Baby Girl "What's Wrong With My Devil?"

Everything had happened so fast. One second, Kathrine Ann was reaching for the door so she and Lucifer could go home, and now she stood in the tension-thick hospital room of her closest friend, clutching her throbbing and swelling wrist. However, despite the pain, her eyes were on her suddenly psychotic husband as he creepily laughed at the angry, giant man she now knew was Alrion, Azazel's brother. Kathrine Ann deduced that the older, quieter man that had come to her side and asked if she was okay had to be Azazel's father and despite the strange scene unfolding, she kept glancing over at the older man. Finally, they caught eyes, and he gave her a warm but worried smile and a slight head bow. Lucifer laughed and slowly walked around Alrion. With a sudden stop to both his movement and laughter, Lucifer looked up with a broad smile that revealed his razor-sharp teeth and glowing red eyes, causing Kathrine Ann to gasp. There was only a tiny hint of blue around his pupils, and she knew instantly that this wasn't her Luce. This wasn't the same Devil she knew. Alrion, who stood taller and broader than Lucifer, quickly stepped back, and the anger vanished from his face, only to be replaced with fear.

"You have obviously forgotten what this Little Lord is capable of, Alrion." His words came out as a growl, "Let me remind you."

Kathrine Ann only caught a blur before the whole room seemed to shake as the large body of Alrion was now pinned to the wall, Lucifer's left hand holding him by his neck with ease. The bandage he had wrapped around his hand was stained with Azazel's dried blood. Of all the things to pass through her mind, this stuck for some reason. So much had happened within the last two nights that it seemed like many days had passed since he explained how he had accomplished injuring himself.

"How easily you've forgotten what I am capable of. It seems my charming and sweet angelic side has allowed many to think I've gone soft, and maybe I need to make an example of someone to remind everyone in this damned place who the fuck I am!"

She watched as Lucifer raised Alrion from the floor while the man desperately grabbed and clawed at her Devil's hand, but his grip only tightened,

"Please, Young Lord," The old man piped up, "Alrion didn't mean it. He gets impulsive and reckless when he's upset."

"Oh, I know, and I think it's time he learns how to manage those feelings,"

"Luce, stop, please!" Kathrine Ann lunged forward, finally snapping out of her trance, "You're mad at me. Take it out on me."

She grabbed his arm, and his intense eyes snapped to her, "Don't ever call me that. If he likes that silly little pet name, so be it, but I do not."

"Okay," She nodded, clutching his arm.

Lucifer's red eyes scanned her from head to toe like he was seeing her for the first time before his eyes landed on where her small hand clutched his arm. All while, Alrion gasped and squirmed, "Okay, my Prince. Whatever you like, just please let him go."

Lucifer turned back to Alrion, whose face was bright red. He tilted his head from side to side like he was considering it, "Nah." She was about to plead with him, but suddenly, he tensed up, "No, not yet!" He hissed under his breath as he struggled against an invisible force. After a moment, Lucifer released Alrion, who dropped to the floor with a loud thump, and as he sputtered and coughed, her blue-eyed Devil turned to her running his fingers through his tousled hair. She let out a relieved sigh and let go of his arm as Lucifer turned back to Alrion,

"Get up, Alrion," He ordered, and Alrion obeyed, rubbing his neck. Now that the chaos seemed to have settled, she became aware of the painful ache in her wrist, "Don't say a word. Shut that foolish mouth and listen carefully before I string you up for all of Hell to see." He began, "You hurt my wife,"

"I didn't realize," Alrion interrupted through gritted teeth.

"The Crowned Princess of Hell. A woman very few have had the honor of meeting, and you shoved her to the floor,"

"It wasn't my intention," He tried again.

"And broke her wrist." Lucifer continued talking over Alrion, but his patience was running out.

"My sister,"

"Will be fine." He snapped,

"Fine? She doesn't look fine to me." Alrion growled, fists clenched.

