Baby Girl "I Guess I Do Sleep Better."

Kathrine Ann's eyes fluttered a bit as she stretched. Wrapped in a warm and content feeling, she wasn't quite ready to rise, so she cuddled into her pillow only to have the veil of sleep ripped away as her 'pillow' moved beneath her, and she felt a squeeze around her waist. She knew this feeling. She had felt it once before. But unlike that cold night in the woods, this time, she felt a slight rise and fall beneath her, and the steady rhythmic thump gave away her position. Lucifer yawned, and she felt a soft touch brush back her hair. The heat crawled up her body, making her cheeks flush,

"Lucifer?" She asked, not opening her eyes.

"Yes, Baby Girl?" He answered in a sleepy and husky voice, gently squeezing her waist.

"Why am I sleeping on you?"

"Because you were tired." He replied as if it was a perfectly reasonable explanation while she tried to squirm out of his hold, but he just tightened his grasp, "Oh, come now. Not planning on running to the bathroom to bathe, are you?"

"No, but seriously you need to let," She began trying to push herself into a sitting position, completely forgetting about her wrist, "Ahh! Ouch!"

"Careful." He fussed, quickly releasing her waist but taking the bandaged wrist, "Are you okay?" He asked, looking at her injury like he was trying to see if it was damaged anymore. Kathrine Ann nodded, and Lucifer quickly pulled her back to him, "Good. We have a couple more hours before dinner, and I want to rest a bit longer. I'd only just fallen asleep."

"Seriously?" She grumbled as he entrapped her against him again, but she didn't fight back.

"Tsk tsk, Baby Girl. You're on the verge of wounding my fragile feelings again." He dramatically warned, and she rolled her eyes, "I don't see what the issue is. I thought we were past all this. Last night, you fell asleep on me while watching a movie." He pointed out.

"That was unintentional," She began, and he scowled a bit. "Look, Luce, it's not that I don't want to be near you. It's just," She paused and let out a loud, theatrical sigh. This time Lucifer rolled his eyes and released his hold on her. He was obviously annoyed as his narrowed eyes stared at her, waiting for her to finish. "It's just I really need you to let me go pee, or I will have to go bathe, and so will you." Lucifer's eyes went wide as she scooted away from him. Giggling, Kathrine Ann slid off the bed while her husband crossed his arms and shook his head at her, but a half-smile rested on his lips. As she hurried across the chilly floor, her head spun slightly, a lingering effect of the painkiller she suspected. Upon entering the bathroom and closing the door, she couldn't help but wonder what had happened after she fell asleep. Before at the hospital, Lucifer seemed tense, frustrated, and annoyed, but just now, he was acting like his usual teasing self. Kathrine Ann relieved herself, washed her hands, combed through her hair, which was a knotted mess, and brushed her teeth. A sudden realization hit her, causing her to freeze. Toothbrush still in her mouth, she looked at herself in the mirror as the blush crept up her face till her cheeks glowed red.

Kathrine Ann was no longer wearing the purple dress that had Azazel's blood soaked into it. Instead, she wore her typical sleeping attire. Blood rushed to her face at the realization that Lucifer had changed her. Toothbrush still in her mouth, she slowly checked herself over. She found blood smears on her legs, and her underclothes were the same, which was a bit relieving.

Taking a moment to compose herself, she finished brushing her teeth and cleaned the smears off her legs with a wet rag before turning for the door. Though she hadn't been in the bathroom that long when re-entering the room, she found her Devil asleep. Laying in the same position she had left him, Lucifer's back was against the headboard, arms crossed over his chest, and his legs stretched out, crossed at the ankles. His head leaned back, and his eyes closed. Kathrine Ann hastened across the room, shivering in the chilly air. She climbed back onto the bed and crawled over the covers until she was next to Lucifer before pulling the loose sheets around her to warm herself. Sitting back on her legs, she glared at him.

