Baby Girl "No. I Guess I Can't Catch A Damned Break."

Kathrine Ann stared at Milril with her mouth slightly ajar while he calmly sipped his drink,

"Can you explain?" She finally asked.

"Depends," he replied, looking back towards the door. "Are you willing to go for a walk? I don't want to be here when Prince Loulou returns." He chuckled at the name again, and Kathrine Ann couldn't help but smile. Seeing how her Demon Prince responded to her first pet name, she felt this one would get her in a whole world of trouble.

"Fine, but I swear if this is yet another ploy to distract me, I will burn this whole castle to the ground." She warned with narrowed eyes and a dramatic tone.

"On my honor, Princess." He swore with a deep, slightly mocking bow causing Kathrine Ann to roll her eyes as a smile teased the corner of her lips.

"Very well, Milril, lead the way, but I'm bringing this," she said, snatching the wine bottle from the cabinet.

"Uh," he hesitated. "How about we go somewhere that has its own bottles? I don't think the crowned Princess of Hell should be roaming the halls with one of the Prince's best friends while drinking straight out the bottle."

Kathrine Ann scoffed but put the bottle back. "I was going to bring a glass," she defended as they both shot back the contents of their current glasses before leaving the room.

A few minutes later, Kathrine Ann and Milril were in the game room. Though the walk had been short, it had made Kathrine Ann uncomfortable. Not because of her company but because of how eerily quiet the hallways were.

"He actually pulled them all from their stations," she mumbled from the couch, where she sat with one leg pulled up under the other as Milril capped a bottle of whiskey and turned with a glass in each hand.

"Poisoning the Crowned Prince is no light matter," Miliril replied, handing her a glass before taking the chair across from her and crossing his legs at the ankles. "Especially since I don't think anyone believes the poison was meant for Louie."

Kathrine Ann had suspicions about the actual target, but hearing someone else voice the same made her feel guilty. "Was it Kashiea?"

Milril shrugged, "I chose to ignore the summons, so I don't know."

"Won't that just make him angry?" Kathrine Ann asked, worried about her friend.

"If he notices, then probably, but it wasn't my idea. When my mom got the order, she knew it was his other side and told me to lay low. Figured my presence would just stoke the fire." He explained with a shrug, "But I'm not too worried. Louie won't let him hurt me."

"Milril," She swallowed, "I don't think Luce has much, if any, control right now."

There was a long pause, and Kathrine Ann could see the ordinarily relaxed Milril tense up. He gave a short whistle, "Hum, well, if that's true, I may be in a bit of trouble." He took a long pull from his glass, "Better not waste any time then."

"Just one more question first." She quickly inserted, "What do you mean Vassel knew it was his other side?"

"His voice," Milril explained. "Growing up, Louie was always around, so my mom treated him like another one of her kids. Honestly, I think she knows him better than Lord Lucifer. She was probably one of the few that Loulou liked."

"I can see that." She smiled, "I'm glad he had somewhat of a mother figure."

"Louie's always been more like a brother than just a friend to Orad and me, which definitely has its advantages." He grinned.

"Wait!" She suddenly gasped, "If Orad is there in you're not, he'll totally notice."

"Orad's not there." He reassured. "He's in the borderlands visiting one of the farms that supply us with meat and figuring out why their shipments have been smaller than usual." He informed, "Now before I can explain, there are a couple of things you need to know, the first being that I'm a seer. A seer is someone who—"

"Who can see into the future through the use of a variety of techniques." Kathrine Ann finished, and Milril looked a bit surprised. "I watched a lot of documentaries when I was alive. I was big into the supernatural stuff. Ironically, not so much the religious stuff. Demonic possessions always freaked me out."

"I see," he shrugged. "That makes this a bit easier. Oh, and by the way, possessions have nothing to do with demons or Hell."

"Really?" She asked excitedly, "But people can be possessed?"

"Stay on topic, Princess." He laughed, "I use cards. By focusing on a being's aura and pulling cards, I can see potential paths open to that being. I can't see exactly where those paths lead, but I can feel the light or darkness radiating from each path. With that, I can offer advice and guidance."

"So you just send them down the brightest path?" She asked.

"One would think, but that is not always the answer. The best path is not always the easiest. More often than not, a person needs a bit of darkness in their life to truly appreciate the light."

"So is that what happened? You led Lucifer down the wrong path?"