"How do you do it, Zadazious?" Lucifer groaned, throwing his hands up in frustration, "I didn't say she was fine. I said she will be fine. You are a grown man! A fucking adult, yet I know toddlers who listen better than you. Shut the fuck up and listen." Lucifer barked, closing the gap between them so that their faces were very close. His eyes had begun to redden again, and Alrion shut his mouth quickly, "Now that I have your undivided attention, I'm going to explain something to you one last time. So make sure these words get through that thick skull of yours because It's likely if you ever, and I mean ever, talk to me the way you just did when you entered this room, being Azazel's brother won't save you. Which, for the record, is the only reason you are still standing here. If it weren't for your sister, I would have imprisoned you long ago because of your smart-ass mouth." Lucifer took a deep breath and straightened out the wrinkled collar of Alrion's shirt, all while wearing a strained smile, "You ready? You're listening closely, correct?" Alrion nodded, but Kathrine Ann could see his teeth grinding, "I did not nor have I ever ordered your sister to leave Hell. If I need something from another world, I go and get it because I can. Your sister's orders come from my father. He allows her to leave this world to obtain rare materials for your family's watch shop, and in return, she delivers and acquires parcels for my father, but I think you know that, yet you choose to snap at me because you think I won't kill you where you stand." Lucifer turned away from Alrion with a deep breath, calming himself, "Don't make the mistake of crossing me again, Alrion. Now, Baby Girl, we are taking our leave."

Kathrine Ann quickly nodded and shuffled to Lucifer's side, where he gently took her arm and examined the injured wrist. He let out a low growl before slipping one arm carefully around her waist and leading her to the door and out into the hall. The couple walked silently till they got to the nurse's station,

"I need a doctor to examine my wife's wrist." He ordered at no one in particular, causing three different people to scatter.

"I can wait till we get back to the castle." Kathrine Ann responded in a hushed tone, "Belial,"

"It's hurting you," He countered.

"It's not that," But before she could finish, Lucifer glared at her. His blue eyes pointed, telling her that his mind was stubbornly set.

It didn't take long for not one but two doctors to appear. One was tall and slim with black fingernails, a greyish skin tone, and strange orange eyes, while the other was short and stocky with grey hair, brown eyes, and no oddities that she could see. Honestly, he reminded her of a human. The duo wasted no time shuffling them into a private room. After a quick examination, it was decided that her wrist was only sprained. She would be okay with a tight wrap, some ice, and a week, give or take.

"I'll grab a mild pain reliever," The taller doctor with orange eyes suggested as the smaller grey-haired one gently but tightly wrapped her wrist while she tried to hide her discomfort, but each ping of pain seemed to earn the doctor a glare from her scowling Devil.

"That's okay. I don't need," Kathrine Ann began, but Lucifer's stern eyes snapped on her, and though she wasn't looking at him, she could feel his stare, "Actually, a pain reliever would be lovely?" She corrected, looking over to meet her husband's gaze. Lucifer gave her a slight nod and looked back at the doctor, wrapping her hand and causing him to tense up and focus on his task. Lucifer had been eerily quiet, and Kathrine Ann wondered if he was still mad at her. She hadn't meant to upset him earlier. She just wanted to stay with Azazel. Maybe she shouldn't have kept cutting him off, but was she deserving of the silent treatment and stern looks? Was something else bothering him, and her actions just made it worse? As Lucifer pulled out his phone and started typing something, Kathrine Ann lost herself in her own worries and thoughts. She got so lost that the sudden appearance of the tall doctor next to her went unnoticed, but his touch on her arm was cold and unexpected. She snapped back with a gasp just as the doctor was about to stick her with a needle. Lucifer's eyes snapped up, and the nervous grey-haired doctor jumped back, knocking over the small table next to him with a loud bang, while the tall doctor's orange eyes went wide as Lucifer's hand wrapped around his wrist, pulling the hand with the syringe high into the air.

"What do you think you're doing?" He hissed, and Kathrine Ann saw a sliver of red ringing his pupil.

"The...the pain reliever, my Prince." The doctor stuttered.

Lucifer plucked the needle from the doctor with his free hand, and before anyone realized what he was doing, he jabbed it into his arm, injecting himself with a small amount of its contents,

"Luce, what are you," She trailed off as he stared blankly at the wall.

The whole room fell silent for what felt like minutes. Lucifer held the orange-eyed doctor's wrist, the grey-haired one still on the ground staring at the other doctor, and Kathrine Ann stared at Lucifer, holding her breath as the seconds slowly ticked away. Finally, Lucifer's eyes focused, and he released the doctor's hand, " Proceed." He replied, sitting back down and pulling his phone back out.