Baby Girl "A Good Game of Rumors."

Kathrine Ann sat at a round table, glaring at the women surrounding her. All of them looked back, some with confident expressions, while others unreadable. She looked down at the half-dozen cards in her hands. The name of the game was 'rumors,' and it was strikingly similar to poker, just with a different number system, card suits, and a few added or missing rules. Azazel had been teaching her how to play leading up to today's gathering, and it also helped that over the last couple of weeks, she's been meeting with Belial, who was helping her learn Hellish, so the numbers actually made sense. However, none of that helped with the shitty hand she held, so with a loud sigh, she collected the fanned cards in her hand and placed them face down in front of her,

"I'm out." She proclaimed in defeat.

"So it's just you and me, Duchess Katarina." Glared Azazel, who was sitting to the left of Kathrine Ann. The duchess sat almost directly opposite, between Duchess Margery and a curvaceous woman with dark brown skin, crystal blue eyes, and fiery red hair. Without even looking down at her cards, Azazel pulled out two and discarded them.

"That was your third and last discard, Azazel." Warned the woman with red hair as she handed Azazel two substitute cards,

"Oh, I know Cornelia, and I don't need another discard." She smirked. Kathrine Ann leaned back a bit to peak at Azazel's hand. Bluffing! Damn, her cards were better than Azazel's.

"Katarina? You have two discards left." Reminded Cornelia.

"And I don't need them," She said in her soft sweet voice before turning her eyes to Azazel, "but my dear Azazel may, your overconfidence gives you away. Show." She ordered and dropped her cards face up. Azazel's smirk transformed into a scowl as she revealed her useless hand. "Another game to the Duchess of the borderlands." Grumbled Azazel.

"It's all in good fun, Azazel," Kathrine Ann chuckled as the half-demon huffed, "Come on then, one more game, and we'll break for drinks and food. I believe Vassal has prepared a few snacks for us to munch on."

"And word has it the castle has the finest of libations ." Smiled another new face. If Cornelia had an opposite, it would be this lady. Tall and thin with milky white skin that made Kathrine Ann seem tan. Black eyes and hair to match, adding the strange way she seemed to glide across the floor when she moved. The woman was initially a bit unnerving. However, she proved to be quite charming.

"You and booze Sari," Laughed Cornelia, "Deal, woman." She ordered, sliding the deck to Sari.

Sari smirked as she started tossing the cards to the other five ladies around the table.

Kathrine Ann smiled genuinely as the cards were distributed. This little gathering had not been nearly as bad as she feared. It was fun; these women weren't the snobby, high-society ladies she had expected to meet. Admittedly the absence of one particular future duchess had also put Kathrine Ann's mind at ease. She hadn't even considered that Angelique might not show up, but now it seemed obvious that she wouldn't. They didn't like each other. It would be just as awkward for her as it would be for Kathrine Ann, if not more since she's been forced to take a backseat in Lucifer's love life, so why would she come?

"So Sari, I have to ask, what's your other half?" Kathrine Ann inquired after Sari was done dealing, and everyone was arranging their hands.

"We're called Glimmers, and my origins are actually from the same world as Cornelia. Though over there or species don't get along. The Glimmer are powerful magic users but physically fragile if that wasn't already obvious." She chuckled, fanning her hands from head to toe.

"And the Wavnor, my kind, is the opposite. Strong and powerful people who fear magic and the Glimmer." Cornelia added. "But that is their battle. Here in Hell, we have no such issues. In fact, Sari and I have been friends for quite some time." She admitted handing two cards over to Sari to receive two new ones while the rest of the table followed suit.

Kathrine Ann had traded three and was pleased with the results as she arranged the newly obtained cards.

"Katarina, would you like to go first?" Sari asked as she placed three cards face up in the center of the table, and thus the game began.


"No! I was so close." Kathrine Ann sighed, hanging her head in disappointment as Duchess Margery grinned, her winning hand laid out in front of her.

"Cheer up, Lady Kathrine Ann. You are new to this game, while the rest of us have been playing for years and obtained a lot more experience." the Duchess of West City explained, and Kathrine Ann wondered if it was the game she was speaking of, "A few more luncheons and who knows you may have us all beat." She quickly added with a broad smile.

Maybe she was overthinking? Remembering Belial's warning on the night she was married but also remembering Lucifer's claim of him being paranoid. Just then, the door to the sitting room opened, and a servant stepped in,

"Milady, you have a late arrival." The servant informed, stepping back for Angelique Cazimir and an unknown woman to enter.

"So sorry we're late, lost track of time shopping." Angelique chirped, walking in like she lived here, "Oh, Rumors hum? I love this game. Who's dealing." She asked, squeezing into the empty chair between Azazel and Cornelia, "You servent, please grab my friend a chair." She ordered with a snap to Fredrick, who was standing quietly in the corner waiting for any request Kathrine Ann might ask of him. Fredrick was an older half-demon who had worked in the castle for many years and knew how things operated. His eyes moved from Angelique to Kathrine Ann, but he didn't move. He was assigned to serve at that luncheon and only answered to her.

Everyone was frozen in their seat with a mix of expressions: shock, confusion, disbelief, and anger. The last was Kathrine Ann's, but she held her tongue. She promised Lucifer she would behave, so she politely cleared her throat and brought everyone's attention to her.

"Lady Angelique, glad you could join us. However, in the future, please show up at the time stated on the invitation. Also, I don't remember saying you could bring a friend."

"Oh, sorry, Princess, I didn't realize being a bit late was such a big deal," She began, not hiding the annoyance in her voice,

"A bit?" It was Azazel's voice that interrupted, "We've played five hands, Angelique, and the invitation specifically said,"

"Lady Angelique, to you, what are you even doing here? I thought this was a get-together of high-class women. You're a watchmaker's daughter. The only thing high class about you is the company you keep."

"Enough!" Kathrine Ann raised her voice. Sure she was supposed to behave, but so was Angelique. There was no way she would allow this woman to talk to any of her guests in such a manner, especially Azazel, "She, just like you, is here as my guest, and I will invite whomever I please. I, however, did not invite the woman standing beside you, Lady Angelique, and I do not appreciate you taking it upon yourself to add people to the guest list." Angelique scoffed, about to speak, but Kathrine Ann held up her hand, "But, I cannot in good conscience ask you to leave, Ms., so please, Fredrick, grab another chair. As for the card game, the rest of us have had our fill for the time. We're moving on to eating, drinking, and talking." The servant named Fredrick brought an extra chair, and everyone adjusted their spots so the chair could be squeezed in.

"Thank you, Fredrick. Could you please inform Vassal that we are ready for the food?" She requested, and with a polite bow, the half-demon hurried out of the room. "As for drinks, please, ladies, help yourself to anything at the bar." She forced a smile as Angelique was the first to get up.