Baby Girl "My Prince Charming."

Kathrine Ann's anger was still coursing through her veins, but she forced a smile and turned to greet Lucifer. Husband or not, and despite how they spoke privately, he was still the Crowned Prince of Hell and needed to be addressed as such.

"My Prince." She greeted, bowing her head.

Lucifer was leaning against the door frame, and though he had greeted the ladies pleasantly, the look on his face did not reflect it. Pushing himself off the frame, he slowly crossed the room, and as he approached the table, he signaled them to sit. Kathrine Ann held her smile the best she could as she retrieved her abandoned glass of wine. Lucifer stopped by her side and rested his left hand on the back of her chair, he glanced down at her, and she could hear him sniff the air as his eyes shifted to the other ladies at the table. He then reached with his free hand for her drink which she quickly released into his possession. He stared at the glass, which had a few small crimson smears on the outside, and Kathrine Ann swore she saw his lip twitch as a bit of red flashed through his eyes,

"May I, my wife?" He asked.

"Of course, my Prince." She replied as he took a sip from her glass before handing it back to her. She stood and walked around the table to refill her glass and pour Lucifer a drink. As she moved, Lucifer turned a menacing glare at Angelique.

"Ignorant, self-centered, and greedy?" He asked, "Emotionally driven?" There was a pause, and only the sloshing of liquid could be heard as she filled her glass first, "Words that most definitely describe someone in this room. Someone who gave me their word and has broken it, ironically, by accusing another of these exact flaws." He stated, eerily calm, and Kathrine Ann looked over her shoulder to notice the other ladies shifting uneasily in their spots. However, she was calming down as her anger slipped away through Lucifer's words. She corked the wine and reached for the whiskey decanter as he continued, "What in all of Hell made you think speaking of your Princess's race in such a derogatory fashion was a good fucking idea?" Lucifer questioned angrily, causing everyone to tense up, and Angelique flinched, "You should have listened to Azazel and shut your damned mouth when she warned you too."

"I was simply sharing my knowledge," Angelique defended as Kathrine Ann, drink in each hand, walked back to her place.

"You've never been to Earth, never been around humans, so tell me, Angelique, where did you obtain this 'knowledge'?" Lucifer returned, his eyes burning into Angelique, who couldn't handle it anymore and looked down at the table.

"My father told me. He's traveled there more than once."

"Then it seems your father is the ignorant one if that's how he would describe humans," Lucifer replied, taking the glass she offered with a bandaged hand. Kathrine Ann wondered what had happened but now, obviously, wasn't the time to ask, "What a poor way for a Duke to act, and you? The future Duchess of Central City, how embarrassing. And that last little insinuation." He just shook his head. Breaking his glare away from Angelique and softening it quite a bit as he looked at the rest of the table, taking a sip of his drink,

"Humans are my Grandpapa's newest and favorite creation. After all, you don't think God Almighty would go backward in his design. Oh no, humans are quite fascinating creatures. Sure they have flaws just as every other race, and if you want to talk about a warmongering race full of greed and power-hungry individuals, you need to look no further than your own." He said, locking his eyes back on Angelique, "There are books upon books covering the walls of Hell's libraries that record the misdeeds of vampires. A history that spans longer than the Milkyway galaxy has existed." Turning now to Kathrine Ann and twirling a piece of her hair around his finger, he revealed, "Yes, humans are emotional and affectionate creatures, their souls slightly different than the rest. They crave and long for another to share their life with. They also have this curious way of feeding off each other's emotions." He explained, his blue eyes now focused on her. He let go of her hair and grabbed her hand turning it face up to look at the damaged palm, "Though it can, and has, led to disaster. More often, it leads to good. Neighbors, communities, states, and countries come together in times of need to support one another to survive as a whole instead of as individuals. Something you don't see in other worlds." He then brought her palm to his mouth and began kissing the wounds, she knew what he was doing, but her face lit up regardless as she felt his warm lips press against her hand and his tongue run across her damaged skin. Once done, he reached out for the other hand while taking another sip from his glass. Knowing better than to deny Lucifer, she gave him her hand, and he repeated the process. This time his lips were chilled from the ice causing a shiver, and she felt his smirk against her palm. Finally, he released her but not before licking his bottom lip and winking at her, "But my favorite thing about humans is their adaptability. They can adapt anywhere, to any change remarkably fast. Kathrine Ann, for example, was sent here to marry a devil when in life, she didn't believe in Heaven or Hell. Yet here she sits, Crowned Princess of Hell, holding her head up while taking on responsibilities she never agreed to and doing her best to make this world into her home. While I have half-demons, who were taken back to Hell decades ago, still unable to adapt."

