Lucifer "Reestablishment of Hierarchy."

When Lucifer entered Viskiam's hospital room, the main room was empty, but the bathroom door was shut. Quietly, Lucifer sat in the chair next to the bed, laced his fingers, crossed one leg over the other, and waited. The bathroom door opened after a minute or two, and Viskiam exited. The right sleeve of his shirt was cut off, and his arm was bound tightly in bandages. His silver hair was a disheveled mess, and his eyes were distant. Lucifer could tell his mind was elsewhere as he was oblivious to the Devil in the corner. He walked to the other side of the bed and sat.

"Something troubling you, old friend?" Lucifer asked, leaning forward so his elbows were on his leg and his chin rested on his intertwined fingers.

The unexpected question made Viskiam jump to his feet defensively, but he quickly relaxed when his eyes fell on Lucifer.

"Louie!" He gasped, "Thank God!"

"Wrong end of the spectrum, I'm afraid," Lucifer replied, glaring at the elf, "You have some explaining to do, Kiam."

"Is she okay? Azazel?" He asked, ignoring the remark.

"She will be, but I want to know what happened," Lucifer ordered, and Viskiam's shoulders dropped.

"I was hoping you would tell me." He sighed, walking around the bed and reseating himself across from Lucifer, "Azazel showed up with the orders from your father, as usual, and I signed her permits. After that, she went on her way. A few hours ago, she crawled up the steps of the embassy, bleeding, dragging her leg, and screaming about hunters. I grabbed her and pulled her inside. Her nails dug into my arm. That's how this happened." He explained, lifting his wrapped arm, " I brought her back immediately." He finished, noticeably relieved to get the story out.

"You didn't see any hunters?" Lucifer asked.

"No, but she didn't do that to herself," Kiam replied, "I'm sorry, Louie. She should have had a guard with her, but she always refused, so I stopped insisting. She says a guard would only slow her down, and Lord Lucifer,"

"Lord Lucifer sends her because she's the fastest." Lucifer sighed, "Sounds like Azazel. Where was she going, Kiam?"

"The usual places. Nowhere particularly dangerous, she had to pass through the Dedum territory, but they have no issue with demons. I believe they actually prefer halflings over regular elves."

"She didn't explain or say anything about what happened?"

"No, she was messed up, Louie. I didn't think I would get her back in time."

"Hunters?" Was all Lucifer replied.

"I don't know," Kiam shrugged, "Sure, we have one pop-up here and there but never anything like this. Not in years, I would have told you." There was a long pause, "There have been rumors, though,"


"It's more of a silly legend. I looked into it multiple times and found nothing, just pureblood kids telling horror stories to halflings."


"The undergrowth." Kiam sighed, running his uninjured hand through his hair, messing it up even more.

"The what?" Lucifer laughed.

"I know, dumb name, but they're allegedly an underground guild of hunters who pledge their lives to keep Shain pure and rid it of any unpure blood, including, and mainly, demon blood," Kiam explained, rolling his eyes.

"And you chose not to inform me of this," Lucifer snapped, sitting straight up and uncrossing his legs,

"It's not real, Louie. I looked into the allegations thoroughly and multiple times." He reassured, but this meant little to Lucifer, "The most my team or I ever found was campfire stories and sleepover tall tales. None of the alleged 'attacks' or 'missing halflings' were ever confirmed. There is no proof, no evidence, and no victims. Just a stupid legend."

"And yet I have one of my own lying in a hospital bed after a routine visit to your world, claiming hunters attacked her." He snapped.

"She's my kin too!" Kiam growled, "You think I take this lightly?"

There was a long pause, "I know what is at risk if an uprising occurs, Lucifer. I have way more to lose than you if a war starts. I will find who did this, and I highly doubt it has anything to do with,"

"I want names. Any person who is possibly involved in this 'undergrowth' group." Lucifer interrupted, "You should have informed me of this earlier, Kiam. No matter how silly or harmless you believe, it is. I don't take hunters or the suspicion of them lightly. Whether whoever did this is involved or not, I want to know everything about this group."

"Louie, many of these rumors are from kids, teenagers," Viskiam argued.

"I don't care! Someone attacked Azazel, and I can not, nor will I overlook it. Anyone who may know anything I want questioned. Children, teenagers, and adults. If a fucking house pet seems suspicious, I want it questioned. If you can't do that, I'll go myself." Lucifer threatened as his demon half finally decided to show up at the possibility of torturing someone.

"Consider it done, my Prince." Viskiam rose and bowed, "A week, and I'll have everything in order."

"I'll give you two before I visit, but I want names and leads. No one attacks my people and gets away with it."

Kiam nodded and rubbed his eyes, "Can I see her?"

"No, she has just gotten out of surgery, and I imagine it'll be a while before she wakes and even longer before she can have visitors." Lucifer answered as he took in his old friend, the usually proud, pristine elf slumped over a bit, and the bags under his eyes showed the long, exhausting ordeal he had been through, "Look, Kiam, go back to the castle and get some sleep, Grandpapa knows we could all use some." Lucifer instructed, pulling the pack and matches out of his pocket as he stood up, "I trust you remember where your old room is, and I imagine you'll find it just as you left it. You'll join us for dinner as well. You could use a good meal." He lit a cigarette, stowed the pack, and tossed the extinguished match into the trash, "Tomorrow, you can check on Azazel before heading home."

