Baby Girl "Seriously? I've Had Enough!"

Kathrine Ann strolled through the castle halls, softly humming with her arms crossed behind her back. She smiled as she hummed, feeling a spark of excitement at the thought of a nighttime stroll. On Earth, she loved taking evening walks, especially in the fall when the air was cool, the breeze carried a chill on it, and the smell was earthy and crisp. She had hoped to spend more evenings strolling in the setting suns, but things had been hectic recently. However, tonight she was free, though she would've liked Lucifer to join but anyway. Kathrine Ann pressed her lips, thinking about their last conversation. Something seemed off. For him to give in so quickly didn't seem right,

"Princess," A familiar voice called, causing Kathrine Ann to stop and turn.

"Good evening, Kiam." She smiled as the purple-eyed, silver-haired elf joined her. "How are you? We didn't get a chance to talk at dinner."

"Oh, I'm okay." He smiled sweetly and shrugged. "I couldn't settle. It seems like I'm not the only one."

"It has been a crazy day. I figured some fresh air might clear my head." She replied.

"I had the same thought. May I join you?" He asked, "If not, I completely—"

"Of course, you may." She chuckled, "I'd hoped that Luce would accompany me, but duty calls." She added with a sigh.

"Thus the life of a prince." He replied with a half-smile holding out his arm.

"Think that's a good idea?" She asked, "Last time we locked arms Luce threatened to drag you back to Hell and separate you from your husband forever."

"It's fine." He reassured, "Promise."

She shrugged and looped her arm through his, "You really think you can defy the Prince of Hell?"

"What he doesn't know can't hurt me." Viskiam laughed, "Besides, Lord Lucifer would never allow him to harm me."

"Why?" She questioned as they walked out the door and into the garden.

The sun had long set, and scattered clouds hid most of the stars, so the duo relied on the glowing lamps to illuminate their path.

"Because your prince isn't the only prince in this castle." He informed.

Kathrine Ann laughed, but when she looked back at her buddy, he had a stiff smile, "You're not joking?" He shook his head, "Holy shit! You're a prince?"

"Half demon one at that." He winked.

"Are you and Lucifer brothers?" She gasped, suddenly stopping and causing Viskiam to jerk to a halt.

Kathrine Ann thought Lucifer only had one brother. That is what he had said, at least.

"No." Viskiam denied, "My mother is a demon married to my father, an elf and the king of Shain, which makes my mother the queen and me the crowned prince."

"Your mom's a full demon?" She asked, surprised. She thought that all full demons had to stay in Hell.

"Yeah, it's a weird situation," he said, pulling Kathrine Ann so they could continue their walk.

"Well, go on then," she huffed. You can't drop a bomb like that and not explain."

Viskiam smiled and glanced down at the Princess, who was now kicking a rock along their path, "My mother was an experiment of Lord Lucifer's. She and eleven other pure demon babies were adopted out to loving families when they were born. The Lord hoped that having a healthy, caring upbringing would cause the demons to grow with a sense of morality and compassion."

"Nature v.s. Nurture. Did it work?" Kathrine Ann asked.

"No," He answered, "At least not in ten of the cases. My mother and one other demon aren't as demonish, but the others were just regular old soulless bastards."

"I see." She mumbled, "So your mom's a friendly demon?"

"Friendlier is a better term." Viskiam corrected as Kathrine Ann kicked the rock a bit too hard and sent it into the bushes next to the path, "She has a good grasp on right and wrong and not doing the wrong things, but I don't think most people would describe her as friendly."

"Was she a good mother?" Was her next question.

"Getting a bit personal, Princess," Viskiam answered, raising a brow but smiling.

"Sorry," She blushed, "You don't have to answer that."

"It's fine, but if I answer a personal question, so must you." He wagered.

"Okay." She agreed.

"Surprisingly, yes. She's been a very good mother." He smiled fondly. " She was a bit overprotective as a child, but she cared for me very much and made sure I was a happy and healthy child."

"Well, that's good. I miss my mother a lot." She admitted with a sigh.

