen asleep, she was facing him, and now her back was to him, but his arm was still securely around her waist, and her body pressed up against his. Her back to his front, and he couldn't help but notice how perfectly she fit to his body. He pulled her closer, burying his face into her hair. She shifted a bit, and that flawless little butt of hers rubbed lightly against his crouch. The only thing separating them was her shirt and his boxers. Shifting from her hair, Lucifer nuzzled into the crook of her neck, smelling her sweet scent and placing a soft kiss on her skin. Lucifer's arm tightened around her waist as a sudden surge of lust ripped through him. His lips curled up into a sinister smile as the overwhelming desire to sink his teeth into her neck while pinning her down and taking everything he wanted. Lucifer tore himself away from his sleeping wife and got off the cot, his fists clenched, but the wicked smirk was still there. He quickly crossed the tent and began digging through his trunk till he found a hand mirror. As his eyes met their reflection, he verified what he already knew. Around the pupil, there was a thick ring of red. He had been trying to ignore the lurking presence in the back of his mind, a part of him that rarely made an appearance, but recently, it seemed that this part of him had taken a strong interest in his wife.

"I want her." Came a voice from his lips. Identical to his but more menacing.

"Not yet." He responded to himself, trying to keep his voice low so he wouldn't wake his Baby Girl.

"Come on! I know you want her just as much as I do. Just take her, Louie." Came the reply as his head turned towards his sleeping doll, and his tongue ran across his top lip.

"No, we have to be patient." He answered, snapping back to the mirror to meet his own gaze as a low growl reverberated in his chest, and that wicked smile finally fell.

"I'm tired of being patient. I want to taste her again, and I want to fuck her while I do it."

"Too bad. When we get back to the castle, I'll call Angelique." He sighed, knowing his Baby Girl would not like that.

"I don't want her." Grumbled his other half.

"Since when? She's always been your favorite."

"She tastes like mud compared to your delicious little fallen angel." Lucifer felt the lust creep over him.

"I said no. I'll find someone else if you don't want Angelique,"

"I don't want someone else. I want her."

"Not yet, Kathrine Ann isn't like the rest. She's different,"

"Fuck yeah, she is. Every touch, every taste is like a drug, and I want more. I need more!" He snapped, and Lucifer felt him trying to make his body move, but he held control, "Look at her, so fucking cute! You love cute, Louie. Come on, be a man; take what you want. It would be easy to pin her down, oh! We could take her from behind. I know that's a favorite of yours. Hell, she may even like it, Louie." He took a couple of steps closer to the cot until he could see her face clearly. She was sleeping peacefully, her reddish-blonde hair sprawled across the pillow, and his desire for her was far beyond anything he had ever felt, "Think about how she would sound moaning that stupid nickname she gave you. What was it again, Luce?"

"Shut up! We'll have her when I say we will. Now, go back to sleep." Lucifer ordered, taking back control and forcing that part of him back. He watched as his eyes returned to all blue. Tossing the mirror back into the trunk, he grabbed a change of underwear and clothes before exiting the tent. He was very aware of the swirling knot of anger and frustration in the back of his mind, and he couldn't deny that this worried him. He was stronger than his other half, but that didn't mean keeping him locked away would be easy. It had been years since the other part of him fought back this much, and Lucifer knew it was more than a coincidence that this was happening now. If his demon gains control even for a moment, he could easily cause irreparable damage. He reached the little beach and dropped his clothes and towel before walking around until he was at the top of the small cliff, looking down on the water below. Lucifer stood at the edge as memories long past flashed through his mind. He had to have stood in this exact spot hundreds of times, jumping, diving, and laughing, but this time, not even a smile crossed his face. For the first time in his memory, he felt so alone here. Without another moment of hesitation, he dove headfirst over the edge, the cold air flowing past him until the warm water encased his body. He rolled under the water, opening his eyes and staring at the blurry morning sky as he sank.

'We used to be close.' He thought, letting the barrier he created dissolve.

'Yea, until you took full control and forced me into the background.' came the annoyed response.

'You left me with no choice.' He replied as he sank further into the warm abyss.

'Liar.' He hissed, 'You let your father and your friends convince you I was dangerous. You abandoned me.'

'Convince me?' He replied, amused, 'You almost killed Milril, our friend,'

'Your friend, I didn't need friends.' He interrupted as Lucifer began to swim up to the surface.

'You were out of control and refused to listen. Father was right to make me take control,' He defended, breaking the surface and taking a deep breath of air.

"He healed quick enough, so what?" He snapped.

"That's not the point. Hell has rules that must be followed, and you chose to break those rules over and over again." He replied, running his fingers through his black hair and lightly scrubbing his scalp.

"You mean your father's rules? He was scared of me, so he had you 'control' me, and when I fought back, he told you to silence me just like he silenced my mother." His words were soaked in anger and hatred, but all Lucifer could do was laugh.

"Are you fucking kidding right now?" The laughter stopped just as abruptly as it began, and now it was his turn to feel hatred bloom, "Silenced? Maybe if you weren't hiding in the deepest, darkest part of our minds like a coward. Maybe if you had stayed with me when I needed you, you would have seen what happened. You would have felt the knife held to our throat by our mother. You would have felt her cold grip while she threatened to destroy our soul. All for a stupid little crown."

"She just wanted what was rightfully hers,"

"But it wasn't hers. It was never hers! There is only one person to whom that crown 'rightfully' belongs, and it's us, so if you want it, then we do things my way." Lucifer huffed, calming himself.

"Father's way, you mean. Me, silenced and imprisoned in the back of my own mind while you live our life? That way, right?" He scoffed, and Lucifer felt his eyes roll, "I don't care about a fucking crown, Louie. I never cared,"

"And here I thought you loved that spot in the far corner of our consciousness." He interrupted, "After all, you were always so eager to run to it when you didn't want to deal with 'our life.' Hiding there, ignoring me, and making me handle the hard shit alone. Leaving me to apologize to everyone for your behavior, leaving me to explain to Father why I went with Mother, and leaving me to cry myself to sleep all those nights after she tried to murder us because you didn't want to leave the place you now call a prison. I felt no guilt then, nor do I now for sending you there."

"Go ahead then, but for how long, 'Luce'? You're not the only one who's grown stronger over the years. Just because I haven't tried doesn't mean I can't. I want out, and I'll get out. Maybe not for long, but I don't need long to get a taste of our beautiful wife." He threatened.

"My father, your mother but our wife?" The only thing he got as a response was a sinister chuckle as his demon faded to almost nothing.

"You okay?" Her voice caused him to tense.

Lucifer turned to face his wife, who stood at the edge of the spring staring at him with a look of concern.