Baby Girl "The Prince's Driver."

The following morning Kathrine Ann had woken to the sun's glow coming in through the windows. She was alone, but this wasn't unusual. Sometimes, Luce left before she woke, but Kathrine Ann knew this wasn't a typical morning. She dressed in a dark blue long-sleeve, off-the-shoulder gown with a straight-cut neck, and the skirt stopped just above the knees. After tying her hair into a tight, neat bun, she walked to the dining hall alone. Kathrine Ann sat next to an empty chair and talked to Lord Lucifer about her plans to return to the hospital and check on Azazel with or without Lucifer. He chuckled and promised to arrange her travel if his son didn't appear. A short time later, she left the hall, wondering where her demon husband was as she meandered the castle till she was found and told her accommodations to take her into Central City were ready and waiting, and that is how she ended up here.

Kathrine Ann leaned against a matte black car. The wide heavy frame vibrated from the deep rumble of its powerful engine. Unlike the sleek red car that Louie had driven the other night, this car was larger and louder, demanding the attention of everyone around. It reminded her of a muscle car, but she couldn't appreciate the beautiful piece of machinery because her Loulou had finally shown up. Unfortunately, so had Milril and Viskiam, which has led to her standing there leaning against the car, arms crossed and shaking her head while a stoic Thron stood next to her as Milril and Lucifer argued with Viskiam off to the side,

"I can see a few thousand years of solitude hasn't changed your attitude." Milril groaned.

"Oh, did you expect me to spend all this time imprisoned in my own mind by my own self-meditating and reflecting on the people whose feelings I hurt?" Lucifer scoffed, "Fuck you and your 'visions,' Milril," He hissed, "You always hated me, and you were glad I was gone. Just admit it."

"I never denied it." Milril spat, "Sure, I felt bad about our last conversation,"

"Oh fuck off! No, you didn't," Lucifer laughed, "Play that oh-so-forgiving bullshit role all you want, but you never gave a fuck about what happened to me. In fact, I'm still not convinced it wasn't you who poisoned me!"

"Louie!" Viskiam spoke up.

"You're joking," Milril laughed, this time cutting him off, "If I wanted to kill you, Lucifer, I wouldn't have played around with something as weak as Devil's Kiss."

"So you admit wanting to kill me!" Lucifer accused.

Kathrine Ann dropped her head and groaned, "You know, for someone who seemed so remorseful about Loulou's plight, Milril doesn't seem very apologetic now that they're face to face." She observed.

"Loulou?" Thron asked, raising a brow.

"Oh yeah, my Demon Prince Loulou. That's what I've nicknamed Lucifer's demon half, though if you wish for me to continue to be your Princess, I ask you not to tell him." She grinned and caught a slight and brief smile crack through Thron's poised exterior.

"Lucifer, Loulou, to be specific, is a hard personality to deal with. He's honest, blunt, and lacks etiquette. Milril is kind, forgiving, and soft-spoken." Thron let out a small laugh. "I've watched Milril smile in the presence of horrid demons screaming in his face. He remained calm in situations the Lord himself stressed over and easily managed issues Vassel couldn't handle, but Lucifer? Even as kids, Lucifer always knew how to get under Milril's skin."

"Well, they're adults now, and I've had enough of this." She stated, pushing herself off the car and walking over to where the two boys faced off,

"Did you have to play your little card game to come up with that one?" Lucifer scoffed.

"My little card game has saved your dumbass more than once." Milril retorted.

"For someone so concerned you couldn't be bothered to show last night," He stated, "Finally got tired of saving me?"

"Seriously, Louie," Viskiam interrupted again, "Milril would never,"

Lucifer turned to face Viskiam so quickly that Kathrine Ann's eyes couldn't catch the movement, "Call me Louie one more time, elf, and I swear I'll return you to your world one piece at a time." He growled, "I don't give a fuck who your mother is."

Viskiam laughed, "You can't kill me, Lucifer, and you know it."

"Who said anything about killing?" He smirked, stepping closer to Viskiam.

Kathrine Ann stepped in between the two, "Okay, that's enough!" She snapped, placing her hands on Lucifer's chest and pushing a bit, but, of course, he didn't budge, "Lucifer, you're a dick. Milril, you're a terrible friend and Viskiam," She paused, looking at the elf, "Well, I guess you didn't do anything, but I'm still mad at you. Now break it up, or I'm leaving the lot of you."

Glaring at Milril again through narrowed eyes, Lucifer finally stepped back, "Let's go, little Wife." He barked and turned his back as Milril rolled his eyes.

Lucifer walked past Kathrine Ann as she gave Milril a shrug before he and Viskiam turned for the plain black vehicle that Thron would be driving. When she turned, she caught the passenger door of their car slamming shut.

Confused, she walked to the car's passenger side, where Lucifer rolled down the window, "You wanted to go. Let's go." he ordered.

