Baby Girl "Just a Pawn."

"Your city? You truly must have forgotten who you stand in front of, Angelique. This is my city, not your father's, and most definitely not yours. The boy was told to serve my wife and me. Do you believe you are more important than your Prince and Princess?" Lucifer hissed.

"Of course, that is not what she's implying, Young Lord." Her father quickly intervened, grabbing his daughter's arm and pulled her back while giving her a stern look, "She simply didn't realize that the boy was instructed to serve only you." He explained nervously and for a good reason.

Kathrine Ann could see Lucifer's jaw tick, "I believe the boy stated quite clearly," Lucifer began.

"Luce, darling. I'm certain the Duke is correct. Lady Angelique would never intentionally disrespect you." Kathrine Ann interrupted, placing her hand on his upper arm and giving him a smile. Maybe she was laying it on a bit thick, but she wanted to avoid a scene on her first outing. Lucifer gazed down at her, his stunning blues meeting her captivating greens. After a moment, Kathrine Ann saw the corners of his lip twist up into a smirk.

"I suppose if my Baby Girl isn't upset by your sheer lack of respect, I can also overlook it." He replied.

"Windon, would you please grab Lady Angelique a drink upon my request." Kathrine Ann asked, and the boy bowed about to run to the bar, but the man with Angelique quickly interrupted.

"Please, Milady, I'm going grab a drink myself. I will get Lady Angelique a drink." Damien bowed and hustled off to the bar.

She watched as Lucifer's narrowed eyes followed the boy.

Kathrine Ann wondered why he was doing that. He'd obviously just met him. Her heart sank. Was it because Angelique was here with him?

"Something wrong with your wine, Baby Girl?" He asked, catching her attention.

Quickly shaking off the feeling, she fixed her smile, "Oh no, it's quite lovely. Just got a bit lost in thought, is all."

"Hum." He huffed, looking suspiciously at her.

"Milord, Milady." Stated Mirthlock, "Beg your pardon, but my wife and I must be off to make sure everything is ready for this evening's performance,"

"Of course, you may go." Lucifer dismissed with a flick of his wrist, and the couple gave a bow and left the table.

"So, Lady Kathrine Ann, how are you acclimating to Hell?" Duke Cazimir asked, causing Kathrine Ann to turn her attention to him.

"Very well, I believe." She answered, taking a large sip of her wine, "It's been a bit of an adjustment, and I'm still learning, but I think I've got a handle on it."

"Wonderful to hear. After all, the Queen of Hell isn't just a title. I'm sure the young Prince and Lord Lucifer have high expectations for you, my dear." Of course, she smiled back, but unfortunately, Katherine Ann couldn't read the man in front of her. He reminded her a lot of the man who stood next to her. The difference is she was sure Lucifer wasn't plotting anything against her. Duke Cazimir, however,

"Worry not, Lunther. My wife has already shown great promise as an asset to Hell. Upon her own desire, she's learning Hellish, and don't let that sweetness fool you. She's quite feisty when she wants to be. As sweet as she is, you don't want to get on her bad side." Lucifer replied cooly with a wink to her.

"To live with the Devil, I imagine one would have to have a good bit of nerve and backbone." Cazimir smiled, sipping his drink before looking directly at Lucifer, "Getting back on the subject of Hell, may I have a word, my Prince, privately?"

"Now, now, Lunther, I didn't bring Kathrine Ann out for the night so that I could be engaged in work-related matters." Lucifer brushed off as Damien returned and handed Angelique one of the glasses in his hand.

Kathrine Ann resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she watched Angelique snatch the glass out of his hand, causing the liquid to slosh over the side. It was quite comical to see an adult acting like a child.

"I promise it won't take more than a moment of your time. I only wish to hear your opinion on an important matter, is all."

Lucifer pressed his lips and glanced over at her,

"Go on. You are the Prince of Hell, after all. I think I can survive for a minute or two on my own." She reassured, and with a sigh, he released her waist.

"Very well, but this better be quick, Cazimir."

Kathrine Ann watched as the two men strolled off to an empty corner at the bar's edge.