"Will Louie not take you to see her?" Viskiam asked, slightly taken aback.

"She's gone. I died well over a hundred years ago, so she's been gone for a while."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Kathrine Ann." He replied sincerely.

"It is what it is, Kiam. So what's your personal question?" she replied, smiling at the elf.

"Louie seems happy with the way things have turned out between you two," he began as they followed the dirt path through the rows of vegetables and flowers. "Are you?"

Kathrine Ann took a moment before replying, "Yes, I believe I am. It's a lot better than I expected. Lucifer can be a tad tough sometimes, but I think he's actually trying to be a good husband." Viskiam smiled, "What?" She asked and blushed a bit.

"You truly care about him, don't you?" He asked.

"I do. Admittedly, a lot more than I ever expected to."

"Well, I hope our Young Prince knows how lucky he is to have a soul as sweet and beautiful as yours."

"Stop that!" she huffed as her cheeks grew even brighter. "I'm in a constant state of blushing around Luce. I need a break."

The duo walked through the garden a bit more, than sat for a while at one of the garden tables, just chatting and getting to know one another better. After about an hour, Kathrine Ann stood,

"I think I'm going to go in. It's getting a bit chilly."

"Very well, Princess. I'll walk you back to your room." Viskiam offered.

"That's not necessary," She assured.

"I insist." He cut in.

"Fine," she huffed. "But I suggest we keep our arms to ourselves in case we cross paths with my curiously jealous husband. I imagine he'll be in a foul mood after spending the evening with his father."


Kathrine Ann screamed as she fought against Viskiams hold. There was blood and glass strewn across their floor. Lucifer's phone lay abandoned, and all she was being told was to calm down.

"Where is he?" She cried, clawing into Viskiams arm.

"I don't know, but I'm sure—" Viskiam gritted.

"There is blood on the floor!" She hissed. "What is wrong with you? Let me go right now, Viskiam!"

"I cannot, Princess. I promised Louie I would keep you safe," This stopped Kathrine Ann's struggle, and she became eerily still as her eyes turned to the elf.

"You spoke with him?"

"An hour or so ago. He asked me to meet you in the garden and keep you—"

"So you knew something was wrong this whole time, and you lied to me?"

"Not technically,"

The slap echoed through the bedroom, "You asshole! I considered you a friend, and you kept this from me?"

"Kathrine Ann, I'm sorry, but for Louie to ask me to keep you safe, there must be something wrong," The hurt elf began, touching his cheek where she had hit him.

"The whole time we were chatting in the garden, you knew something had happened to my husband, and you just smiled and distracted me."

"Louie has his reasons, and whatever that reason is, I'm sure it's to protect you,"

Kathrine Ann threw her hands up, exasperated and Viskiam flinched, thinking he may be slapped again,

"I am so fucking tired of being left in the damned dark 'for my own protection.' I am not weak! I am married to the Prince of Hell! I am the future Queen, and I demand to be taken to my husband right now!"

"I'm sorry, Kathrine Ann, but I don't know where," Viskiam admitted.

"That is Lady Kathrine Ann to you, Viskiam." She informed through gritted teeth, "I'm very upset with you, and until I decide to forgive you for this, you have lost the right to address me informally."

Kathrine Ann stormed out of the room, holding the skirt of her dress up with her uninjured hand as she stomped her way through the hall towards Lord Lucifer's room. If anyone knew what was going on, it was him, right? However, as she turned one corner, she was met with a slew of servants, all walking the opposite way and looking confused and unnerved.

"Hey, you. Where are you all going?" she demanded from one of them. An older lady's face was marred with worry.

"Milady," she bowed. "The Young Prince has called for all servants in the house to report to his office."

"Perfect." She smiled, turning on her heels, "Thank you and take your time. I need a word with the Young Prince."

Kathrine Ann passed the group as she quickly headed for her husband's office. Once in front of the huge wooden doors, she didn't wait and pushed through,

"Lucifer! If you don't stop hiding shit from me, I swear to your Grandfather I will make your life a living hell!" She threatened, "No pun intended!"