"You want me to drive?" She asked, a bit amused.

"I'm not driving." He informed, "I Don't know how, so come on. You were in a hurry, weren't you?"

"You drove the other night,"

"No, your precious, Louie drove." He snapped, "I don't drive."

"You don't drive?" She repeated.

"That's what I said." He rolled his eyes as the window went up.

Kathrine Ann walked around the car to the driver's side without knowing what else to do. Sure she knew how to drive on Earth, she even knew how to drive a stick shift, but she had no idea how a Hell car works,

"Don't worry. It's pretty simple." Thron reassured, appearing at her side. "On each side of the steering wheel, there are paddles. The right accelerates, and the left breaks. On the floor, there are two pedals on the right side. The right shifts the gears up and the left down. When the engine sounds like it's straining, shift up. When you slow, shift down." He explained, reaching for the door handle.

"Alright, I hope I don't kill the Prince of Hell." She shrugged as she slid into the driver's seat and slammed the door shut. "Okay, paddles and pedals, where are you?" she mumbled to herself.

"Are we going to go or just," Lucifer began,

"Oh, hush." Kathrine Ann instructed, glancing over at her pouting Prince, "Look, I'm sorry you and your friends are in a tiff, but if you want—"

"We're not friends." He grumbled, "I don't have friends."

"I'm your friend." She grinned and winked before turning back to her task, "A bit more than that, I would like to think, so I have the right to tell you that you're an asshole, Lucifer."

"And?" He replied, "Why should I care about those who don't care about me."

"But they do care,"

"No. They care about," Kathrine Ann had slightly pressed the right pedal, and the car lunged forward, cutting off her Devil's reply.

"There we go!" She giggled as she accelerated down the curved drive,

"Anyway, they only care about Louie," He tried to finish as she picked up speed quickly,

"No, they care about you, all of you." She corrected as she shifted and continued to gain momentum, "They just don't like this side of you because, I repeat, you're an asshole."

"They prefer me locked away." He snapped.

"Well, yeah! Because you. Are. An. Asshole. Lucifer. No one likes an asshole, especially one that hurts others." She scoffed, shifting again, "Stop brooding and thinking about just yourself. Then maybe people will like you."

"I never said I wanted anyone to like me."

"Well, if you don't want to be locked away again, I suggest you learn to play nice," she said as they exited the main gate and onto the only road into Hell City, still picking up speed.

Lucifer scoffed this time, "Louie will never let me be free."

"I don't know about that," Kathrine Ann responded as she pressed the right pedal again. "I think if you actually behave yourself, he'll at least consider it, especially if his Baby Girl keeps asking."

"Why would you?" he responded as they approached the first curve, and she didn't move to slow down the car. "Also, slow down."

"Because you're my husband." Came the matter-of-fact answer, and she did not slow. In fact, a wide child-like smile stretched across her face as she pressed the right paddle a bit more.

She hadn't driven in forever, and Luce was always so cautious over her that he would have never allowed her to do this. "Kathrine Ann, slow down," he snapped.

"Scared?" She asked, shooting a glance his way as the speeding car entered the curve that she smoothly navigated.

"No, but I don't wish to be thrown through the windshield." He hissed as his nails dug into the armrest.

"Oh, please. You'll heal in about two seconds." She laughed, rolling her eyes as they emerged from the curve.

"It'll still hurt!" He justified, "And you won't heal. You, little Wife, will be injured and may even die."

"Aww, Lucifer." She smiled sweetly but did not slow the car, "You care about my safety."

"I do not." He quickly retorted, "I just don't want to be blamed for something that wouldn't even be my fault."

"I don't believe you." She teased, pressing the left paddle and slowing the vehicle.

"I don't care," he huffed as she shifted the car down. Believe what you want, but know that I don't lie."

"Oh, okay." She hummed as her demon prince glared at her with a scowl.

"You doubt me?" He asked as they approached the wall of East City.

"Look, I don't think you're lying. I just don't think you're accepting your feelings," she explained as they stopped at the blockade.

"My feelings!" he laughed. "Listen here, little girl. We haven't even known each other a whole day." Before he could continue, she leaned over and captured his lips with hers. It was a short kiss ended by a sharp knock on the window.

Kathrine Ann pulled back and rolled down the darkly tinted window to see the face of an annoyed guard who quickly corrected his features once he saw Lucifer,

"Milord!" He bowed.

"Seriously?" he hissed. "How many cars pass through this gate? Hum? You act like seeing me is the surprise of a century."

"Sorry, Milord!" The poor boy bowed again but then froze for a moment.

"Open the gate, boy!" Lucifer snapped.

"Yes! Sorry, Sir-er Milord!" He responded, running off to open the gate.

"You were saying?" Kathrine Ann smirked.

Lucifer glared at her, and she grinned, knowing she had him, as the gate slowly lifted.

"She kisses better than you." He mumbled, turning to look out the window.