Lucifer "All or Nothing."

A light knock brought Lucifer out of his slumber. The room was dark, and only the faint glow from a couple of lamps illuminated the space, but that didn't affect his vision. His eyes flicked over to the source of his awakening, but the door remained silent and still. It must have been a servant sent by his father or Vassel, probably the latter of the two. He stretched a bit and yawned as his sweet slumbering wife fidgetted in his arms,

'Bout time you woke.' His demon growled, 'Do you know how tempting our sweet little wife is?'

'What do you want?' Lucifer groaned inwardly, rolling his eyes as he carefully pulled his Baby Girl closer to him.

'I want what is owed.'

'And I want you to go quiet again, but it seems neither of us is getting what we want.' Lucifer scoffed, burrowing his face into his sweet doll's hair.

'You promised me a day, Louie, and I'm tired of waiting,' He barked.

'Waiting? It hasn't even been a whole day since we discussed this.' He retorted.

'A deal is a deal. If you want to go back on your end.' His demon threatened.

'You want to spend tonight with her, so be it, but understand that you will have to meet with Father after dinner to discuss the recent events on Shain and what to do about it. Kathrine Ann will most likely be given a painkiller to help her wrist, and you will probably return to her sleeping.'

'Tomorrow, then!' He snapped.

'Okay.' Lucifer smiled, 'We'll be going back to the hospital after breakfast to check on Azazel and hear her recollection of the attack. If I have to guess, we'll be there most of the day.

'Fine.' He replied calmly, 'You can speak to Azazel when the time comes, but the rest of the day is mine, Louie. I know what you are trying to do. You forget that we are the same, and I will not let you gaslight me. Tomorrow, Kathrine Ann is mine.'

Before Lucifer could protest or even say a word, his demon side vanished into the depths of their mind.

"Fuck." He moaned.

He thought for sure he could hold off their deal for another couple of days, but it seemed his demon had other plans,

"Fuck what?" His Baby Girl murmured, uncurling herself and stretching her whole body as her comfort and contentment filled the air around him.

"Well," He began as she shifted herself up to sit next to him, careful not to use her injured wrist, "Seems my demon has decided it's time to claim his end of our deal."

"Tonight?" She asked with a yawn.

"No," He replied, surprised by her lack of shock, "tomorrow. You will have to deal with him all day tomorrow."

"Okay." She shrugged as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him.

"Okay?" He huffed, "You're okay with a demon escorting you?"

"If you let him hurt me, at least I'll be in a hospital already."

"I won't let him hurt you." Lucifer quickly interrupted.

"Then why should I worry?" She asked with a triumphant smile.

Lucifer wanted to protest, but he knew she was right. He was pretty sure at least, "Come on, dinner time." He finally sighed.

"Do we have to?" She pouted.

"Sadly, yes." He replied, "You need to eat, Baby Girl."

She scooted away with a loud dramatic sigh, but he grabbed her arm, pulled her back, and tried to kiss her, but she turned her head, so his lips grazed her cheek instead.

"Really?" He mumbled, narrowing his eyes.

"I told you I won't share."

"This is cruel." He complained as she pushed away, "Moments ago, you were happily cuddling,"

"Yeah," she smiled, sliding to the opposite edge of the bed. " And cuddles are all you get. Truthfully, you should be glad you get that much. If I'm being honest, I shouldn't let you lay a finger on me. After all, I am your wife, and you're cheating on me."

"Cheating?" He scoffed, pushing himself up.

"Unfaithful, infidelity, adultery...Call it what you want." She stated, hopping off the bed, "Rationalize it however you like, but if I'm yours, then aren't you supposed to be mine?"

"So possessive," he laughed, kicking off the sheets as she walked towards the bathroom. I mean, 'if I'm being honest,' she was here first.' He chuckled.

"Oh," She gasped, stopping just short of the door as a wave of hurt hit Lucifer, "Great fucking way to convince me I mean more to you, Lucifer."

"I didn't mean it like that, Baby Girl." He justified, pushing himself off the bed.

"Right," She replied, reeling in her emotions and turning back to the bathroom door, "I'm going shower."

"Kathrine Ann," Lucifer groaned, "Seriously, I didn't mean it like,"

"Then how did you mean it?" She snapped. Her uninjured hand, holding tight to the doorknob and her back to Lucifer.

"It was a joke." He defended, crossing the room towards her.

"A joke?" She scoffed, pushing open the door. As Lucifer approached and lightly touched her shoulder, she took a deep breath, "Sorry, but I don't find it very funny." She hissed, stepping into the bathroom and swinging the door, but Lucifer caught it before it slammed shut.

