Baby Girl "What is She Planning?"

Kathrine Ann did her best to keep the scowl off her face as she watched Angelique Cazimir pour herself a fourth drink while everyone else was still on their first, maybe just starting their second.

"Well, someone's taking full advantage of the bar," Sari commented, joining the small group as she took a seat next to Azazel, who was still sitting to the left of Kathrine Ann.

"No surprise there," Added Cornelia, sitting on her right, "I can't believe she had the nerve to bring someone with her."

"Oh, I can. You know Angelique," Sari rolled her eyes, "Always has to be the center of attention." She grumbled into her glass, sipping what looked like whiskey, "Did she really wear a red dress to your wedding, milady?"

"Umhum," Azazel answered before Kathrine Ann could even open her mouth, "but what do you expect from the woman who 'was supposed to be the queen,'" She added, rolling her eyes and downing the rest of her drink before getting up, "Another drink, Princess?"

"Please," Kathrine Ann nodded, finishing the last swig of her wine before handing over the glass, "It would seem the future Duchess isn't as loved as I thought she was."

"She's a spoiled brat." Cornelia rolled her eyes, "Maybe she can hide that from the average person, but those of us forced to associate with her have no love for her."

"Always walking around thinking she better than everyone else because of," Sari paused, realizing what she was about to say and receiving a death glare from her friend,

"It's fine, not like it's a big secret." Kathrine Ann sighed, "Who's the girl she brought?" She asked.

The girl looked uneasy and stiff. Oddly she also sat alone, sipping on a glass of wine. Why would Angelique bring her here if she was just going to ignore the poor girl?

"No idea. I've never met her before. But there's one way to find out." Cornelia smiled, "Hey, you. Pretty girl, come see." She called.

Poor thing, if she hadn't felt uneasy before, she sure did now. The blush on her cheeks could be seen from where they sat. Cornelia was right; she was stunning. Her skin had the slightest hint of blue to it, and her hair was as black as the night sky, which she had pulled up into a bun, only leaving a few strands loose around her face. She had listened to Cornelia and timidly made her way over to the table. Azazel had finished pouring their drinks, and as she caught up with the girl, she looped her arm through hers, startling the poor thing and causing her to stumble a bit but ultimately hastening her steps to keep up.

"What's your name?" Sari asked as the girl curtsied to her before taking a seat while Kathrine Ann grabbed her glass from Azazel's outstretched hand.

"Celeste." She mumbled, looking around at the group nervously before her bright brown eyes snapped to Angelique, who was talking to the two duchesses and hadn't even noticed the girl had moved. "Celeste Leleux."

"Nice to meet you, Celeste." Kathrine Ann greeted with the warmest smile she could muster, trying to put the girl at ease, "Tell me, are you from Central City?"

The girl shook her head, "No, um," She cleared her throat, "I'm from West City. I live there with my dad and two little sisters." She answered, picking at the side of her glass nervously.

"West City hum?" Sari hummed, "How do you know Angelique then?"

"My father does some bookwork for the Duke. I've known Angelique since I was a little girl." She explained as she took careful glances up at each of them.

"Ah, so you've been friends for a while then?" Sari mumbled, looking a bit confused, "No offense, but it's a bit odd for Angelique to befriend of lower status."

"Sari!" Cornelia Snapped, glaring at her friend.

"What?" She shrugged, pulling from her drink, "You know I'm right."

"It's okay, she is right after all, and I don't know if you'd call us friends per se." Celeste shrugged, "This was the first time we really hung out. We ran into each other at an event her father was hosting, and she mentioned we should go shopping one day. A little odd, but I didn't think much of it. I was excited when she called. I mean, she is the future Duchess of Central City. Friends in high places, the last thing I expected was to end up here."

Kathrine Ann gave Azazel a suspicious look. What could Angelique be up to bringing a girl she barely knows or cares about here?

"Well, you are sitting here talking to the Crowned Princess of Hell, can't get much higher than that." Cornelia laughed, sipping some form of clear spirit out of her glass.

The women chatted a bit, mainly Sari and Cornelia sharing all the gossip and rumor they could think of. Eventually, Celeste began to relax a bit and even chimed in every once in a while. Kathrine Ann was convinced that Celeste was part of some motive of Angelique's. However, she didn't think Celeste knew anything about it, which made Kathrine Ann sympathetic and annoyed over the situation. She glanced over at the other group and couldn't help but smirk. Both Duchesses, particularly Katarina, seemed to be a bit annoyed as Angelique spoke with her typical pompousness and twirled her hand in the air, all her expressions too animated.

"Tell me, Celeste, do you happen to be part Kelilian?" Kathrine Ann asked curiously, sipping her wine and bringing her attention back to the ladies sitting around her.

"A bit. I'm guessing my skin gives me away?" She asked, blushing.

"Yes, it's quite unique and beautiful. I'm a bit jealous, if I'm being honest." Kathrine Ann admitted, which only made Celeste's cheeks grow brighter.

Celeste was about to reply, but before she could, the annoying voice of her least favorite person interrupted,

"Beautiful, isn't it? Kelilians are known for their unique skin and natural beauty." Angelique chirped with the fakest smile Kathrine Ann had ever seen as she joined the circle. She was quickly followed by the other two ladies, who looked a bit relieved to rejoin the table. "Did you know the Young Lord has a particular liking for Kelilian women?" She added, and Celeste, who had just sipped her wine, choked and went into a coughing fit. And there it was, the puzzle piece that makes all the others fall into place. Kathrine Ann's anger exploded within. Not just because of the insult to her but for dragging a poor innocent outsider into her petty party. She was about to blow up and kick the immature little bitch out, but that would be exactly what she was expecting. That's what she was trying to do! She was trying to make Kathrine Ann embarrass herself. Not today, she thought and quickly pushed the anger away, turning to poor Celeste, whose face was red from the coughing. She looked up at Kathrine Ann, and not only had the awkwardness returned but a hint of worry, but Kathrine Ann offered her a friendly smile before turning back to Angelique.

"Oh, Angelique," She chuckled, dropping the 'lady' intentionally, "Let's be honest here. We all know that the Young Lord has a 'particular liking' for all women. Though I haven't been here very long, even I've noticed that my husband isn't very picky about the company he keeps." There was a stunned silence around her for a moment while Kathrine Ann calmly sipped her wine. Finally, Azazel burst out laughing, followed quickly by all the rest except for Angelique, whose fake smile vanished. Even Celeste was covering her mouth, trying to hide her chuckles.