"So you managed to make it to the show after all?" Her annoying voice sneered as soon as Lucifer was out of earshot.

"Guess I changed his mind, Lady Angelique." Kathrine Ann smiled, not bothering to look at the future duchess, and sipped her wine instead, "I'm glad to see you were able to find someone else on such short notice."

Angelique forced a chuckle, "Your naivety is actually quite adorable, a charm that seems to help you win over most people. You didn't change Louie's mind. He's here with you to prove a point to me. Apparently, someone in our little lady's group went tattling because I hurt the poor Princess's feelings." Angelique informed, and Kathrine Ann's heart sank, although she kept any proof of that off her face and slowly turned to meet the wretched woman's triumphant smirk.

"Well then, I believe I owe you a thank you," She replied, "That smart-ass mouth of yours is just pushing him closer to me. So go ahead, keep it up, Angelique. Let's see how far you can push this petty bullying before he finally cuts all ties with you." Kathrine Ann watched happily as the smile slowly fell from her bright red lips.

"You don't know him, Princess," She said in almost a growl, "You've been here how long? Do you truly believe that you know how the Prince of Hell operates? What goes on in his mind? You have no idea." She laughed, taking a sip of her drink, "Hate to break it to you Kathrine, or I should say Lady Kathrine Ann, but merely a pawn to him, a key to the crown. Sure, he'll play the role of devoted husband in public, but I don't think I need to tell you how often Lucifer goes out for 'a drink'."

Ann Kathrine slowly took a sip of her wine and swallowed her pain and anger with it.

"Appreciate the advice. I'll ponder on it while Lucifer and I are in bed tonight."

"Maybe wait till tomorrow night. I'm sure he'll be going 'out.' That should give you plenty of time to think."

Silence fell as both women glared at each other, and the tension was so thick a knife could cut it. Damien stood behind Angelique, looking anywhere but at the two of them while Windon shifted nervously on his feet,

"Windon, would you be so kind?" Kathrine Ann finally said, breaking the silence and causing the boy to quickly step forward and grab the empty glass before scurrying off. Kathrine Ann was about to address Angelique again, but a hand grasped her shoulder before she could speak,

"Pardon, milady," Thron's deep voice interjected, "Is everything alright?"

"Yes, Thron, Lady Angelique, and I were just chatting." She said sternly.

"I think it may be time for Lady Angelique to move along," Thron suggested.

"Yes, as much as I would love to continue this conversation, I do have others to greet. After all, these are my people." Angelique answered with a curtsey and turned her back.

"Leaving already?" Lucifer's firm voice questioned as he and the Duke returned to the table, "One of you want to explain what exactly is going on?"

"No." They both replied as Windon returned with her glass and handed it to Kathrine Ann.

"May I, Baby Girl?" He asked, taking the glass from her before she could answer. "I liked the first glass so much I think I'll have another taste." He raised the cup to his mouth but stopped and snapped his eyes to the man beside Angelique, who suddenly looked white as a sheet and was trembling, "I suspected something was off with you, Damien," Lucifer smirked, handing the glass to Thron, who quickly sipped it, "Let me guess, tall guy, dark clothes and a hooded face? Offered you a lot of money, didn't he?"

"It's poisoned, my Prince," Thron confirmed, "Heavily."

"Have him taken to the cells, send the bottle to Belial to have it tested though I'm pretty confident on what the poison is, and have everyone he knows questioned," Lucifer ordered as Thron nodded, "Oh, and test the rest of the bottles. No one needs to die tonight. The VonMers don't deserve that on their Grand Reopening."

"I'm sorry!" Damien cried, "He said he'd kill my sister! I had to milord, please! She needs me. She can't live on her own. Please! Someone needs to care for her," He cried as Thron dragged him out, "Kill me, but please send someone for her!" He begged as his voice rose and caught the attention of those close to them as he was pulled out the side door.

"Mind your own!" Lucifer snapped at the whispering and staring patrons.

His warning was remarkably effective as those who stared quickly looked away and shut their mouths. Then, Lucifer's eyes turned to the stunned Duke and his daughter, "Well now, quite a predicament we have here, hum?" Lucifer smirked at the duo.