"Baby Girl, please." He insisted, a bit annoyed, "You took my words wrong. I didn't mean,"

She sighed, stepping forward, closing the gap between them, and placed a hand on his cheek. Their faces were only inches apart, "I know," She said, her green eyes staring, unflinching into his blues while her soft breath caressed his lips, "but it doesn't matter what you meant. You didn't think about your words. You didn't think how they would hurt. Sure, maybe I 'took them wrong,' and that's not your fault, but I can't help how I feel. You, however, can help what you say." She dropped her hand and stepped into the bathroom, "When I'm done showering, I'll be fine, but until then, I'm really fucking pissed at you, Luce, so just leave me alone." Before he could respond, she slammed the door in his face.

Out of frustration, he slammed his hands on the door frame, and it was then that a flicker of amusement caught his attention,

"And how long have you been standing there?" He growled.

"Since you justified your unfaithfulness by telling your lovely, kind, and angelic wife that she was the other woman." Milril chuckled.

Lucifer turned and glared at the half-demon leaning against his door frame. He was wearing a loose-fit shirt with a v-neck that slightly hung off his right shoulder and a pair of tight black pants. His long brown hair was tied up in a bun, and his bright brown eyes stared at Lucifer with amusement that matched the toothy grin he wore,

"I only stated the truth." Lucifer huffed, walking over to the small liquor cabinet.

"A truth I'm sure Kathrine Ann was aware of," Milril countered, walking into the room, "She is quite clever."

"I don't remember asking for your insight." He glowered, taking out three glasses, "Sounds like you have a thing for your future Queen." He added, shooting a narrowed glare at his long-time friend.

"Don't need to," Milril smiled, "It's what friends are for, and you know better than anyone the only person I love is myself, Louie." He added with a wink.

"I didn't mean to hurt her feelings." Lucifer sighed as he poured three precise pours.

"Coulda fooled me. You called her your side piece, your second choice,"

"I did not," He snapped, "I simply said,"

"Yes, you did." He interrupted, "Maybe it's not what you meant, but it is most definitely how it came across, and if I were her, I would have done a lot more than slam a door in your face." Milril admitted, clearing his throat and allowing a few sparks to escape his lips.

"Glad you're not her." Lucifer rolled his eyes and handed Milril a glass as he sipped his. The third still sat on the liquor bar, "For many reasons."

"As you should be. I woulda given up on you the moment you put a shackle on my finger." Milril laughed, sipping his drink.

"Pushing your luck, old friend," Lucifer warned.

"Apologies, Young Lord, but I remember a pact you, Orad, and I made to always be honest with each other."

"Yeah, and?" Lucifer asked, taking a long pull.

"You'll lose her." Milril answered, swirling the liquid in his glass, "You assume she'll keep forgiving you, but you're wrong. Keep it up, and one day very soon, when you say sorry, it'll be there in her eyes. She'll say she forgives you, but you'll see you've lost her, and there will be nothing you can do to fix it. The two of you will spend eternity in the loveless marriage you both expected. Friends, maybe, but lovers? Nope, and it'll be your choices that seal that fate."

"Been reading cards again?" Lucifer mumbled, "You know I hate it when you bring me those silly readings."

"Yup, which is why I have to hunt you down and force them on you, Louie." He grinned, downing the rest of his glass, "Trust me, you don't want to lose her." He paused a moment like he wanted to say more. Milril took a couple of steps closer to Lucifer and handed him the empty glass, "You need her, she needs you, and we all need you both." He said in a hushed tone before backing up and crossing his arms, "Anyway, how's Azazel?"

"You can find out tomorrow. Get out," Lucifer answered, annoyed.

Milril grinned and bowed, "Oh, my mother sent me to fetch you two for dinner." He added before leaving the room.

"Nosey ass demon," Lucifer sighed, finishing his own glass and returning to the bar to refill his drink, "It's only her from now on." He mumbled, causing his demon to appear instantly.


"Did you not just hear what Milril said?"

'I wasn't really paying attention, but I got the jist.'

"Then you see why it has to be just her."

'Still, no. I don't give a fuck about her love.'

"Yes!" He snarled, "She's our wife, and if she can't have anyone else, neither can we."

'She can have whoever she wants for all I care.'

"Liar, and no, she can not." He growled, "She can only have us, and we will only have her."

'So we can have her then?' His demon eagerly asked.

"No, not yet we have to prove,"

'No deal,'

"You don't get a say anymore."

