Lucifer "I Just Want A Nap.”

Lucifer sat back down in the chair next to his Baby Girl and pulled out his phone as the orange-eyed weirdo injected her with the painkiller. He felt the sudden peak in her anxiety as the needle pierced her skin. The last few hours had been a rollercoaster ride of emotions coming at him from every direction, stacking on top of her already raw feelings, and it was suffocating him. All he wanted was to crawl into bed and sleep. Pull his sweet Baby Girl into his arms to calm him...No; his dependency on her was growing dangerous! It was one thing to want, but he was beginning to need it, to need the touch of her skin, that sweet smell that was most prominent in her hair. His hand gripped tightly to the phone, and he felt the glass crack a bit. Lucifer tried to focus on the new message, but his demon was trying to push through.

'Why is he touching her!?' He growled, 'Stop letting these disgusting creatures touch her!'

'Will you shut up?' Lucifer moaned internally, 'I don't have the energy for you right now.'

'Let me out, you weak piece of shit!' He demanded.

'Why? What the fuck do you even care?'

'If I can't touch her, no one can.'

'Huh, sounds like you care about our Little Wife.' Lucifer noted.

'Oh, please! You're the pathetic weak one allowing her to affect you, not me!' He accused, but Lucifer felt his presence fade allowing him to relax just a bit.

He hadn't noticed it earlier, but it became evident that his demon didn't like it when their wife was involved with other men. He had been absent till Kiam mentioned her and struck a nerve with all of him. Since then, he's been ever-present, and that whole incident with Alrion had him right on the surface trying to reemerge since, so the momentary reprieve was appreciated.

Twenty minutes, that's what Thron had messaged. He would be here in twenty minutes. He felt her light touch on his arm, making him look at her,

"You're mad at me?" She asked.

He looked around and realized it was just the two of them in the room. His Baby Girl pulled her hand back and picked at the bandage on her wrist. She kept her eyes down, but he could feel her sadness and worry. He could tell she was on the verge of tears, making him uncomfortable and confused. Sure his sensitive doll could get emotional, but she wasn't the type to get this upset this easily, especially not to the point of tears.

He shook his head, "No, Baby Girl, I'm not mad."

"You're upset, and I can tell," She stated.

"Yes, but not with you." Lucifer interrupted with a sigh, "A lot has happened today, and honestly, I just want to sleep."

She nodded, but he could tell she didn't believe him. He was about to respond when the creepy doctor with the eyes walked back in,

"All set, Milord, Milady. You're free to go, and please call if there are any issues." He bowed as his Baby Girl scooted to the edge of her bed, but she stumbled when she tried to shift from the mattress to the floor. Lucifer quickly caught her around the waist, "Baby Girl?"

"What the Hell did they give me?" She mumbled, wobbling a bit as she tried to find her balance.

His eyes immediately shot to the doctor, who had somehow become even paler than he already was,

"I gave her the normal amount," He defended.

"She's a fucking human!" Lucifer snapped, "I told you that,"

", my Lord, you didn't. I...I thought she was a halfling,"

"You're calling me a liar now?" He growled, ready to explode as his demon clawed at the surface, but a slight tug brought his attention to his wife,

"You didn't tell them, Luce." She whispered. Her voice was practically inaudible, "I'm sure of it. You haven't really said anything since we got to the room till a moment ago." She continued as a whisp of sadness floated around her,


"Can we go, please?" She asked, clutching tightly to his arm and her body swayed, "I want to sleep too."

Lucifer glared at the pale-faced doctor as the door opened again, and the older short one walked in,

"A simple pain reliever?" He hissed.

"I've never seen, much less worked on a full human," Began the orange-eyed man,

"Our most humble apology, Young Lord," The older doctor interrupted, shoving himself in front and bowing low, "I assure you, Lady Kathrine Ann will be fine, just a bit sleepy for most of the day."

"You better hope 'a bit sleepy' is all that happens." He warned, scooping his Baby Girl up into his arms. One arm under her knees and the other supporting her back as if she was a bride on her wedding day. With one last glare at the nervous doctors, Lucifer stormed out of the room and into the hall while his groggy doll gripped his shirt for stability,

"Careful, my Prince. People might start to think something's going on between us with you carrying me like this." She mumbled with a weak chuckle as he quickly moved towards the elevators.

Lucifer rolled his eyes, "Doped up on demon painkillers and exhausted but still find the energy to make a bad joke?" He grumbled.

"Damn," She sighed, burrowing her head into his chest as the doors to the elevator opened and Lucifer stepped in, "Not even a smile." Her grip loosened, "You are mad at me then."

"I already told you," but he stopped as her body went limp.

Lucifer panicked for a moment but quickly realized she had just fallen into a deep, drug-induced sleep.

A few moments later, they were on the ground floor. Lucifer carried his wife out the doors and looked for the familiar black car. Though he had taken his time, it seemed Thron hadn't made it back quite yet. With a sigh, he sat on the bench and adjusted the sleeping angel on his lap,

"Don't go, Luce." She mumbled as he moved her into a more comfortable position.

"You're fine, Baby Girl. I'm not going anywhere." He reassured, and she cuddled her face into his chest. A few more minutes passed before the familiar black car stopped in front of them, and in a flash, Thron stood in front of him,

"My deepest apologies, my Prince. Let me take the Lady; I'll,"

"No." He snapped, standing up, "I have her. Just open the back door, Thron."

Lucifer slid into the back seat keeping his sleeping doll in his arms all the way back to the castle.

Thron opened the back door, and he carefully climbed out, making sure not to hit her head or legs,

"My Prince?" Thron called after shutting the door behind them.


"Is Lady Kathrine Ann okay?" He asked, and Lucifer cocked his head.

"Why?" He questioned, "Are you worried, Thron?"

There was a moment of silence, "Yes. Lady Kathrine Ann is a kind woman with a big heart." He paused, "She also doesn't seem intimidated by's nice."

"She's fine." Lucifer reassured with a half-smile as he stared down at his slumbering doll, "She sprained her wrist, and the doctor gave her some painkillers. No need to worry." Lucifer explained, and Thron bowed deep as the castle doors opened, "You're excused for the rest of the day."

Lucifer yawned as he slowly made his way across the entrance hall before beginning to climb the grand staircase,

"Why is it that every other time I see you're wife, some part of her is injured?" His father's voice called from above.

Lucifer sighed as he lazily raised his head to see his father leaning on the banister, staring down at them.

"She's human. What do you expect?" He mumbled, continuing up the left side of the arched stairway, "Though she is exceptionally clumsy."

"You want to tell me what is going on, Louie?" His father asked once he reached the landing, but Lucifer didn't stop or even look back at him.

"Please, father," He sighed, "It has been a long, frustrating day for my wife and me, and I really wish to rest. I will talk to you after dinner."

"Make sure of it, Louie." He called, straightening up and turning his back to his son, "I want answers." He finished as he strolled off in the opposite direction.