Lucifer "A Saint in Hell?"

Lucifer led his well-put-together but very anxious doll through the massive glass-paned doors and into the exquisitely remodeled theatre. It was awe-inspiring how well the old style was merged with a bit of modernization. Tall pillars of polished black stone circled the lobby's perimeter. The same stone tiles covered the floor though they walked up a carpeted strip. The carpet was a deep beautiful green, and matching tapestries hung from the second-floor loft-like balconies. Two large, golden Cs were embroidered onto the center in a scrolly script of these tapestries. Above, the domed ceiling was paneled in colored glass and hanging from the center, a sparkling crystal chandelier cast a pleasant glow through the lobby. Tall wooden tables scattered the room, and a new and impressive bar had been constructed to the left of the massive lobby. The room was buzzing with life. Women in their sleek gowns and expensive jewels, the men sporting perfectly tailored suits, all busily talking and drinking as smartly dressed servers in green and gold attended to the needs of the theatre's patrons. However, as they made their way up the carpet, their presence became noticed, and a hush fell over the room as heads turned and bodies bowed or curtsied.

"My Prince!" Greeted an excited, plump man. He had long, thick hair the color of snow, which flowed over his shoulders, and a long matching beard that covered most of his face. He wore a huge smile and was dressed in a flashy emerald green suit with gold accents. He beamed at Lucifer and his Baby Girl, which immediately brought happy amusement out of her.

"What is it?" He asked in a low voice as they walked the long carpet towards the man.

"He reminds me of someone." She grinned.

"Who?" He pressed curiously.

"He goes by many names, Kris Kringle, St. Nicholas, Papa Noel," She began, "I like the green, but I think red would fit him better. Oh, and a matching hat."

"Santa Clause?" He laughed, "I guess I can see it, though I don't know much about the jolly old home invader except that he has some very well-trained beasts and can somehow travel an entire planet in one evening."

"Oh, familiar with Father Christmas?" She asked, a bit surprised.

"I've been to Earth many times, and a handful of them had been around the celebration of my youngest uncle's, incredibly inaccurate, birthday. However, this strange legendary man seemed to be the real reason for the holiday. Though my favorite version is the one that includes the strange creature that follows Santa around hitting the bad kids with sticks."

"Ahh, good old Krampus." She chuckled as they approached the Santa doppelganger.

Next to the happy plump man stood a well-dressed woman wearing the colors of the theatre as well, and behind the couple, a stern, stone-faced Thron. Lucifer led his wife through the parted sea of people, all bowing low as they passed until they came to stand in front of the trio, who also bowed in respect.

"Welcome, my Lord. It is an honor to be in the presence of you and this stunning young woman." The cheerful man smiled genuinely. Now that there were closer Lucifer noticed that pieces of his snowy beard were braided neatly with ribbons of gold twisting through, and his bright blue eyes were filled with happiness and excitement. Thanks to his Baby Girl, he would never be able to look at this man again and not think of Earth's gift-giving saint, "I can not even begin to explain the excitement I felt whenever I was informed that the two of you would be joining us this evening. My Lady, you are honestly the second most beautiful woman I have ever seen." He grinned, reaching out for her hand.

"Second?" Lucifer spoke, anger sparking at the man's insult, but his Baby Girl chuckled, giving her hand to the man who touched her knuckles to his forehead. A common greeting older men, especially married ones, gave to younger women as a sign of respect.

"Smart man, this must be your wife, kind sir." She smiled as the woman next to the man blushed and bowed again. She was a bit taller than her husband and a lot thinner. Her hair hadn't gone full white yet. Lucifer could see a few streaks of dark red hanging on. Her brown eyes were just as kind and happy as her husband though she was a bit more nervous, and for a good reason. Her husband just insinuated she was more beautiful than the crowned Princess.

"Please ignore this silly old man, my Prince." She retorted, "An old lady like me can't hold a flame to the Princess's beauty."

"Think nothing of it, Dorcia." Lucifer replied, his flare of anger already diminished, "Kathrine Ann, this is Mirthlock and Dorcia VonMer. They own the theatre."

"Pleasure is mine. This is breathtaking. In my life on Earth, I saw many theatres but none this impressive." She smiled sweetly at the older couple.

"Thank you, Princess. The theatre has been in my family since its founding, and we are very excited to reopen to the public." Mirthlock beamed, "Please, please follow me this way. Let's get you two a drink or meal if you're hungry?"

"Oh no, thank you, we just came from dinner, but a drink would be nice." She replied as her eyes wandered around the room. The older couple led them over to one of the many tall tables though this one was by itself and on a raised platform. Assumably, it was the owner's table—a spot where they could look over the entire lobby. Once the four of them settled at the table, Dorcia snapped her fingers, and a young man dressed in the theatres uniform came hustling over,

"Nana?" He greeted, bowing his head, "Prince, Princess."

"My Lord, my Lady. This is Windon, our eldest grandson and the head of our serving staff." She explained proudly, "He is at your service this evening."

"I expect you still have a bottle of my preferred drink and your best red wine," Lucifer ordered to the boy, who bowed and quickly turned away towards the bar. "Full house, I suspect, Mirth?" He asked Mirthlock.

"Oh yes, my Lord, sold out almost as soon as we opened the ticket booth." He beamed in response.

"I haven't seen it this full in over a hundred years. I can only hope the popularity lasts." Added Dorcia chewing on her lip a bit.

