Lucifer “Cooking With Poison.”

"Damn it!" Lucifer cursed. He was treading water in the hot spring, and his Baby Girl was staring at him from the shore. Worry marring her face and her concern floating on the surface of the water surrounding him. He took a deep breath, put on his signature smirk, and began to swim toward her,

"You can't tell me you don't talk to yourself every so often, Baby Girl?" He called, once he reached shallow enough water to walk, "I knew you were a prude but stuck up too?"

Gone was her concern. Annoyance hit him as if he had just strolled into a strong breeze, "I am not a prude! And I am most definitely not stuck up!" She fussed with a stomp of her foot, and he chuckled at her cute little tantrum. "Aaand, yes, I do talk to myself, like anyone else would, but I can't say I've ever had a heated exchange that ends with threats."

He silently cursed himself again but kept it off his face. How much did she hear? How was he supposed to explain this to her? Deep inside his mind, he felt a hint of amusement. Apparently, his other half decided to stay awake for the show. "How long were you spying, nosey doll?" He asked, now out of the water and standing only a few feet away from her. She was wearing a simple loose-fitting, knee-length dress with an overlapping V-neck and short sleeves. It had a striped maroon and white pattern. The top stripes ran horizontally, while the skirt stripes were vertical. Her hair was haphazardly piled into a messy bun on top of her head.

"Long enough." She replied, "What's going on, Luce?"

"Like I said, just talking to myself." He reiterated.

"You're lying." She accused, "Is it God? I talk to him too, Luce. It's fine if you do I don't care. You should talk to him I mean, not only is he God, but he's your Grandfather. I mean, if my Grandfather were God, I would be talking to him all the time. Especially since you're the only grandchild, I would imagine,"

"No, it's not God." He interrupted with a snarl. His demon was enjoying himself, which only made this situation worse. He wished the asshole would go dormant again, but Lucifer knew as long as she was here, so was he. "I told you, I was talking to myself. Please, let's drop the subject."

"Fine, but I know you're hiding something." She accused, squinting her eyes suspiciously and crossing her arms.

"Am I, kettle?" He questioned, the smirk returning to his lips.

There was a long pause as they stared at each other until she shrugged and turned on her heels, "Whatever, Lucifer, I'll just add it to the 'conversations for another time' file." She said with a terrible attempt at mocking his voice as she strolled back towards the campsite.

"I don't sound like that." He huffed, his brows stitched together. He scooped up his abandoned clothes and trotted after her, still in his underwear, "What were you doing spying on me anyway?" He asked, catching up to her, "I usually swim naked...oh? Is that what you were hoping to see? A peek at my little prince. Silly doll, you don't have to sneak around. After all, I have no shame." He winked, turning and walking backward to see her more clearly.

'Right.' She mouthed, "However did you figure out my plan?" She rolled her eyes, pushing past him as they entered the clearing, "I got breakfast started. But I'm not super familiar with all the ingredients, and I think I may have messed up." She admitted squatting down next to the fire as Lucifer pulled his pants.

He zipped and buttoned up, his eyes while watching his Baby Girl stir and sniff the boiling pot. Her lips pressed, and her brows creased as she took a spoon full and sniffed it, looking confused. He tossed his shirt to the side and walked to the pot where she was now blowing on the spoon. He crouched next to her and took a whiff of the pot before quickly reaching out his hand and stopping the taste she was about to sample, "You'll regret that."

Her shoulders sank as she dropped the spoon back into the pot, "I fucked it up, didn't I?" She sighed, "What did I do?"

"You notice the smell, right?" He asked, wafting the steam towards her.

"Licorice." She said, and he tilted his head at the unfamiliar word, "It's candy, a root technically, but they make a candy out of it, and it's disgusting. Sweet in a fake sugar kinda way, bitter that hangs in your throat, and it makes your mouth slightly numb, but there are enough psychopaths out there who like it to keep it in production. Anyway, it has a unique smell, this smell." She explained.

"I see, well here, that smell comes from King's Spice. I'm guessing you threw in a brownish-green leaf that, raw, smelled earthy and, if you tasted it, had a slight sweetness but more of a robust peppery taste?" He asked and received a defeated nod. "Problem with King's Spice is that if it's overcooked, it takes on a sickly sweet and pungent taste with a slightly poisonous side effect." Lucifer watched as her eyes went wide and her face pale.

"I'm sorry." She apologized in almost a whisper, looking down at the ground.

He chuckled, standing up and grabbing the pot, "I said slightly, not deadly. Put it this way. If you were to eat this, you would not want to be far from a proper facility." Walking over to the edge of the clearing, he dumped out the contents of the pot, "Now, let me give you a lesson on herbs and spices, Baby Girl."

They spent the next hour cooking. Lucifer had her smell, taste, and touch each fresh leaf or dried herb he used in the pot. Once they finished eating their breakfast, it was time to pack up. Lucifer put out the fire and began collecting all the dishes, cleaning and putting them away while his Baby Girl was packing her things in the tent. When he finished his task, he went to join her to find that she had neatly organized his stuff on the cot,

"What a good little wife I have, picking up after me." He smirked, walking to his trunk and opening it.

"Least I can do to make up for almost poisoning you." She smiled, with a cute tint of pink on her cheeks.

"Well, if you really want to make it up to me," He began.

"You know, maybe I shouldn't have asked for help," She huffed, turning back to her bag as her pink cheeks turned red, and he chuckled, grabbing a pile of neatly folded clothes off the bed.

They finished packing their things, and she hoisted her bag onto her shoulder, but he quickly grabbed it from her and tossed it onto the cot, only to receive a questioning look.

"The servants will break down the camp and gather our things." He explained, looping his arm through hers and pulling her out of the tent before she could protest, "Shall we head back, Baby Girl?"

"I suppose we must." She sighed, looking around the cold and empty campsite.

"Careful, I'm starting to think you actually enjoyed your weekend with this shameless Devil." He teased.

"Eh, it was okay, I guess." She replied, her green eyes looking up at him and a sweet smile on her face.

He rolled his eyes and tugged her arm to start walking, his own genuine smile resting on his lips. What was this silly little girl doing to him? Lucifer had brought her camping with the mischievous plans to make her want him, yet as they leave their weekend behind, he can't help but feel closer to his precious doll. He was beginning to care about her, which was a very dangerous thing. The smile dropped off his face as his demon growled in the back of his mind.