Baby Girl "My Virtuous Devil."

Lucifer led Kathrin Ann out into the brisk evening. "This is beautiful." She smiled as he led her away from the restaurant toward a vast lake surrounded by a stone walkway, "Wait! Where are all the reporters?"

Lucifer smirked and slid his arm from hers to around her waist, "I handled it. I figured we could enjoy a nice stroll along the lake before they attack us at the theatre." He was going to say more, but Kathrine Ann stepped in front of him, stopping their progress, and leaned forward, placing a soft and sweet kiss on his cheek.

"You missed." He smirked, tapping his lips.

"No, I didn't. Behave yourself the rest of the night, and maybe you'll get a kiss on the lips." She winked.

"Oh? Is that a promise?" He grinned.

"You make my night. I'll make yours my Prince." She promised, returning to his side and resuming their walk.

"I think I'm ahead so far." He smirked as she looked out across the lake.

"You are. However, that can change quickly." She warned, looking back at him. "Especially with you."

"I do have a habit of ruining things, don't I." He chuckled, removing his jacket and draping it over her shoulders. Kathrine Ann hadn't realized she was shivering a bit.

"You do." She sighed, "But you are getting better."

"Come, let's see if I can break that trend tonight."

They walked at a slow leisurely pace, sometimes talking about trivial things. Other times they strolled silently, taking in the night. Lucifer suddenly pulled her off the path and led her to the lake's edge, "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"It is." She smiled, walking to the water's edge and staring over the calm lake,

"It's said that my father used to come and sit by this lake to plan out the city he wanted to build," Lucifer informed, standing next to her, his hands in the pockets of his pants. He stood there tall and confident, bathed in starlight, "A few of his journals contain illustrated pictures of what the land looked like before and sketches of how he wanted all the buildings arranged.

"You're proud of this?" She asked.

"Yes, my father worked very hard for thousands of years to evolve, establish and modernize Hell. This city is proof of that hard work, and I work hard to keep it flourishing."

"You genuinely care about Hell, don't you?" She asked.

"Very much, It's my home. And I plan to continue what my father started." He answered confidently.

"Mmm, got to love a Devil with virtue." Kathrine Ann hummed, admittedly impressed and very attracted to the man beside her.

He looked down at her with just his eyes as his confident smile turned into a teasing smirk, reminding Kathrine Ann of his unusual ability, and in an instant, her eyes snapped to the ground, and her cheeks grew bright red.

"Let's get going, my shy little doll," He chuckled, turning his back to the water and wandering towards the walkway, "Wouldn't want to be late for the show now, would we?"

Kathrine Ann quickly followed but moved with more caution so the uneven ground and her heels didn't trip her up. Once back on the paved walkway, Lucifer took her hand and led her back towards the strip of buildings, and as soon as she saw the archway separating them from the main street, she noticed the vast gathering of bodies, "Are you ready, Baby Girl." He sighed, retrieving his jacket and putting it back on in one swift action, and she nodded as a shiver ran down her back from the sudden chill, "The theatre is the second building to the left. We will walk straight there—no need to acknowledge them until we're there. I won't allow them much of our time, but we have to give them some. At that point, they may try to ask you uncomfortable questions. Just know you don't have to answer them," He informed as he adjusted the cuffs of his jacket.

"I got it, Luce," She smiled, looping her arm through his, "Come on, boss, let's go."

"Boss, hum?" He questioned.

She shrugged, "Seems appropriate. You keep telling me what to do and not do." She smirked.

He raised one brow, slipped his arm out of hers, and snaked it around her waist instead. Kathrine Ann wondered if this was to be his new habit, or was it just for tonight? To make sure they appear as Hell's happily married power couple. She brushed it off, and they walked towards the archway.

Flash's blinded them almost instantly, and questions erupted as he led her down the sidewalk towards a beautifully lit building swarmed with people dressed in the finest clothes. As they walked, the people parted and gawked at them, whispering with the person next to them. Kathrine Ann walked tall and proud as if she belonged there but was a nervous mess inside. What was she supposed to say to these people? Could she even talk, or would her nerves cause her voice to betray her? Or worse, what if she said the wrong thing, something stupid or embarrassing? All while she battled internally, a calm and collected Lucifer led her up the front steps and to a small platform where the flashes blinded them more,

"Young Lord! Lord Lucifer! Prince!" Yelled the reporters from every direction. Lucifer lifted his hand as if to quiet them, and it worked, mostly. There were still a few muffled mumbles, but all eyes were on her Prince,

"Good evening, everyone." He smiled, his arm tightening around Kathrine Ann's waist, "I know many of you have been curious and eager to meet my wife. Many rumors float on the breeze about the mysterious woman who has married the Prince of Hell. Wait no more; here she is, Kathrine Ann, your Crowned Princess of Hell."

The people erupted in clapping, and the cameras went crazy as Kathrine Ann stood there, her head held high, as questions were thrown at her from every direction.

"Princess! Princess! Where are you from? Who are you?" One question rang above the rest, and it seemed to quiet things a bit as they all looked at her in anticipation. She looked at Lucifer, who shrugged.

"Up to you. They'll find out eventually, though." He whispered.

She turned back to the buzzing crowd of people, cleared her throat, and prayed her voice came out calm and clear, "Well, I lived my first life on Earth as a human, and then years after my death, my life and mortality were returned to me when I was sent here by God to marry your Prince and rule alongside him."

Gasps filled the air, more clicking and flashing as the words angel and human drifted through the onlookers.

"Where are your wings if you're an angel!" Someone called, causing another hush as they all waited.

Kathrine Ann pulled her hair over her shoulder to the front and turned her scarred back to them, more gasps.

"I am one of the fallen,"

"A fallen angel! Why should we believe anything you say," Yelled a woman from the back.

"Because she was sent by my Grandfather and accepted by my father. Our wedding was ordained by the archangel Michael, and she is the only living mortal ever to be blessed with entrance to Hell. Do you doubt both God and the Devil?" Lucifer stepped up, his voice stern as he addressed the comment, causing them to shrink back and bow. "That's enough for now. Enjoy the rest of your evening."

Before more questions were asked, Lucifer pulled her away. Turning their back to the crowd, who were now yelling questions again, he led her inside the theatre.