"Thank you, Louie." He replied with a worn smile, grabbing his few personal items from a side table. He slipped a simple band onto his pinky finger, giving it an affectionate touch before pocketing the other things.

"I'll have Thron bring the car to the front of the hospital. He'll take you back." Lucifer added as he pulled out his phone and quickly typed the instructions before sending the message to his guard.

"Will you not be joining?" Kiam asked, his purple eyes turning to Lucifer's.

"No, sadly, I fear it'll take some time and convincing to persuade my Baby Girl to leave for the night. We should be home by dinner, I hope."

The elf's eye's brightened, and Lucifer saw a bit of Viskiams usual self, "And how is that going? Has she filed for divorce yet?"

"No. A pleasant surprise, actually. The situation isn't nearly as annoying as I thought it would be; she's lovely." He smiled as his mind drifted back to his sweet doll, and his thumb ran over his own wedding band.

"I hope she shares your sentiments," Kiam smirked, "Wouldn't want her swaying towards someone else. After all, you two aren't married out of love." He accused, reminding Lucifer of the cold words said on his wedding night.

Lucifer tsked as he crossed the room, "Careful, Kiam, I've already warned you about your curiosity for my wife once.

Kiam chuckled, "Thanks again, Louie. See you two at dinner."

Lucifer left the room and strolled towards the stairs this time.

He took a long drag off the cigarette he held between his fingers when he heard the sound of hurried footsteps, "Hey! Hey, you! There's no smoking in," Yelled one of the hospital's orderlies, but her sentence was cut short when he turned to face her, "M...My Prince!"

"I'm sorry, were you speaking to me?" He asked, knowing very well the woman had been yelling at him.

"No, nope." She answered, turning as red as a tomato.

"Are you sure?" He smirked, looking around to emphasize that there was no one else the woman could be fussing at.

"It's nothing, my Prince, Nothing at all."

Before he could pick on her anymore, she backed away and vanished around the corner. Lucifer continued to the stairs pulling ever so often from his cigarette as he descended back to the waiting room where he had left his Baby Girl. However, Lucifer found himself alone, and when he entered the room that Azazel had been treated in, both she and his wife were absent. There were a couple of men cleaning the room, and before he could ask, one of the men greeted him with a bow,

"Young Lord, Azazel has been moved a floor up to room 303, and the Princess has accompanied her."

Lucifer left the room without a word and followed the man's directions. Soon he stood in front of room 303. With a light knock, he pushed open the door and found his Baby Girl sitting in a similar chair to the one he had sat in when talking to Kiam. Her head rested against the wall, and her eyes closed. She was sleeping, and he wasn't in the least bit surprised. It had been a long night for all of them. Lucifer took a drag from his cigarette before approaching the bed where Azazel lay silently. Lifting her limp hand, he dropped it with a light thud but didn't get a single reaction from the half-demon,

"Wish I could have a bit of what you're on." He mumbled, raising the cigarette to his mouth and holding it between his lips. He grabbed the chart on the wall beside the bed and flipped through the doctor's notes.

"She'll be fine," Came a sleepy voice from the chair next to him, "I suspect just a few days, and she'll be out of here." His Baby Girl informed, rolling her neck and straightening up.

"You need sleep, Baby Girl." He informed, returning the clipboard and turning to her.

"I'm fine. I was resting my eyes." She explained, standing up and closing the distance between them.

"Sure, and my mother was a lovely woman," Lucifer replied as his exhausted doll rolled her eyes and plucked the cigarette from his lips.

"This is a hospital, Luce." She fussed, extinguishing the cigarette by dropping it into a cup of water.

Lucifer huffed, "It's not tobacco, Baby Girl. It's quite good for you." He protested, "It helps me relax."

"Jesus Christ, Lucifer!" She snapped, "Are you seriously smoking weed in the hospital?"

"What is a weed, and what does my uncle have to do with it?" He questioned, giving her a confused look, "Also, why do you keep bringing him up?"

"Marijuana." She elaborated with accusing eyes and ignored the last part of his question.

"Baby Girl!" He gasped in fake shock, "I would never." He reassured, and, naively, she calmed a bit as his lips curled into a smirk, "Something as weak as that Earth plant would never do for me."

"Really?" She scowled.

"Yes, maybe you should have some, my prude doll." He suggested, "Now come, we're going home. I need a nap and shower before dinner, and you do too."

"No way, Boss," She refused, sitting back in the chair, "I'm not leaving Azazel here alone."

Lucifer let his head fall back and moaned, "Come on, Baby Girl, it's already been a long day, and it's barely past lunch. Azazel isn't going anywhere. We can come back tomorrow. Besides,"

"Nope." She interrupted, crossing her arms, "I don't want her waking up alone, and shame on you for just wanting to leave her." She fussed, shaking a finger at him, "If you want to go, you can, but I'm staying."

