Lucifer "The Taste Of Freedom."

Lucifer lay motionless in his chair, head slumped back, and his arm stretched out as Belial stitched the wound and carefully wrapped up his arm,

"You going to just lay there or explain what all this was about?" He asked, removing the leather strap from Lucifer's arm and standing up. "Pretty selfish, in my opinion. If you were going to kill yourself, you should have at least let someone else do it. I can think of a handful of names right off the top of my head who would have been honored if given the opportunity." Belial taunted, dropping the remaining bandages and the strap onto the desk as he heard a slight grunt from his nephew.

Belial noticed a crystal glass with blood smudges on it sitting on the table's edge. He picked it up and held it to the light, examining the familiar-looking contents as the pieces of this strange puzzle began to come together,

"I wouldn't drink that if I were you," Lucifer warned, his voice different. It was cold and distant. Belial watched as he pushed himself up into a sitting position, but his eyes stared down at the arm of his chair, "Less you wish to slit your own wrists." He added, running the fingers of his uninjured hand over the smooth, unblemished wood, "Though I am curious how Devil's Kiss would affect a pureblooded archangel." He pondered as the most crucial piece fell into place.

Belial looked into the glass and swirled the liquid before giving it a sniff, "I have a couple of theories. The first is that I would become entirely incapacitated by physical and mental agony and unable to do anything about it, just like most others. The second is that it would have little to no effect whatsoever." He paused, "Your unique personality caused quite an interesting reaction. I would love for you to go into detail."

"Of course you would," Lucifer reached forward and grabbed the untainted glass before looking up at his uncle with bright red eyes and a wicked grin on his lips. "Why don't we find out for yourself? You love experiments."

"As curious as I truly am, I'll have to pass," Belial declined, placing the glass back on the table and turning his gaze to his nephew. "If my first prediction comes true, then who will be here to deal with you?" Lucifer's grin dropped, and his eyes narrowed as he glared at Belial. "It's been a while, Lucifer. Are you okay?"

"Peachy, Uncle. Having my mind plunged into a horrific manifestation of my worst memories was thrilling. Exactly how I wanted to spend my evening. Mother threatens to slit my throat repeatedly while Olreth begs for me to spare the life I've already taken from him. All with Louie whining and fussing in the background because I couldn't contain the hallucinations," Growled Lucifer.

"So pissed?" Belial clarified.

"A bit peeved, but overall I'm fine." He answered, shooting the rest of the glass, "Louie, however," He smiled and tsked, "Well, he will be out for a while. He probably shouldn't have taken a stroll in the castle while in such a condition. Poor little shit is completely spent. Doesn't help that a bit of that poison is still coursing through me."

"But you're okay?"

"The Perks of being the physically strong one," Lucifer answered as he tried to stand. However, his head began to spin, and his knees buckled, causing him to fall back into his chair. Belial sighed, moving to the crate he had brought.

Opening it, he pulled out a couple of ice packs before two blood bags with 'Louie' written on them. From his medical bag, he gathered tubing and a needle. After a few minutes, he had Lucifer hooked up to a blood drip.

"Relax, Lucifer. Your blood levels are low, and over-exerting yourself will only make things worse."


"Yes, he's fine." Belial replied into the phone receiver on Lucifer's desk as the dazed Devil roused from a shallow sleep, "Mmhm, mmm, mmhm. Well, he's not entirely his normal self. Mmhm, exactly. I see. Okay, see you soon." Belial hung up the phone and walked behind Lucifer's chair.

"Is Daddy on his way?" Lucifer mumbled, cracking his neck and pushing up in the chair. He was feeling better and stronger.

"And Micheal," Belial added, checking the practically empty blood bag Lucifer was hooked up to.

"Oh, goodie." Lucifer rolled his eyes, "What does that pompous wing fluffer want?"

"I don't know." Belial mumbled, grabbing the other blood bag off the desk and swapping it, "It's a bit odd that he's here. Your father wasn't expecting him. Apparently, he has business with you. Did you know about this?"

"No, but Louie's work bores me, so I don't pay attention. It is possible, I guess."

"Can you ask him?" Belial quired, obviously getting annoyed.

"No," Lucifer replied, just as annoyed. "I already told you Louie is out. A bit of blood won't repair everything. The physical pain was massive, but the mental strain really took a toll."

"I thought you dealt with the mental part?" Belial questioned.

"I do, but because of the potency of these particular memories, they flowed over a bit," Lucifer shrugged.

"Flowed over?" Belial asked with a raised brow.

"Yeah, flowed over. Maybe if he hadn't stressed me out so much, I would have been able to deal with it alone."

"You really are a piece of work, Lucifer,"

"Don't you fucking judge me!" He spat, "You don't know what it feels like, and besides, what do I owe him anyway? He's locked me away for thousands of years. They treated me as nothing but a nuisance, so forgive me if I don't give a fuck if Daddy's golden boy had a bit of a rough time because, in the end, I still dealt with most of it. I also feel pain, Belial. Precious Louie isn't the only one who suffered but then again, who cares about his evil half?"

"You're not evil, Lucifer,"

"Oh, I'm not? Will someone tell Louie? Or better yet, my father!"

"I know it's frustrating," Lucifer shot Belial a look that would have killed him if it was armed, "You did this to yourself. You attacked innocent people, Lucifer. You attacked your friends,"

"I was a child!" he spat, and Belial stood silent. "I was angry and jealous because they all liked Louie more! No one wanted me around," he began but took a deep breath. "I don't need to explain myself to you or anyone." He snapped, crossing his arms.