"Remarkable indeed, to Princess Kathrine Ann." Toasted the sweet voice of Duchess Katarina.

"To Princess Katherine Ann!" The rest of the table repeated, lifting their glasses to her. Even Angelique joined, knowing better than to dig herself into an even bigger hole.

The toast brought the blush back to Kathrine Ann's face, but she smiled as most of the women seemed to support her.

"We already ate, but I can have Fredrick call for something." She told him after the jubilant toast calmed back down.

"No, unfortunately, the chambers are calling; who are you?" He asked suddenly, pointing at Celeste, whose eyes widened in fear.

"C...Celeste Leleux, My Lord." Celeste replied nervously.

"You weren't on the guest list. How did you get in?" He demanded, and Kathrine Ann quickly placed her hand on his arm, "It's okay, Prince." She promptly corrected as his eye's snapped back to her, "She came with one of the other women. I said it was okay,"

"I'll let it slide this time. However, next time, I will not. Nobody enters my castle without permission. I don't care who they came with." He threatened as he glared at Angelique like he somehow knew. Which, of course, he did. "I have to go. When you're done, I have a few tasks I would like your assistance with. I'll have them laid out on our desk."

Kathrine Ann nodded, and he held out his hand for hers, confused about why but once again, knowing questioning him was not a good idea, she gave him her hand. He placed a quick kiss on her knuckles, then, just as quickly as he appeared, he was gone.

"Back to our game, hum?" She smiled with a tinge of blush.


Kathrine Ann had just dealt a round of cards and was arranging her deck as Katarina played the first move,

"Of Shit! Where did the time go?" Cornelia gasped, looking at the clock on the wall, "This will have to be the last game, Princess, have to start getting ready for tonight."

"I'm so excited." Sari added, "Lady Kathrine Ann, you must pass by to say hi tonight! My husband will be so pleased to meet you and the Young Prince in person."

Kathrine Ann was confused. She had no idea what they were talking about, and the ladies quickly picked up on the look.

"Tonight is the grand reopening of Central City Theatre. It's the oldest theatre in all of Hell." Azazel explained, "It's been under restoration for quite some time, and tonight it's reopening with a very unique play."

"Yes! 'The Fall of Lord Lucifer.' It used to play all the time, but it wasn't Lord Lucifer's favorite, so he banned it." Sari explained, "But he's allowing it for the occasion tonight. You are going right, Princess?" She asked as Kathrine Ann played her turn. "I'm not too sure. The Young Lord hasn't mentioned anything,"

"Oh, but you must!" Cornelia insisted. "Anyone who is anyone will be there. You can't miss an event like this."

"Don't pressure the Princess, Ladies. Maybe she has plans, like me. I won't be attending the reopening either." Angelique stated.

All eyes turned to Angelique, and Kathrine Ann saw the intent in her eyes. She knew whatever was about to come out of that woman's mouth would be soaked in another stab at her, and she had to wonder if the woman was really that confident or just stupid.

"What?" Cornelia scoffed, "You're the future duchess of Central City. How could you not be going? Besides the Royal wedding, this is the biggest event Hell City has seen in years."

"Oh, I know my presence will be missed, but it can't be helped. I have a distinguished guest visiting this evening, and I can't refuse him."

There it was, and damn did it burn. All the ladies around her knew precisely who her 'distinguished' guest was, and now, this Princess would not be attending the play this evening.

"Anyway," Sari brushed off quickly, turning away from Angelique but not before obviously rolling her eyes and looking at Kathrine Ann, "You have to come. If the Young Lord doesn't wish to accompany you, you can accompany my husband and me. We have a box with plenty of room."

"Or me, if you don't want to be a third wheel. Not as fancy of a box, but I've got side stage seats with plenty of room. Only good thing that came out of my good-for-nothing ex." Cornelia offered.

"Lady Kathrine Ann, you are also more than welcome to accompany my family and I. We have one of the finest views in the theatre." Duchess Margery quickly added, and then Katarina offered to share her and her brother's box, but that offer was definitely out of the question. She even had to stifle a shiver at the suggestion.

"Thank you, ladies." She smiled genuinely at the quick and sweet offers of the women sitting around her, "Very kind offers, and I will speak with my Prince about it. Maybe I can convince him to attend." She added, knowing that wasn't going to happen, and Angelique's barely audible 'Ha' only verified that.