"Oh no." He sighed as guilt and sadness washed over his face, "Around the time that all this happened, I had just started understanding and practicing my ability. We were all very young and naive. My mother, who is also a seer, and much more talented than myself, warned me over and over not to read Louie's paths, but of course, I didn't listen, and this brings us to the next thing you need to know. I was not too fond of Lucifer. Louie is one of my best friends, but I couldn't stand Lucifer. He was bossy, always getting us in trouble, and just an asshole, but he was part of Louie."

"You knew them both?" She asked like a little kid listening to a bedtime story as she sipped whiskey.

"Oh yes. Growing up, Louie and Lucifer were one. It's hard to explain, but they were both always present." He pressed his lips, trying to figure out the best way to explain, "Oh! Have you ever known twins?" Kathrine Ann raised a brow, "Identical twins." He clarified.

"Kind of. I didn't know them super well, but I worked with two girls who were identical twins," she answered.

"Okay, so at first, it's difficult to tell them apart, but after a while, you start to notice the differences until it's obvious who is who." Kathrine Ann nodded, "It was like that. We could always tell which part of him we were talking with through body language, the way he talked, and, of course, the things he said. Lucifer doesn't really beat around the bush, though I guess neither part of him does but Lucifer is far worse. He says what he wants, when he wants, and doesn't care who is listening. Anyway on with the story. One day we were all hanging out, and I was practicing by looking at Orad's paths, and Louie insisted on me looking at his. I said no a few times but gave in quickly because I was curious. Lucifer had become bored with us and faded back, leaving only Louie present. I began the reading, and everything was going well, really well. I had never seen so many paths, and I was looking at each one, trying to see what I could when suddenly all the paths changed, and the light and dark of each path fluctuated. Some went completely dark. Confused, I opened my eyes and saw Lucifer had returned. I guess he picked up on something that interested him and decided to reappear. I was so mad. I had never seen anything like what I saw with Louie's cards, and suddenly, I couldn't read any of it, so out of anger, I looked Lucifer dead and the eyes and said, 'Great, your fucking demon ruined everything again.'" Milril sighed, "The look on his face I'll never forget. Like he had just been slapped. Shortly after that day, things started going wrong, Lucifer pulled away from everyone and began causing problems, refusing to listen to his father's warnings or threats, and then the day came. Right before he attacked me, he said, 'I thought you were my friends, but I guess I don't deserve friends.' It took me a few years to realize what I had done. That I was truly the bad guy. Sure, he shouldn't have beaten me nearly to death, but I broke him, and because of that, my best friend lives a half-life, and the other half is locked away, hating everyone and everything. As much as I didn't like Louie's demon half, he's never been the same since."

There was a long silence between them until Kathrine Ann broke it. "You can't honestly believe that you are at fault?"

Milril's eyes shot up to hers. He hadn't known what she would think or say, but that was not it, "What?" Was all he managed to reply.

"You were kids. Kids fight all the time and say mean things to each other. To think that you were the reason that caused all this is stupid." She stated, sipping her drink again, "Did you help? No, you were a total ass and a terrible friend, but I doubt what you did broke Loulou. If anyone broke him, it was probably his family." She huffed, "His uncle told me he was a perversion of nature, no offense to Lord Lucifer, but he doesn't seem like a doting dad, and none of that holds a candle to his mother."

"You know about her?" Milril asked, a bit taken aback.

"How she kidnapped him and held a soul-destroying knife to his throat when he was just a small child because she wanted to be queen? I know quite a bit more than I want to about it."

Milril shrugged, sipping his drink, "Thank you, Lady Kathrine Ann, but I feel if I had been more patient and kinder to Lucifer."

"Shoulda, coulda, woulda doesn't change the past, my friend." She sighed, "Believe me, I get it."

"Shoulda, coulda, woulda? I like it." Milril chuckled, "Cheers, Princess, to past mistakes."

"To the past mistakes, may they make our paths brighter." She smiled, clinking the glass to Milril's.


Kathrine Ann finally made her way back to their bedroom, the room was silent and dark when she entered, and if she hadn't been so distracted by everything going on in her head, this would have raised an immediate red flag because she hadn't turned the lights off when she left earlier. If Kathrine Ann had turned on the light, she would have seen her husband sitting in a chair by his dresser. One leg crossed over the other and completely still except for his dark red eyes, which followed Kathrine Ann as she crossed the room and slipped into the bathroom where she did turn the lights on. Turning on the faucet and cupped her hands under the cold stream before leaning over and splashing her face, rubbing her hands over the slick skin. She sighed, not knowing what to do about Lucifer, Azazel, Viskiam, or Milril, but as she lifted her head, all thoughts vanished instantly, and she screamed. Standing maybe a few inches behind her was Lucifer, his red eyes narrowed and a scowl on his lips as he stared at her in the reflection. Before she could confront him, he grabbed her and pinned her against the wall behind them. One hand on the wall next to her head and the other held both wrists above her in a tight grasp,

"Lucifer!" She gasped as his hold hurt her wrist, "You're hurting me."