Was he faking it? He could very well be faking it to mess with her. Leaning forward so that her face was inches from his, she stared, waiting to see if he jerked, smiled, or chuckled, but nothing. Just steady breathing and a cute little lip twitch. Kathrine Ann carefully reached out her finger and gently brushed his cheek, causing a slight flinch of his head but nothing else. She leaned back, concluding that he was actually sleeping. She smiled, watching him lying there, peacefully sleeping, and wondered what she was to do. Kathrine Ann had an easy out now. She could curl up on her side of the bed and go back to sleep, escaping his clutches, yet this thought disappointed her. She let her head drop back and sighed loudly. This damned Devil had an ever-tightening hold on her, and she liked it. She craved it. Kathrine Ann laid down on her side, only about a foot from Lucifer, curling under the blankets and trying to warm herself. After a couple of minutes, she mumbled, "Fuck it.", then closed the gap between them, carefully cuddling into her husband. She wrapped one arm around his waist and placed her head on his chest, mimicking how she had woken. What she didn't see was a smile cross his face but what she felt was his arm slip around her waist, pulling her even closer,

"I knew it!" She huffed only to feel his chuckle under her head.

"I was asleep until you poked me in the face." He mumbled.

"I barely touched you." She argued, readjusting herself but cuddling closer to him. He was warm and comforting.

"You're cold?" He stated.

"You can tell?"

"You're shivering slightly." He explained.

"Yea. I can't seem to warm up." She admitted.

"Come here." He mumbled, practically pulling her on top of him, "Hum, I don't like how cold you feel."

"I'll be fine, Luce." She reassured, "It's probably just a side effect of the painkiller."

He scoffed, "The incompetent shithead better hope."

"Who are you talking about?" She interrupted with a yawn.

"That oranged-eyed asshole." He grumbled, pulling her closer, "He gave you way too much,"

"Oh, wait! Yea, but he didn't know I was all human, Luce,"

"I thought I told him." Lucifer sighed, "Maybe I didn't."

"It's okay. I got a good sleep out of it." She joked, "But what happened?"

"Oh? Well, that's quite a story, Baby Girl." He smirked, but she couldn't see it.

"Go on then." She mumbled, snuggling her head into his warm chest.

"Right, well, that brain-dead doctor gave you too much painkiller, and you quickly passed out," He started wrapping one arm around her small frame while placing the other behind his head.

"I remember that part, at least." She admitted.

"After that, I carried you down five flights of stairs," He began.

"We were on the third floor." She corrected.

"Out into the freezing cold night," Lucifer continued, ignoring her remark.

"It was mid-day and not freezing." She laughed against his chest.

"Thron was hours away, so I stripped off my coat, despite only wearing a short-sleeved shirt underneath. I had to keep my precious wife warm, so I wrapped you up in my jacket as the cold winds beat down on us," He explained dramatically, "I almost lost all my fingers to frostbite, but as long as my sweet Baby Girl was safe."

"Stop!" She chuckled, "You didn't even have a jacket!"

"Then, when we finally returned home, I carried you up the stairs despite my broken ankle,"

"What!" She spat, a glowing smile on her face, "How did you break your ankle?"

"The rouge demons, of course! Our car was attacked, and Thron, though strong, could not take them all himself, so I had to act!"

"Rouge demons? And wouldn't your ankle heal like instantly?" She chuckled with a yawn.

"Don't worry about the details Kathrine Ann." He scoffed, "Long story short. There was blood, gore, screams of widows and children, sacrifices..."

"Lucifer!" She laughed.

"Fine. You fell asleep. I took the elevator, we waited just a few minutes, and then Thron drove us home. I brought you up to the room, put you in bed, and took a quick shower before joining you. I should have left you on your side, but," He paused, "I sleep better with you close, and I really needed to sleep." Lucifer admitted, staring at the ceiling, and she felt his whole body tense, "I'm sorry, but I needed to sleep. I didn't mean to upset you,"

"It's okay, Luce." She mumbled, "I sleep better in your arms too."

"Oh, if you need to sleep better, Baby Girl, I can wear you out in ways you've never imagined," Lucifer smirked, rebounding instantly.

"Oh, Jesus Christ." She groaned.

"Seriously! Why do you keep bringing him up? Do you know my uncle?" Lucifer scowled.