Belial saw the annoyance and pain in his nephew, and he sighed, ready to offer him consoling words, but before he could, the doors to the office swung open,

"So, someone poisoned you?" Micheal asked as he entered the office like it was his, only to have Lucifer's red eyes glare at him through slitted lids. " It's Good to know you have a weakness."

"What a terribly unpleasant surprise, Uncle." Lucifer groaned. However, I was told you were here, so I poured you a drink," he added, pointing to the tainted glass on the table.

"I don't drink." He replied arrogantly.

Lucifer's father pushed past Micheal, rolling his eyes, "Right, and I'm celibate." He scoffed.

Looking at the duo, Lucifer couldn't help but laugh aloud, "Well, you two have really gotten into your roles, huh?"

His father wore his usual, which was primarily black. Nice black slacks and an unbuttoned black blazer, but the icing on the cake was his shirt choice. A dark red buttoned-down shirt with the top two buttons undone. Also, his short blonde hair was a bit disheveled. Micheal wore the same, except every article of clothing was white. Also, he had a tie on, and his jacket was buttoned. His long shining locks flowed elegantly over his shoulders and down his back, as those obnoxious wings twitched and beamed with a heavenly glow only accentuated by his crystal blue eyes that stared arrogantly at Lucifer.

"How does it work?" Lucifer continued, "How do you get a shirt, much less a jacket over those?"

"My wings?" Micheal asked with a smirk.

"No, your big head and oversized ego," Lucifer smirked.

"You disrespectful little,"

"Oh, shut up, Mikey," His father hissed, "My son is literally hooked up to a blood drip, and you're grinning like a child on Jesus's birthday. And before you open that mouth of yours, I don't want another condescending remark from you either, Lucifer."

"Just to Uncle, or are you free game?" Lucifer grumbled.

"Where is Louie?" His father demanded.

"Not available," Lucifer growled, now glaring at his father, "Sorry, Daddy, but you're stuck with the disappointing son."

"Enough!" Belial stepped in, "Lucifer was poisoned, but it was Devil's Kiss this time. Not Kashiea like we would have expected."

"Expected? Have there been other attempts?" Micheal asked.

"It's really none of your concern, Mikey. Why you are even here is still confusing to me." Lord Lucifer snapped.

"I told you, Louie and I have business to discuss."

"That doesn't make sense, Louie would have told me," His father responded.

"Back to the current issue, please!" Belial hissed, "I swear to father,"

"Fine." Lord Lucifer grumbled, "Were you the target, Lucifer?" He asked.

"Obviously," Lucifer scoffed, "Who else would," Lucifer paused, and his eyes grew darker as the realization sank in.

"There have already been two attempts on the Princess's life. This may have been another." Belial stated, "But what a cruel way to do it. Kashiea is one thing, but Devil's Kiss?"

"Whoever is doing this wants her to suffer," Micheal suggested.

"Or they want to get to you through her." His father added, "It would have been torture on Louie to watch her pain. Devil's Kiss on a living mortal? I can only imagine how excruciating that would be."

"I want every servant in the castle in this room," Lucifer demanded through gritted teeth while Belial moved behind Lucifer again and grabbed the phone.

Lucifer rose from the chair and grabbed the decanter of whiskey to refill his long empty glass.

"Careful! You're still low on blood, Louie," Belial fussed as he picked up the receiver,

"I am not Louie!" he yelled, slamming his fist on the desk. "Louie allowed all this to happen, so it's on me to clean it up." He growled, bending over to the bottom drawer of the desk. Pulling it open, he took out two golden bracelets. "And clean it up, I will. No one will hurt my wife but me."

"Touching." Michel rolled his eyes before turning his focus to what Lucifer was holding, "Accessorizing before your heroic stand, nephew?"

"I won't allow it, Lucifer." The Lord fussed, stepping forward.

"You don't have a say." Lucifer grinned, snapping on one of the bracelets, "But don't worry. I'm sure I'll get bored soon enough. Besides, Louie needs rest."

"Take it off, Lucifer." His father growled.

"Nope." He grinned, snapping on the other.

"What are they?" Asked Micheal to Belial.

"Bands enchanted with runes. They're supposed to suppress natural magic, a.k.a heavenly gifts. Magic used against magic." Belial explained.

"Does it work?" Micheal asked.

"Don't know," Belial replied.

"Oh, it does," Lucifer smirked, "Louie once tried to them on me. Boy was he surprised," Lucifer laughed, "There's only one of us gifted by the heavens. Took all his strength to take back control and since he's already so weak I should have plenty of time—,"

Suddenly the door was thrown open,

"Lucifer! If you don't stop hiding shit from me, I swear to your Grandfather I will make your life a living hell!" A familiar voice echoed through the room, "No pun intended!"

There she stood, his firey little wife glaring at him with lips pressed tight and her hands clutching the skirt of her flower-patterned dress. Her strawberry hair fell loose over her shoulders and was a bit windblown. Something about this small human made the corners of Lucifer's mouth twitch up.

"Kathrine Ann?" Micheal called, breaking the short silence that had fallen over the room.

"Micheal?" She replied, confused to see the archangel.

"Lady Kathrine Ann!" Viskiam huffed as he entered the room.

"Viskiam?" His father questioned.

"Lord Lucifer." The elf answered with a bow.

"And that's Belial," Lucifer snapped, getting everyone's attention, "Why are you yelling at me, woman?"