Lucifer "What to do With my Little Wife?"

Lucifer stared at the closed bathroom door, stuck in a weird place between shock, anger, and, strangely, arousal. This tiny, weak human just slapped him across the face. Him, the Demon Prince of Hell. Besides himself and his father, no one had ever dared to speak to him like that, much less lay a hand on him in fear for their own life. In fact, the last time someone talked to him so brazen, he nearly killed the kid and ended up in a muli thousand-year timeout.

A ping of realization suddenly hit him. Where were Milril and his oaf of a brother? Had that bastard done this to him, the two of them had bad blood for sure,

'He didn't fucking do it, you paranoid idiot.' Louie huffed angrily, 'They're both good friends of mine. They wouldn't kill me to get rid of you. Now take off the bracelets.'

"No," Lucifer replied as he walked over to the mirror, seeing a slight hint of blue in his eyes, but he wasn't worried, and smirking at his reflection, "I still have my day, and you're too weak."

"Fuck that!" Louie's voice broke through, but Lucifer quickly silenced him, 'You broke your end of the deal, deals off, and I'll manage.'

"I did not!" He retorted, moving to pour himself a drink, "So I squeezed her wrist a bit. Oh boohoo, besides, did you feel that slap? She's stronger than I thought." He mumbled, still unsure how he felt as he recapped the bottle and drank half the contents of the glass in one gulp, "Brave too. I don't think she realizes how easily I could have killed her."

'You liked it, and you know it.' Louie laughed weakly inside his head.

Lucifer shrugged, "I did. It takes most people months to look you in the eyes, but me? Your little pet, Azazel, can't even do that, yet our little wife doesn't hesitate. Scared or not."

'She's special. I told you that.'

"Oh yes, I just need to decide what kind of special." His grin returned, "Slowly enjoy or gobble her all up in one bite kind of special."

'If you hurt her again, I swear,'

"You'll lock me up forever, blah, blah, yeah, yeah." He rolled his eyes, taking a small sip of his glass this time, "Tell the truth, Louie. Once I've had my promised day, assuming I can hold you back long enough to have the whole day, everything will return to how it was. You'll push me back into my corner and leave me there unless there's a job to be done."

'You think I like it this way?' He asked after a minute, 'Locking part of me away, but what else can I do? You can't hurt innocent people,'

"Why not?" He growled, "They'll just turn on us eventually,"

'Only mom turned on us.'

"Maybe you. Everyone turned on me." He growled, "Everyone hated me because of what I am,"

'Oh, please!' Louie's laughter echoed through his head, 'Everyone hated you because you were an asshole. Then Milril finally had enough and told you something, so what did you go and do?'

"Shut up and go sit in my corner." He hisses, pushing his annoying goodie, goodie side back, "I let you out when I get bored." He downed the rest of his drink and turned to refill his glass to find his wife standing in the door frame wearing only one of his white button-down shirts that stopped mid-thigh. Her reddish-blonde hair stuck together in wet clumps that hung down to her waist, and she had a half-smile on her face as her bright green eyes watched him.

"So who's winning the argument?" Kathrine Ann asked, reentering the room.

Lucifer ignored her remark, "You really think walking around wearing that is a good idea?" He asked, refilling his glass.

"No, I don't, but you have left me no choice." She replied, walking towards him. It was then that he noticed the hairbrush in her hand.

"What?" He asked, confused as she stopped in front of him.

She held out the brush to him, unsure what to do. He took it, "How's Luce feeling right now?"

"I'm not letting him out," Lucifer growled, and she chuckled, shocking him again.

"I didn't figure, but if I had to guess, he's probably kicking himself." She informed, and the amusement around her was potent, causing Lucifer to raise a brow, but he had to admit Louie became instantly annoyed when he saw her.

"How do you know that?" He asked suspiciously as she passed right by him.

"Ask him." She scoffed, hopping onto the bed and crossing her legs.

Lucifer waited, but his other half didn't offer an explanation. 'Well?' he snapped, but all he got was more annoyance and a bit of grumbling.

"He won't tell me, so you tell me." He demanded, leaving his untouched glass on the cabinet as he approached the edge of the bed.

"Sure, but you need to brush my hair." She compromised, patting the spot next to her.

"What?" He snapped, "No."

"Come on, Lucifer. You brush my hair, and I'll answer your questions," she offered.

He contemplated the idea, quickly gave in to his curiosity, and sat on the bed behind his wife. Kathrine Ann adjusted her position so that her back faced him, and he started roughly pulling the brush through her hair. "Speak," he ordered as the brush caught a knot, and she hissed.

"Right. So Luce is upset because he chose all my clothes and didn't give me a say. He also 'conveniently' never got me proper sleepwear despite me asking more than once."

"So all the dresses?" He asked, and she nodded.

"I never really liked dresses. Sure, I'd wear them for fancy occasions, but they were never a part of my daily wardrobe," she explained, sighing.

There was a short silence before Lucifer shocked her by laughing, "And he called me an asshole."

His laugh was genuine and infectious, causing Kathrine Ann to chuckle, "I'm sure he's regretting his choices at the moment."

"He is, as he should." Lucifer smirked, "Especially since I haven't decided what to do with you yet."

"Well, you're not going to do anything tonight, so how about the next question?" She rolled her eyes, and he felt a prick of annoyance.

"And why won't I?" He snarled, ripping through another knot, causing her to yelp.

"Because you have all day tomorrow with me." She grumbled through gritted teeth, "Why ruin things so quickly?"

Lucifer pondered over her logic as he pulled the brush carelessly through Kathrine Ann's wet hair, not minding the knots until she finally turned and snatched the brush out of his hand.

"Hey!" He snapped.

"If all you're going to do is rip my hair out, then I'll do it myself." She fussed, turning to face him and pulling the long locks over her shoulder before tenderly brushing through the tips.

"You asked me to." He reminded, crossing his arms.

"I asked you to brush my hair, not thin it out." She retorted, "Now, my turn to ask a question."

"No." He refused, "You said I could ask the questions."

"If you brushed my hair, and you're not brushing it, I am, so it's my turn to ask." She explained as she pulled the brush through the red-tented strands.

Lucifer wanted the brush back. He didn't know why, but it was frustrating that she took it from him.

"I didn't agree to that." He retorted.

Why did he want to brush her hair?

"Did you truly want to meet me, or did you just want out?" She asked anyway.

Lucifer stared at her through squinted eyes as he slipped off the bed. "Both," he answered.

"Why haven't you tried before?" she asked, putting the brush down. "To break free, I mean."

"You had your question." He snapped, retrieving his abandoned drink, "Are you done brushing your hair?"


"Then go to bed." He ordered.

"Excuse me?" She replied, obviously taken aback.

"You heard me." He said, taking a pull from his glass, "It's late, and I was informed that we're getting up early tomorrow to go see what's her face."

"Azazel," she informed, rolling her eyes. To his surprise, she scooted up the bed and got under the covers. "Aren't you coming to bed?"

He smirked, "Now, now, little wife, you shouldn't tempt the Devil."

He heard Kathrine Ann scoff as she curled up in the sheets and turned her back to him, "Can't tell which annoys me more, being your little wife or his precious doll."