'Then I'll take what I want tonight!'

"And you'll ruin her!" Lucifer snapped, 'I know you don't feel it anymore. I know none of them are enough for you either.' He continued, moving the conversation inside his head.

'Something is better than nothing, Louie. You forget I have needs,' he hissed, quickly shifting tones, 'Besides, I don't trust her. She's obviously put you under some stupid spell,'

'Tomorrow.' Lucifer groaned.

'What' He questioned, confused.

'Tomorrow, you will get a chance to meet her. She's different, you'll see.'

'No interruptions,' He replied after a long silence.

'Depends. Behave yourself, and I won't need to interrupt.' Lucifer scoffed as an audible chuckle escaped his lips.

'I'm serious, restraints and all.'

'No way in Hell.' He hissed, the humor of the demand long gone.

'Then I repeat, no deal.' His demon reiterated before fading away.

'No, you don't!' Lucifer hissed, pulling his other half back, 'Why would I agree to be completely locked away? Obviously, you're planning something.'

'Two reasons. First, most obviously, I don't want you interfering. After all, it's Kathrine Ann and my first date, and I don't want a third wheel. And second, I want you to know what it feels like to be a completely helpless bystander in your own life. No say, just imprisoned in your own mind and forced to watch. I've done it for thousands of years. I think you can handle one day.'

'You think I'm going to step aside so you can hurt her and do Grandpapa only knows what to the rest of my life,'

'I won't hurt her, I swear. Besides, I'm sure you already have a little posse planned to follow us around. Also, I promise I won't fuck with any of your Hell work. That's all boring shit I don't care about anyway.' There was a long pause as Lucifer seethed over his demon's demands, 'The shower's stopped, Louie. Time to decide. I get what I want from you or take what I want from her.'

"Fine!" He snapped aloud, "But I swear on everything I own, you betray me, and I will find a way to bury you so deep you'll never reemerge."

'So we have a deal? Tomorrow is all mine?'

"Yes," Lucifer grumbled, "Tomorrow is yours, but understand I've made up my mind about us whether you like it or not."

"Us?" His Baby Girl asked as his demon faded away, walking back into the room wearing nothing but a towel.

"Us." Lucifer repeated, "You and me, both me."

"What about us?" She hummed, walking to her dresser and pulling out her undergarments.

"I really didn't mean to upset you, and truthfully, I'm fine with just you," Lucifer answered, crossing the room toward where she stood.

"Fine with just me?" She rolled her eyes, though her back was to Lucifer, and he didn't see, "I appreciate your sacrifice,"

"What I mean is, I only want you, Kathrine Ann." He clarified.

"Really?" She asked skeptically, turning to face him with her arms crossed, but Lucifer smelled her happiness.

"Yes, my Baby Girl." He confirmed, pushing the wet strands of hair behind one of her ears. "You're all I think about now. She's not enough anymore. None of them are. They haven't been for a while," He couldn't finish his words before she closed the gap between them and pressed her lips to his, startling him, but he quickly recovered, pulling her body into his embrace and deepening the kiss. His tongue licked at her lips, and they parted to answer the unspoken request. He dove his tongue deep into her mouth as she reached her arms up and wrapped them around his neck. Suddenly, Lucifer felt something soft fall over the arm holding his frozen doll's waist. Her lips were still on his when a mischievous grin took over his face,

"Don't you dare," she warned, but Lucifer just smirked, lifting his arms and allowing the towel to fall to the ground. Her arms tight around his neck kept him from backing up.

"Quite a predicament you're in, Baby Girl." He chuckled, pressing his forehead to hers as her embarrassment saturated the air around them.

"Close your eyes, Lucifer." She ordered.

"Not a chance." He responded. She looked down at the towel puddled at her feet, and her grip loosened, "Let go of me, and I step back." He warned, licking his bottom lip.

He brought his free hand up to her shoulder and lightly traced her lightning scar with his fingers, causing her to shiver and release the scent he craved so much. His eyes drifted down, but she had herself pressed so tight to him that nothing was revealed for his viewing.

"We'll be late for dinner." She reminded.

"Then let me go so we can both finish getting ready." He instructed as his fingers traveled to her back and ran down her spine.

"Then close your eyes." She demanded again.

"And if I do, what do I get out of it?" He smirked, "Because I would really like to see what that towel was hiding."

"Lucifer," She moaned, "Why are you so cruel."

He laughed but closed his eyes. Within moments he was released and heard the rushed footsteps of his shy doll scamper across the bedroom floor into the closet.