Lucifer "Sharing my feelings?"

Her eyes were wide, the glass in her hand only held a sip, the bottle empty, and she gasped as the curtains shut.

"Well?" Lucifer asked, holding back his chuckle.

"I had no idea," She mumbled, "I mean, I wasn't religious, but that is not the story I knew."

"You mean the catholic interpretation, I'm guessing?" He asked.

She nodded, "Lucifer, your dad, the Devil, the first fallen angel. He fell because he was vain, narcissistic, and power-hungry. He wanted to be God, overthrow him, and seize power, but this says that was all wrong." She paused, "Is it true? Is this the real reason your father fell?"

"At least from what he's told me." Lucifer nodded as he stood and offered her his hand, "Though you were right about the vanity and slight narcissism." He answered as she grabbed his hand, and he pulled her up, "Where do you think I get it from?" He winked.

"Wow," She mumbled while Lucifer wrapped his arm around her waist and led her out the box, leaving their empty glasses, "So he didn't,"

"Nope," Lucifer replied, closing the box's door behind him before leading her back down the small hallway. Thron quietly followed a short distance behind them.

"And he never," His shocked doll continued as they lazily strolled.

"Nope." He answered again as they descended the stairs back into the lobby.

"Holy fuck." She mumbled.

He chuckled before turning his head slightly to glance at his guard, "The car Thron. Two bottles of wine should be enough for my wife this evening."

"I'm fine." She huffed in defense as Thron passed them towards the exit, "I'm not drunk."

"I know, but too much more, and you will be my sweet little wife, and I remember how sassy you get after a bit too much." Lucifer smirked as she glared at him, "Besides, I'm tired of them staring at you." He scowled truthfully, and by them, he meant the men. All their lustful eyes raking over her from head to toe were getting annoying, and, of course, his oblivious Baby Girl hadn't noticed once. She cocked her head slightly and gave him a puzzled look, but before she could ask or he could explain,

"Lady Kathrine Ann!" Rang out from behind her as a tall, black-haired, pale woman ran across the lobby, causing the duo's attention to turn to her.

"Sari! Hi." Grinned his precious doll as she pulled away and hugged the girl excitedly.

"I knew the Prince would bring you," The girl smiled and bowed deeply to him before turning back to his wife, "Seriously though, who could say no to a body like that?" She winked, pulling back and eyeing his Baby Girl, "You look hot!"

"A friend, Kathrine Ann?" Lucifer asked as a tall, husky man with tan skin, white eyes, and long white hair tied up into a ponytail approached with an amused look on his face.

"Apologies, my Prince." The girl bowed again, "Sarissian Vaga, it is a great honor to see you again."

Lucifer chewed his bottom lip, a bit confused, "Again?"

"Luce, honey, this is one of the ladies from the luncheon," His Baby Girl smiled, and his lips twitched. This was the second time she referred to him by a pet name, and he wondered if she was doing the same as he had on the day she woke after arriving here, "And this must be your husband." She smiled, causing Lucifer's attention to move back to the large man.

"Yes, milady," She nodded as the man stepped forward.

"Felton Vaga, Princess Kathrine Ann." He bowed respectfully to her and then to Lucifer, saying, "It's an honor to put a face with the name. My dear wife has yet to stop talking about the luncheon. She seems quite taken with you, and I'll admit I'm almost jealous."

"Oh, stop it, Felton." Sari hushed, but the slight pink stood out brightly on her pale cheeks, "Did you enjoy the show?"

"I did. It was, er, enlightening."

"I loved it! I mean, I've known the story since I was a little girl, but to see it performed. So much more interesting than hearing it droned out by a teacher in a classroom. Anyway, we're meeting Cornelia for drinks. It would be great if you two joined." Sari offered, but Lucifer gave a stern look to his Baby Girl.

"Not tonight, though I would love to. The Prince and I have plans." She smiled sweetly, but he sensed her disappointment.

"Of course, another time, but you must come and say hi. She is supposed to be waiting for us by the bar."

Those beautiful green eyes turned up to him with the unspoken question.

"I suppose one drink can't hurt." he relented as happiness exploded from both women, and he couldn't help but smile a bit as Sari practically dragged his Baby Girl towards the bar,

"Apologies, my Prince, my wife can sometimes be a bit eccentric. Especially with her friends." Sari's husband bowed slightly as the two men slowly followed their wives.

"Think nothing of it, Felton, was it?" He asked, and the man nodded, "Though I don't think I've ever seen such a bubbly Glimmer before, usually they're, uh, shy."

"And creepy, unnerving, and a bit depressing." Felton added, "Yes, I know. My Sari is one of a kind. Her family, however. Let's just say holidays are awkward."

"She's become quite close to Kathrine Ann in just one day." He noted getting a bit of nervousness from Felton, "That's Good. My wife needs friends. She's a very sensitive creature compared to the rest of us. She craves companionship, and me being me, I'm not the most qualified in that department." Lucifer admitted as he watched his wife get crushed by a bear hug from a familiar redheaded woman, but she turned and flashed him a smile.

