Baby Girl "Sometimes I Hate Being Right."

The group of ladies once again sat around the table as Sari dealt out cards.

"I have to admit, Princess, I've enjoyed this luncheon more than I expected," Cornelia spoke honestly.

"And what exactly did you expect of me?" Kathrine Ann chuckled. She had also been pleasantly surprised by most of her company today, but she was curious about what people assumed about her in the Cities.

"Just figured you would be, uh, like many women of high society," Cornelia began cautiously as Kathrine Ann shifted her cards and planned her moves.

"What she's trying to say is we expected you to be entitled, arrogant, and pompous. Sitting with your nose up while looking down on anyone and everyone." Sari clarified as she finished distributing cards and turned to organize her own hand.

"Lady Sari!" Gasped Duchess Margery while Duchess Katarina hid a chuckle behind her cards, and Kathrine Ann smiled, "You should watch how you speak to Lady Kathrine Ann,"

"It's ok, Duchess. Besides, the feeling was mutual. I was a bit wary of this gathering as well for very similar assumptions." She admitted settling on keeping all her cards for now, "Fortunately, I, too, have enjoyed myself very much. Though it does seem more rumors are spreading than just the ones around this table."

"Well, what did you expect?" Angelique piped up, and Kathrine Ann was sure she caught her rolling her eyes as she tossed her whole deck to Sari to be replaced, "Nobody knows anything about the Crowned Princess. Well, mostly nobody." She smirked, picking up the new stack.

"She's right," Agreed Cornelia, "Everything happened so quickly and without any explanation." She explained, taking three cards from Sari, "I mean, no one ever expected the Young Prince to marry," Cornelia began earning a scoff from Angelique, which everyone ignored as she continued, "Then all of a sudden, you show up out of nowhere, marry the Young Lord, and now word has it Lord Lucifer is beginning to plan for his retirement. Of course, people are going to talk and try to fill in the details for themselves."

"It's merely silly speculation, Princess, really nothing you should worry yourself over," Margery reassured with a tense smile on her face as she discarded three cards to be replaced with three new ones quickly.

"I see," Kathrine Ann smiled, "What say we see how accurate these speculations are? I'll answer one rumor from each of you." She promised, playing the first card.

"You're not from Hell." Sari started excitedly as Azazel played her turn with a bored look on her face since she knew better than anyone the truth.

"True, I am not." She confirmed.

"You have no demon blood?" Cornelia followed.

"Not even a smidge." She verified as three of the seven women gasped and mumbled.

"That you're," Celeste began but, of course, interrupted.

"You and the Young Lord have an arranged marriage. The two of you had never met before, barely know each other, and he was forced to marry you by contract." Angelique asked, smirking at Kathrine Ann over her cards, but she just smiled sweetly back.

"Angelique!" Katarina, who was sitting to her right, snapped with a warning look.

"Oh, it's ok, Katarina. After all, I did give everyone permission to clarify one rumor, though I think that's pushing the limit of one, but I'll allow it. Yes, our marriage was arranged. True, we did not know each other beforehand, and we were both forced into this marriage. Neither one of us had anything to do with the contract."

"So you admit then that Louie didn't want to,"

"Lady Angelique," Kathrine Ann interrupted her this time, dropping her smile and replacing it with a stern glare, "I said I would clarify rumors, do not use this opportunity to start more." She warned and then pulled her smile back, "Celeste, I believe you were trying to share a rumor."

"Oh yea," She swallowed warily as she played her turn, "That you're human." and at this, both Duchesses snapped their heads up.

There was a long pause. Kathrine Ann wasn't told to keep her origins a secret, and if the rumor was already getting around, what harm could it do to verify the truth? Her angelic past, though, she wasn't ready to share.

"Yes, I am human." She answered.

"Like living human?" Sari asked with a gasp as she blindly played turn hand.

"Yup, one hundred percent living, breathing human." Kathrine Ann chuckled.

"Wow, a whole human here? I don't think Hell's ever had anyone, not at least half-demon, living here and human? That's rare. I've never met anyone with any human in them." Cornelia admitted.

"That's because of how new the human world is. The youngest addition to God's creations, by the time the humans evolved into sentient beings, Lord Lucifer had already fallen, developed Hell, and had Central city built. Way past the days when the first demons escaped and created our species of halflings. With that said, Lord Lucifer has stringent rules in place for those who visit other worlds, including no sex. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen but not as often as it has in the past." Azazel explained, not looking up from her cards.

"Wow, Azazel didn't know you knew so much about humans." Sari complemented with an impressed expression.

"Required, I'm a messenger, and Earth is one of my worlds." Azazel revealed, "A very intriguing race. I've watched them evolve over the last couple thousand years, and though they are young and a bit naive,"

"Ha!" Once again, the voice of Angelique cut in, "A bit naive is very generous wording, Azazel. Half of the human race is ignorant, self-centered, warmongers, who are fueled by the greed for money and power, caring nothing for those who they use to obtain it." She began, and Kathrine Ann saw red as she literally bit her tongue, "The rest, weak and emotionally driven creatures needing love and affection to find worth in their remarkably short lives."

"Enough!" Azazel fussed, now on her feet, "How dare you,"

"Oh, calm down," She laughed, "I'm sure our Princess is different and all. Besides, you said it yourself, Azazel, the race is young. I'm sure they'll learn and evolve eventually." She reassured, sipping her glass, a sinister smile on her lips, "Though it is unfortunate for our Princess, being forced to marry a man that will never give her neither the love nor affection that her soul craves," Angelique sighed with feigned sympathy, "It's almost as if you were being punished for something."

The table was silent. Kathrine Ann felt all eyes turn on her as she clenched her fists so tight that her fingernails cut into her palm. She needed to calm herself, but she couldn't. She couldn't believe Angelique had the audacity to mock her in front of so many others blatantly. How was Kathrine Ann supposed to be civil when this foul little cunt not only called out her but her entire race. She insulted not only Kathrine Ann but all the people she loved and left behind. None of them how little ms bloodsucker described. She had to leave, leave or risk saying and doing something she may regret. She was too upset to handle this appropriately. Kathrine Ann stood. She forced a smile and was about to speak when they all stood from their chairs and bowed,

"Good afternoon, ladies." Rang the pleasant greeting of her husband.