Baby Girl "Scared of Him?"

"Cornelia is my eldest," Thron added.

"That's a plot twist." Kathrine Ann states, a bit shocked.

"When Thorn was training to be my personal guard, his wife and a very young Cornelia would regularly visit for lunch," Lucifer added.

"And many times, Nelie wouldn't want to leave, so the Young Lord permitted her to stay and watch the training," Thron continued with a bow to her. Cornelia was fidgeting with her dress and looking down, obviously embarrassed, "As she got older, she joined in and sparred with some of the other men until she became one of the best. The youngest person in the history of Hell to hold her position."

"Dad, stop it." Cornelia fussed as Sari snickered next to her.

"And that is?" Kathrine Ann asked, realizing she hadn't asked either Cornelia or Sari's profession.

"I'm the second in command of the Central City Guard. Trained under the Young Lord himself." She announced proudly but still blushing.

"Wow, that is impressive." Kathrine Ann smiled politely, but as much as she wished they wouldn't, intrusive thoughts seeped in. Lucifer had known her for so long. They trained together,

"Stop that, Baby Girl," Lucifer suddenly fussed, "Cornelia and I have a platonic relationship." A rush of relief flowed over Kathrine Ann, but as she looked at her husband, he had a mischievous smile, "So no need to be worried, my jealous little doll."

It was Kathrine Ann's turn to blush, and her pale cheeks glowed brightly as her shameless husband snickered. However, she wasn't going to let him get away with it,

"Forgive me, my sweet," She smiled, wrapping her arm through his and giving it an affectionate squeeze. In return, she got a suspicious look, "It's just I've come to realize that if you know a woman by her first name, usually she knows the color of your sheets."

This earned her a scowl and glare. Everyone was dead silent around them, and, for a moment, Kathrine Ann worried she might have overstepped a line.

"No!" Cornelia cried, breaking the silence. She looked pale and a bit afraid, "My Lady, I promise the Young Lord, and I have never had anything but a professional relationship."

"It's fine, Cornelia." She tried to reassure.

"I could never see the Young Prince that way," She continued.

Lucifer huffed, "Most find me quite attractive, Cornelia."

"No!" She shrieked again, pausing to take a deep breath, "You are undoubtedly very attractive, my Prince, but you're not my type Milord. Also, you're literally like fifty thousand years older than me." The air was stiff and awkward, "Not that age means anything."

"My wife is only a couple hundred years old." He smirked as Kathrine Ann jabbed him in the side, making him laugh.

"Oh fuck me! Look, Louie, My Prince, I've known you my whole life, and you've always been the same. You're my dad's friend, and I associate you with my dad and as my superior,"

"Stop." Lucifer chuckled, "It's okay, Cornelia."

Her pleading eye's turned to Kathrine Ann, and she just smiled, "It's fine, I believe you. Besides, even if you had, who am I to judge?" She shrugged, "I wasn't exactly a saint in my past life." She giggled as Lucifer grumbled, shooting half his glass while she suppressed a chuckle and sipped her wine. Was he jealous? That thought made her smile even brighter, and he rolled his eyes, but the annoyance seemed to fade from them as he slipped his arm out of hers and around her waist instead,

The conversation switched to the show. Kathrine Ann and her new friends eagerly discussed their favorite parts, the drama, the music, and the acting. Cornelia mentioned the actor portraying Lord Lucifer's very fit and sparsely clothed body. Kathrine Ann thought about pushing the hint of possible jealousy she had seen from Lucifer but decided not to. He had been good to her tonight, despite everything that had happened. She suddenly remembered, he promised to explain when they got back. An eager tightness filled her chest. She took the rest of her wine in a large sip and put down the empty glass. Turning to Lucifer, she saw his glass was empty in his hand, and his eyes already on her,

"Done, already?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"I am," She smiled, "It was great seeing you two and meeting you, Felton, but sadly we must go. Feel free to call any time, and we'll do another luncheon soon."

Lucifer eyed her curiously as he put down his empty glass, and everyone bowed.