"Well, you can count on my patronage." His Baby girl smiled, "I've always loved the theatre. I used to play violin for my local...And I'm rambling." She blushed.

"Not at all, Lady Kathrine Ann." Smiled Mirth, "I'm not sure what a violin is, but I imagine you played it very well."

His Baby Girl's cheeks glowed brightly, and her anxiousness spiked,

"The old theatre looks excellent." Lucifer jumped in, "I'm glad you chose only to update and not completely remodel. I've always admired the theatre's architecture."

"I agree, my Prince. I believe it's what my great grandfather would have wanted though I was put under quite a bit of pressure to make the interior 'more appealing to the younger generations.'" He scoffed.

"The future duchess can be a bit pushy." He chuckled as a quick whiff of annoyance permeated from his Baby Girl.

"Indeed she can be, but it is my business, and until I'm dead and buried, I will be in charge of how it's run," Mirthlock claimed.

"Speaking of." Her voice grumbled from beside him, causing Lucifer to look in the same direction as his annoyed doll. Sure enough, Angelique was walking towards their table wearing a shimmering, crimson-red, tight-fitting dress.

"Behave," Lucifer ordered under his breath to his Baby Girl.

"Don't I always? It's not me you have to worry about." She snapped back.

Angelique approached the steps up to the table with a tall, slightly husky boy with blackish blue hair on her arm, but another man stepped forward. He was the tallest of the three and quite fit. Long black hair tied up into a ponytail and dark red eyes. With his sharp features and defined jaw, he was a handsome man, and despite his age, he looked only to be maybe a generation older than Lucifer. Stepping forward, the man gave such a slight bow that it was borderline disrespectful, but Lucifer expected nothing less from the arrogant and pompous Duke of Central City.

"Young Lord, it's a pleasure you and Lady Kathrine Ann could join us this evening." He greeted, straightening his cuffs and stepping up the few steps to take his Baby Girl's hand and kiss her knuckles without breaking eye contact. With that gesture and the fact he was holding the kiss a bit too long, Lucifer let out a low warning growl. "I was so disappointed to have missed the royal wedding, and then once I heard of our new Princess's beauty, my eagerness to become acquainted only grew. And, as luck would have it, here you are. Honestly, I was a bit surprised. Just a couple of days ago, I was informed the Young Lord had a previous engagement planned this evening."

"My wife wished to spend an evening out and see the theatre. What kind of husband would I be to deny her?" He answered, forcing a smile.

"It seems, my Lady, you must be something special to change the mind of the Young Prince." He chuckled, sipping the glass in his hand, "The Prince I know would never have canceled plans for anyone besides himself."

"Careful, Cazimir," Lucifer warned as Windon approached the table and handed them their drinks. Lucifer's eye's flickered to Thron, who was standing off to the side at the foot of the steps. Thron gave him a nod, and Lucifer took both drinks, "May I, Baby Girl?" He asked, and before she agreed, he took a sip, "This will do nicely for the Princess. Lovely choice, Windon." Lucifer complimented, handing the glass over to his agitated doll.

"So you must be Duke Cazimir." She spoke with a sweet smile that didn't reflect her true feelings.

"Yes, My Lady. Lunther Cazimir." He verified, giving another bow.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Duke Cazimir. I'm glad to be able to put a face to the name." She replied.

"I assure you, the pleasure is mine. You've met my daughter, Angelique, haven't you?" He asked as he stepped aside, making room for the couple to step up and bow.

"Oh yes, we are well acquainted. In fact, Angelique spent the afternoon with a few other ladies and me."

Though a smile was on her lips, Lucifer sensed annoyance and stress encompassing the table and a bit of awkwardness coming from the VonMers.

"It was a lovely luncheon." Angelique chimed in with forced sweetness, "Can't wait for the next one." She added, finishing her drink.

"And you are?" Lucifer asked, eyeing the boy and Angelique's arm. Not that he cared, but something was off. He was nervous. Sure Lucifer had that effect on people, but he was too nervous and kept eyeing his Baby Girl, annoying him.

"This is Damien," Angelique answered, "He's a close friend of mine." She informed, putting a bit of an emphasis on close.

"Bit on edge there, Damien?" Lucifer spoke bluntly, sipping his drink and noticing his clever doll picked up on the hint and took her first sip.

"Not every day you're presented to the Prince and Princess of Hell." He explained, giving a half-smile but barely making eye contact.

"We're just people. Extremely powerful people who sit practically onto of the hierarchy here in Hell, but there's no reason to be nervous unless you're planning something naughty." Lucifer pushed.

"What?" He gasped, "Of course not, milord!" The boy stuttered, but this only made Lucifer more suspicious, and an awkward silence surrounded the small group for a moment.

"You," Angelique snapped, pointing at Windon, "Get me another wine."

"I'm sorry, Lady Angelique, but my job for the evening is to serve the Prince and Princess solely,"

"You dare deny me, little boy!" She hissed, taking a couple of steps toward him as anger engulfed the small table.

Mirthlock stepped forward, but Lucifer put his arm out, stopping him, "Angelique, you're embarrassing yourself." Lucifer accused.

She stopped her movement and took a deep breath, "Apologies, my Prince, but this is my city, and I don't appreciate being denied by,"

Lucifer interrupted her with a few tsk's, "Your city? You truly must have forgotten who you stand in front of, Angelique. This is my city, not your father's, and most definitely not yours. The boy serves my wife and me. Do you believe you are more important than your Prince and Princess?"