Lucifer "A Dangerous Deal."

Lucifer left his father's room and walked slowly back towards his own, hands in his pocket and mind racing, trying to figure out what could be done to lure out his Baby Girl's assassin.

'I want to meet her.' His demon side spoke up unexpectedly, startling Lucifer yet again and causing him to flinch.

"Will you stop fucking doing that?" He hissed, taking a deep composing breath, "And no."

'Why!?' His other half demanded, 'She wants to meet me remember?'

"That's because she doesn't know you." He rolled his eyes and started to walk again.

'Fine!' He growled, 'No deal then.'

"What deal?" Lucifer laughed, "I don't remember making a deal with you."

'After our little heart-to-heart, I thought maybe you were right. Perhaps I wanted her to want me. But then I decided I didn't really give a shit if she wanted me. Maybe you need her to give herself to you willingly, but I think I'll enjoy it either way. I am fine with taking what I want. It's you that 'wants her to want us,' but I figured we could make a deal. However, seeing as you aren't willing to negotiate,'

Lucifer groaned loudly, "So all I have to do is let you meet her?"

'One day, no interference.'

"Ha! So you can,"

'I won't. You have my word.' He assured as they reached the door to his room.

"Your word!" Lucifer scoffed, "I have pocket lint more valuable than that ."

'I swear on mother's grave.' He promised.

"Mother doesn't have a grave." Lucifer reminded as he opened the door to his room only to find Kathrine Ann wide awake, sitting in the middle of the bed, hugging her knees and staring at the tv.

"Baby Girl?" He questioned as she looked at him. Out of habit, he looked to his left wrist to check the time, but he wasn't wearing his watch. However, the dark sky outside of the window gave away it was still nighttime. "What are you doing awake?"

Lucifer closed the door and took in the space as she shrugged, "Woke up and couldn't go back to sleep." She claimed, but he sensed a cocktail of emotions. He smelt relief, annoyance, embarrassment, and a quickly fading sadness.

"You missed me." He accused as the corner of his lips curled.

"No, I didn't!" She denied, but she couldn't hide the truth from him, "We just saw each other a bit ago. I did not miss you." She scoffed a bit too dramatically as he strolled across the room, stopping at the foot of the bed.

"Yes, you did." He laughed, tapping his nose before placing his palms on the wooden frame and leaning forward.

"I did not! It's that blood?" She asked, suddenly changing the subject as she leaned forward and squinted.

"Where?" He questioned, and she pointed to a spot on her face right under her hairline, which he mimicked, and sure enough, he found blood. "Seems I missed a spot."

She was about to ask the next obvious question, but realization struck first, "It's from that guy, right? What was his name," She hummed, tapping her chin, "Damien! The guy who tried to poison me."

"Correct you are, Baby Girl." He verified, pushing off the frame and starting to unfasten the buttons of his shirt.

"So that's where you were." She mumbled with relief.

"Where else would I have gone in the middle of the night?" He replied but quickly added, "And if you say,"

"I wasn't going to," She interrupted, "I just thought maybe you left Hell or something. It wouldn't be the first time you left in the middle of the night for an undisclosed amount of time with little to no explanation." She admitted picking at the hem of her shirt.

"So that's why you were worried?" He asked, amused and slightly flattered, moving on to the last button, "That I left Hell without telling you?"

She gave a little embarrassed shrug, not meeting his eyes, "I just don't like being left in the dark about things, is all."

Lucifer took off the shirt and tossed it onto the bed before walking towards the bathroom while unbuttoning his pants, "Oh, is that all? Well, I promise, Baby Girl, from now on, I will tell you before I leave to go anywhere." He reassured, walking into the bathroom. He had almost shut the door when he suddenly pulled it open and stuck his head out, "Oh, I'm going to the shower, so no need to worry. Try not to miss me too..." He pulled his head back through the door and shut it quickly before hearing the thud of the pillow she threw at him hit the door. With a laugh, he stripped off the rest of his clothes and jumped into the shower.


Lucifer towel-dried his hair before tossing the towel back onto the hook he got it from.

"Opps." He mumbled, realizing he had forgotten to grab underwear. With a shrug, he walked out of the bathroom, "Sorry, Baby Girl, I forgot to,"

Lucifer stopped as his eyes fell on his sleeping doll. She was hugging her pillow, eyes closed, and sound asleep. The interesting part was where she was sleeping. Usually, she slept far from him on her side of the bed, yet at the moment, she slumbered in the middle of the large bed facing his side. Had that just been the spot she unintentionally fell asleep in? The television was still on, so she could have been waiting for him to get out of the shower. Or had she purposely chosen to fall asleep closer to his side? Did she want to be closer to him? Had things truly changed so quickly? Lucifer went back and forth, trying to figure out this simple conundrum, but in the end, as he crawled into bed in only his underwear, he still hadn't decided which scenario he believed. Shutting off the tv, he pulled the covers up over his Baby Girl and himself contemplating testing his luck by pulling her into his embrace.

'You haven't answered me, Luce.' His annoying voice echoed through his head, breaking his train of thought.

"Fine." Lucifer whispered, looking up at the ceiling while stretching out and placing his left arm behind his head, "I'll give you one day, but I choose what day."

'Make it soon. You know I'm not patient, Louie.'

"I'm giving you what you want. Now, will you shut up and go to sleep already?"

"That's no way to speak to your wife." Her soft voice replied with a hint of raspiness.

Lucifer turned his head to the side to find his Baby Girl looking at him through one bright green eye, the other still closed. A chuckle radiated through his chest as she yawned and rubbed her eyes.