"Kathrine Ann, you are not staying in Hell City without me. You know that, and she's not going,"

"Then get comfy, Luce, because I'm not leaving Azazel alone, and as her friend, you shouldn't want to either." She interrupted again, causing Lucifer to become very annoyed. His hands clenched into fists, and a low growl came from his throat. Immidetly, wary filled the room. He walked slowly to where she sat and placed a hand on each chair arm for support. His defiant doll tensed up as he leaned close, bringing his face only inches from hers, his demon rising to just below the surface, ready to pounce. Still, Lucifer was in complete control, "You're being very disrespectful, Kathrine Ann. It would seem you've forgotten who you married. Anyone else who would dare to defy me and cut me off would find themselves in a very unpleasant situation. However, you're not just someone. You're my wife, the future queen, and I care about you very much, but I will not tolerate disrespect from anyone, including you, my precious wife." She stared back at him. Her breath caught as she swallowed, and her apprehension hung in the air. He didn't like it, but she crossed a line. Lucifer sighed and softened his glare. With one hand, he reached up and brushed her cheek with his fingers, "Now, what I was trying to tell you is that Azazel won't be alone." Lucifer pushed away from the chair, "Her father and brother should be here any moment, and I believe they will wish to be the ones staying with her overnight. I know you're worried, but Azazel will be fine, and she will have her family here with her when she wakes."

Lucifer heard her stand up and take a deep calming breath. A few steps and a tap on his shoulder. Lucifer turned to face his Baby Girl, "I am sorry, Luce. You're right; I was being disrespectful by not letting you talk. It was rude, especially after how sweet you've been,"

He placed a finger over her lips, stopping her, "It's okay, and it's over. Let's go home. I am exhausted."

She nodded and quickly looked at Azazel before moving towards the door. She grabbed the handle just as it pushed open. The force knocked her back, causing her to stumble, and she fell,

"Kathrine Ann!" He gasped, quickly moving to help her as a large man entered the room. He was tall and broad, with long brown hair braided down his back. He went directly for the bed where Azazel lay peacefully. Lucifer stifled the anger raging through him as he gently helped up his Baby Girl, who was cringing and cradling her wrist, "Are you okay?"

"Yea, I'm fine, Luce." She reassured as another older man entered the room, but Lucifer could sense her pain and see her wrist starting to swell, "Is that her family?"

Lucifer stepped away from his wife just as the man turned from Azazel's bed. His anger-filled eyes met Lucifer's red-rimmed ones. His demon was pissed, clawing to get through, and if Lucifer hadn't been just as mad, he would have found it interesting that his demon was so affected by the unintended attack on his wife.

"Alrion!" He growled in an authoritative voice causing the older man to tense up, but the man staring at him didn't seem bothered, "You hurt my wife."

"And you put my sister in a hospital bed." He yelled.

"Alley, calm yourself." Snapped the older man as he crossed the room to where his wife stood, and Lucifer closed the gap between himself and Alrion.

Alrion was a few inches taller than Lucifer and quite a bit bigger. He looked up at the seething man, "Remember your place, or I'll gladly remind you of it." Lucifer warned.

"Remind me? What are you going to do, Louie? Take me to one of your little torture chambers?"

"Alrion!" His father hissed, "Catch your tongue. You are speaking to your Prince."

"Prince or not, my sister is in this bed because of his carelessness, so I will say what I have to and if he wants to call his guards to tie me up and drag me away, fine!" He growled, "Do your worst 'Little Lord.'" He finished with a mocking tone.

Lucifer took a deep breath, trying to calm both parts of him, reminding himself that Alrion and his father had a right to be upset. Alrion was known for his short fuse and explosive temper. Alrion was always getting himself into trouble because of it. Everyone knows he doesn't mean it,

'Fuck it, he knows better.' Lucifer finally gave in, 'Just a gentle reminder of his place.'

Excitement bubbled up from his demon half, 'Hell yeah, I can't stand this asshole.'

'Gentle reminder, and when I say gentle, I mean my definition of the word, not yours. He is still Azazel's brother.'

'Why should I care if he's her brother? I don't like her either.' He retorted.

'Forget it. I knew I couldn't trust,'

'Fine,' he groaned, 'Gentle reminder. Now let me out! Nobody hurts my wife but me.'

Lucifer rolled his eyes at himself and allowed his other half to take over, but he held onto the reins, ready to pull him back if necessary.

Lucifer took a couple of slow strides as his lips curled up into a menacing smile, and as he moved, Alrion's eyes followed, his uncontrollable anger saturating the air. Lucifer started laughing, but the laugh was wicked, and the tension in the room doubled. He finally took his blood-red eyes off the floor and looked up at Alrion, whose anger shifted quickly into fear. This fear he liked. As abruptly as the laughter started, it stopped, leaving fear-riddled anticipation.

"You have clearly forgotten what this 'Little Lord' is capable of, Alrion." His words slow and threatening, "Let me remind you."