"From my observations, you seem to be doing just fine, my Prince," Felton said, causing Lucifer to snap his eyes to the man as they both came to a stop, "It's the way she looks at you, the same way my Sari looks at me. Like I'm the most important thing on this planet."

Lucifer laughed, "I appreciate the sentiment Felton, but sadly I don't think that's the case. Kathrine Ann's and my marriage is that of convenience, she has a lover she left behind, and I will never fill that spot." He admitted to his surprise. He never shared his feelings so easily.

"I was married before Sari. Childhood friends turned lovers, then husband and wife. I loved her with all my heart, but sadly she didn't feel the same. After about three years of marriage, she left me, and because I loved her, I let her go. She wasn't happy anymore, and I wanted her to be happy. I never thought I would recover, but as time passed, I accepted it. Days got more manageable, and then one day, I met Sari. I fell for her instantly, and she fell for me. I love her with all my being despite the pain of losing another. I rarely think of my ex anymore, and when I do, I don't feel the pain. What I'm trying to say is the heart recovers my Prince, and its ability to love is infinite as long as its owner is open to it." Felton explained.

Lucifer stared at Felton before the corners of his mouth curled up, "What are you, Felton Vaga?"

He chuckled, "Father was a demon. My mother was a fairy."

"How did you end up here?" Lucifer asked.

"Look at me." He laughed again, holding out his arms, "No way I would have ever been accepted as a fairy. My mother believed she could convince everyone my skin was just a deformity, but I grew very large very quickly. I was around eight or nine when my mother begged my father to take me here, where I would be safe. He refused at first since he hadn't been found and didn't want to return to Hell, but he relented when she threatened to find a way to tell your father. Broke her heart and mine, but she feared the others would kill me if they ever found out what I was. Not big demon fans on Faia."

"No, they are not. It's getting better, but still. So your abilities come from your mother, then?"

"I suspect so. My father took me but dumped me on a half-demon family wanting a child as soon as we got here. Probably for the best, I don't think dear old dad would have given me a loving home. I do apologize for my gift. I can't really help it. Not something I can turn on and off." Felton explained, "Really a bit annoying, everyone always telling me their deepest concerns and fears, but it makes me great at my job."

"Therapist, I'm presuming?" Lucifer guessed as they began walking again towards the bar tables.

"For children, yes."

"There you are!" Sari huffed, "What took you two so long."

Everyone at the table went quiet except his Baby Girl, who laughed loudly, "You two did take a while." She pointed out while giving him a soft, pleading look.

"Just getting to know the husband of the woman my wife is so fond of." Lucifer smiled, "Kathrine Ann, would you like a glass?"

"Yes, please." She replied, smiling sweetly as everyone snapped out of their shock and bowed to him.

Lucifer walked to the bar, "My Prince!" Squealed Windon rushing over, "I'm sorry, my Prince, I couldn't find you and the Princess." The flustered young boy gasped as he bowed so low he almost toppled over, "That's no excuse, though. My deepest apologies."

"Stop that, boy." Lucifer snapped, pulling a money clip from his pocket and sifting through the bills before grabbing one and pulling it free, "I appreciate all your assistance, but the Princess and I are fine on our own. You may go." Lucifer informed, handing the boy the bill.

"Th..thank you, my Prince. This is most generous." He answered, gaping at the bill.

"Go on then."

Without another word, Windon ran off,

"Yes, sir, er, milord." A female bartender greeted, bowing quickly, dropping the glass she was polishing and causing Lucifer to stifle a laugh as the glass shattered on the ground,

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Oh, that?" She chuckled awkwardly, "That's nothing. We break glasses all the time. What can I get you, My Prince?"

"A whiskey and wine." He ordered as the embarrassed girl quickly turned and carefully stepped around the shattered glass, "Oh, and darling?"

"Yes, my Lord?" She asked, turning to face him, "If my wife's glass of wine is poisoned again, I'll kill all of you behind that bar. Do you understand?"

The girl's face went white as she forced a nod and went to get their drinks. It took a bit longer than expected before the glasses were set in front of him.

"I checked both bottles myself, my Prince." She reassured, not making eye contact.

"Did you?" He asked, causing her eyes to snap up, and she nodded, "The poison used earlier was extremely deadly." He informed, sipping the wine, "You'll be dead before you reach the hospital, courageous."

Lucifer stared at the bartender, who was too terrified to look away, but he was pretty sure she was telling the truth. Her cheeks were a bit flushed and her eyes a bit dilated, but to be sure, he leaned forward across the bar and grabbed the girl's collar causing her to let out a small shriek, the final proof. He smelled the spirits on the girl's breath. Lucifer smirked and pulled a small stone out of his pocket, "This doesn't go into the tip pool. This is for you. Not many would do what you did for two people she doesn't know." He said, dropping the priceless stone into her hand and grabbing both drinks before returning to the small group.

"Baby Girl." He smiled, handing her the glass of wine.

"Luce, have you met my friend, Lady..."

"Cornelia. Why yes, we go way back." He smirked as she bowed her head.


"Cornelia is my eldest daughter," Thron explained, joining the small group and handing Lucifer the keys to his car.