As they made their way to the theatre's exit, they were stopped by many people, asked tons of questions, and smiled for many pictures. Finally, they got out the front door, and Lucifer literally pulled her past all the reporters and shoved her into the car, and climbed in beside her, slamming the door shut,

"Leaches." He hissed.

"It's not going to get any better, Bae." She chuckled, "We're the 'It,' and where ever we go, they will follow."

He smiled at her, "Yea, your right. Also, I really don't like bae, but I suppose I'm okay with honey. However, I really liked you calling my darling."

"Is that so?" She smiled as the car took off, "What do you think about love?"

"Love?" He coughed, surprised by the response.

"Okay, darling, don't have a stroke." She chuckled.

"I think I'm having a bad influence on you." Lucifer sighed.

"Or maybe I'm finally getting comfortable enough to be the real me?" She shrugged.

The rest of the drive back was mostly quiet, with a few words here and there, but soon the sleek red car soon pulled up to the front of the castle. Lucifer got out, tossed the keys to the waiting servant, and opened the door for Kathrine Ann. Offering her his hand, she took it and got out of the car. His arm slipped around her waist, and now she was sure this was a new habit. She smiled, and his inquisitive eyes snapped to her,

"What is it?" He questioned, and she just shook her head and blushed, "You know you can be so annoyingly curious." He accused as they reached the open door, and Thron stood stoically, "You're dismissed for the evening, Thron," Lucifer informed, and Thron bowed, "I'll be in touch if I need you."

"Yes, my Lord." He bowed, then turned to Kathrine Ann, "My Lady, it was a pleasure serving you this evening." He bowed again before descending the steps.

Lucifer led Kathrine Ann into the castle as maids, servants, and guards bowed.

"What did you mean by me being 'annoyingly curious,'" She asked, and he chuckled.

"I mean, you don't hide your feelings at all, and a good portion of the time, I don't know why you feel them." He explained, "Just a sudden burst of happiness like a moment ago, or anger that disperses quickly, tinges of seemingly random emotions at odd times. I can sense what people are feeling, but I can't sense why." He admitted as they reached the stairs and began to climb.

"I guess I don't know how to hide them." She shrugged, a bit embarrassed, "I have to assume that everyone around you knows how to hide their feelings, but I never had to do that, so I don't know how." She explained, "I can try and learn,"

"No." He quickly interrupted, "I like it. I like feeling like there's someone not scared of me, even if it's not true."

"I'm not scared of you." She answered instantly.

He hummed as they reached the top of the stairs, turned the corner, and Kathrine Ann gasped as she was pushed against the wall. Lucifer had her pinned, an arm on each side blocking any escape, and his body dangerously close to hers.

"You're not scared of me, huh?" He asked, staring her in the eyes and grinning.

"No." She replied confidently despite her pink cheeks, "You are one of the few people I'm not scared of here."

"Good," He replied, "I don't want you to be scared of me." Kathrine Ann saw something sad in his eyes when he said those words. Sad and worried.

"Can I go now?" She asked after a moment of silence. His eye's snapped back to hers, and a smirk appeared on his lips,

"Not yet. I believe you owe me something." He smirked, leaning in closer, and she could smell the sweet whiskey still on his breath.

Kathrine Ann was puzzled for a moment before remembering the promise she had made him earlier. Her face lit up like a Christmas bulb as Lucifer moved one arm around her waist and pulled her body close to his. Their eyes locked, Lucifer's fingers caressed the small of her back, and her breath caught. His lips were nearly on hers, but before they connected, she snapped out of his trance and quickly placed a finger between their lips. This didn't stop her shameful Devil, though. His tongue slipped out, and he licked her entire finger, "A promise is a promise, Baby Girl." He said in a bit of a huskier tone.

"Yes, but my greedy Prince, the night isn't over, and you still have some explaining to do." She reminded, receiving an annoyed growl in response, "Also, your father is standing across the hall, making this whole situation a bit awkward." She added, pushing away from him and ducking under his arm, "Think I'll go shower while you two talk. Good evening Lord Lucifer." She bowed and walked away, embarrassed but amused, as she heard a long, irritated sigh echo behind her.