Baby Girl "We Did What?"

Kathrine Ann yawned and rubbed her eyes as Lucifer chuckled,

"I wasn't talking to you, Baby Girl." He reassured, propping up his left elbow and resting his chin on his hand.

"It was him, wasn't it?" She asked, mocking his position but using her right arm.

"You'll find out soon enough." Lucifer sighed as she perked up, "but not tonight. Now go back to sleep, my precariously inquisitive doll."

She let out an overdramatic sigh and dropped back to her pillow with a stretch. Instead of moving back to her side of the bed, she stayed where she was, causing a small smile to cross her husband's lips that went unnoticed.

"Luce?" She mumbled after cuddling into the blankets.

"Hum?" He answered, dropping to his pillow as well.

"Damien? You killed him, didn't you?" She accused more than asked but with no disgust or spite. She just wanted to know the truth. There was a pause as she stared into his bottomless blue eyes.

"Yes." He answered honestly with no sense of regret.

"Did you find out anything useful?" Was her following query.

"Nothing I didn't already know, unfortunately. But there is no need for you to worry, Baby Girl. I will keep you safe, just as I did tonight I will do again tomorrow and the next."

There was a long pause before Lucifer settled himself under the covers, but Kathrine Ann couldn't, and she knew he knew. Despite knowing he could sense her unease, she could also feel his gaze burning into her. So before he could point out the obvious emotion she was trying to hide, she took a deep breath and blurted, "I'm sorry."

"About?" He asked.

"When I first got here, all I could think about was how unfair this whole situation was for me. Poor little Kat, doomed to marry the Devil, but in truth, I went from a simple little human to the Queen of Hell. You're kinda a dick sometimes and have no idea how to behave as a partner, much less a husband, but you are trying and didn't ask for this, either. You've gone from a carefree Prince to a glorified babysitter." She admitted with a sad sigh.

"Oh, I wouldn't say a babysitter," He replied, "more like the caregiver of a feisty old lady,

"Hey!" She fussed, punching him in the arm.

"What? You said it, not me!" He defended, rubbing the spot where she hit him. "If I remember correctly, your exact words were, 'How does it feel to marry an old lady?'" She huffed and turned her back to him. Though she wasn't really that upset, she didn't want him to see her smile, "Oh, don't be pouty, Baby Girl. Besides, having you around has been quite entertaining." He explained, causing her to roll back and look over her shoulder just enough to see his face, but Lucifer was on his back. Both hands were behind his head, and he was staring at the ceiling with a smile on his face. "Very few things interest me anymore, nothing that makes me feel much of anything besides boredom and redundancy. You see, when you're as old as me, the world, no matter which one, becomes a very dull place. It's one of the reasons I like children so much. Their eyes are filled with awe and excitement. Every new thing or place holds potential for an adventure, and the thought of danger or their own mortality is nowhere in their innocent little minds. It reminds me of how things used to be." He rolled over to face her, "You make me excited again, Baby Girl. Like a child experiencing something new, finding something worth holding onto, and cherishing it."

"Wow, you are quite the sharer tonight, my Prince." Kathrine Ann giggled and rolled over to face him despite the blush on her cheeks from his sweet confession, "Maybe I'm not the only one who loosens up after a bit too much to drink."

He lifted a brow and sighed, "Maybe you're right, or maybe I trust you, or maybe if I share more about myself, you'll give me more than a kiss?" He teased.

Kathrine Ann shook her head, exasperated by this shameless man, but admitted, "Honestly, I wouldn't mind." and Lucifer shifted closer, "but," She quickly added, stopping him, "Since we're quoting each other, 'I won't share you, Lucifer. In fact, you'll find I'm very greedy.' I changed the name, but you get the point. Do what you want. I won't tell you not to, but understand you will never have me if you have another. I'm not that kind of girl, Luce." And with that, she rolled over as he let out a loud sigh.

"I know that, Baby Girl. I doubt I'd like you as much if you were." He muttered, and she felt the lightest tug on her hair as he played with a few strands, "Good night Kathrine Ann."


Kathrine Ann stretched out her hands and yawned as her eyes fluttered open. The bright light from the suns burned a bit as she sat up and rubbed the sleep out of them.

"Good morning, Baby Girl. Slept well?" Lucifer asked as he leaned against the door frame leading to the bathroom, no shirt on and a cocky smirk on his lips.

"Probably would have been better with one less glass of wine." She mumbled, noticing the slight throb right behind her eyes.

"Apologies, I forgot how easily you humans are affected by alcohol." He chuckled, pushing off the frame and walking towards the closet, "Though I suppose it worked out in my favor." He winked, causing embarrassment to stain her cheeks, and she was sure it filled the room. 'Think Kat! Think of how to respond!' She ordered herself, trying to gain control of her thoughts.

"Luce?" She asked in a shy and tiny voice, "What do you mean worked in your favor?"

Lucifer stopped abruptly but slowly turned, the smirk he wore so shamelessly moments ago gone, "Pardon?"

"Well, it's just there are parts of last night that are a bit...uhh, fuzzy." She sighed, letting her embarrassment take over.

"You don't remember last night?" He asked carefully, and she could tell he was not happy.

"I remember everything!" She defended, "Up until we got back to your car. After that, just poof." She admitted picking at the blanket and only sneaking quick peaks at her frustrated Devil. 'Keep it together, Kat.' She told herself silently.

"Just poof, huh?" He mumbled through gritted teeth, "Look at me." He demanded. Slowly, Kathrine Ann lifted her head until his beautiful blues captured her eyes. There was silence as he stared into her like he was trying to figure something out. Finally, a small half-smile appeared on his lips, "So you remember nothing from when we got back to the room, hum?"

"Sorry, no, I did something dumb, didn't I?" She mumbled, placing her hands over her face dramatically.

"It was quite cute, actually." He explained, walking over and sitting on the bed, "You see, Baby Girl, last night you admitted your undying love for me." He claimed as Kathrine Ann's head popped up to stare at him with wide eyes.

" I," Lucifer lifted a brow, "Really?"

"Oh yes, you also threw yourself on me, saying you were ready, but I couldn't. After all, you were soooo drunk it wouldn't have been right to take advantage of you, despite your desperate pleading. The only way I could get you to stop was to leave. I spent all night in the woods sleeping on the cold hard ground—"

"Damn it!" She huffed, crossing her arms, "I thought I had you."

He laughed, "You did for a moment. Very smart to hide the truth in your embarrassment. However, your eyes gave you away, my mischievous doll. Now come on, let's get ready for,"

The door burst open, interrupting Lucifer,

"Lucifer!" Belial gasped, "Throne room! Now!"