He leaned close with that wicked smile, put his face in the crook of her neck, and sniffed the air, "Good." He growled as his grip on her wrist tightened, and she hissed at the pain.

Lucifer pulled back. She saw a bit of blue sparking a shred of hope, but Lucifer's laugh quickly dashed it away, "Seems your Luce has woken up, and he's not happy." He tsked before his face contorted a bit, "Not happy at all but don't worry, Wife. He won't be bothering us. Now he can sit there locked away in his own mind and watch with no say, no power."

"Just like he did to you." She whispered.

"Thousands of years only allowed out on a leash to handle the dirty work." It was there at that moment Kathrine Ann saw something in his eyes. She saw his pain and loneliness, but a sharp pain in her wrist from his tightening grip forced her focus back to the present situation, and just like that, what she saw was gone, and the wickedness shone darkly on her husband's face, "How about I show you a bit of what I do, wife?" He offered, closing the small gap between them, "You were very disrespectful earlier."

Lucifer pressed his body close to hers and used his free hand to twirl a lock of her hair between his fingers, "I told you if you want my respect,"

"Shh," he interrupted softly, but something about it instantly silenced Kathrine Ann. "You wanted to play games, but you don't know your opponent."

"That's where you're wrong." She forced, "I know you. You won't hurt me."

"You think I won't?" He whispered into her ear, "There's a reason why you're precious Luce keeps me locked away, Kathrine Ann. I take what I want, I don't ask, and I don't wait," Lucifer quickly weaved his hand into Kathrine Ann's hair, and he pulled, forcing her head back, "If you think he's going stop me, you're wrong. I may not be able to hold on forever, but I have all the time I need to take what I want,"

"Then do it." She said through gritted teeth, "Go on! Just get it over with. Take what you want. It's not like I can stop," Before she could finish, Lucifer slammed his lips onto hers.

Was he kissing her? Kathrine Ann was confused. He could do anything he wanted, and no one could stop him, so he kissed her. Kathrine Ann was rigid and still while Lucifer roughly moved his lips against hers,

"Kiss me back, Kathrine Ann." He ordered, pulling away for just a minute.

She did as she was told and stiffly moved her lips with his. Lucifer let go of her hair and wrists, placing both hands on either side of her face as he deepened the kiss but after what felt like minutes, Lucifer stepped back, jaw clenched and anger radiating off him. Though he was looking at Kathrine Ann, it felt as though he was staring through her. They stayed like that for a moment, Kathrine Ann not daring to move,

"Fuck!" He finally yelled and punched the wall, causing her to flinch as she felt a warm splatter on her face, "You!" He pointed at her as blood as red as his eyes dripped off his knuckles. "You ruined me!" He accused through gritted teeth, "Fucking shut up, you angelic piece of shit."

"I didn't say anything," She replied timidly, stepping back and pressing herself to the wall.

"I wasn't talking to you!" he snapped back. "I hate it when he's right." He mumbled, walking out of the bathroom and leaving her staring at her confused reflection.

Blood droplets splattered her cheek, and the tiled wall next to her head was cracked and smeared in red. She was frozen in place as the tears in her eyes filled to the brim before spilling over and running down her cheek.

Kathrine Ann didn't know exactly how long she stayed against that wall staring at herself, but when she finally pulled herself together, she wiped her eyes and rinsed her face. She walked out of the bathroom and scanned the room till she found Lucifer. He was leaning in the balcony doorway, staring out into the night. Kathrine Ann didn't hesitate and walked over to her Devil to tap him on the shoulder, which earned her an annoyed growl, but he turned around anyway.

"What do you—" But before he could finish, she pushed herself up onto her toes, and just as he had done to her, she pressed her lips to his. She was soft and gentle, pouring all her feelings for him into it. It wasn't a long or passionate kiss, but when she pulled back, he looked shocked. She immediately followed the sweet kiss with a rigid slap to his face, which echoed through the quiet room.

"Don't you ever do that to me again!" She fussed, "You're stuck with me, and I with you, so grow up and stop acting like an angry child unless you wish to be put back in timeout for another fifty thousand years!" Before he could reply, Kathrine Ann turned her back to him and stormed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her, wondering if she would wake up in a torture chamber or even wake at all.