Lucifer "The Cheek?"

"She kisses better than you," Lucifer said, looking out the window.

It was like Kathrine Ann had slapped him again, but it was her feelings this time. Anger was what he was trying for, but he wasn't expecting the wave of hurt that filled the small space.

The gate was open, and slowly the car moved forward as the guards bowed, but his chatty little wife sat silent, not even acknowledging the young halflings. Finally, he looked over at her. Despite the flood of emotions radiating from her, she sat there with a stony expression, eyes fixed on the road in front, but said nothing. Lucifer stared at his wife, curious about how strangely she felt. He had wanted anger, frustration, and fear, but she was sad, annoyed, and hurt. Annoyed, he knew very well. It was his constant state of being, and he'd sensed sad plenty. Louie was sad a lot, but hurt? He wasn't really familiar with hurt, not this kind, at least, and he didn't like it.

'What the fuck is wrong with you?' Louie hissed in his head.

'Many things,' Lucifer mentally replied, scarcely paying any attention to his furious other half as his eyes focused on her tiny hands. They clenched so tight to the steering wheel that her knuckles were white.

'You promised not to hurt her!'

'I don't see any wounds,' He snapped, drifting from his statuesque wife to out the windshield.

'You asshole!' Louie spat, 'She opened herself to you, and in turn, you responded with that! You're an idiot. You know that, right?'

'Fuck you.'

'Fix it.' He demanded.

'Or what? Let me guess, you'll lock me away,' Lucifer rolled his eyes.

'No. I'll do the opposite since that threat doesn't seem to work. I'll leave you. I'm not coming back till you fix this.'

'No, you won't.' He replied, scoffing out loud, but not even that pulled his wife's attention.

'Oh yes, I will. You broke her. You fix her.' Louie retorted, "I'm not fixing a problem I didn't create."

'And you called me the idiot!' Lucifer laughed, 'You're handing me my freedom.'

'Yup. Now that I think about it, I could use a break.' Louie admitted, 'Fair warning, that pesky feeling you have in your chest right now is because of her. Hard to explain, but the longer she feels like that, the more it grows until you can't stand it anymore, so I suggest fixing it sooner rather than later.'

'Pah, you're weak. I feel nothing.'

'No worries then. Enjoy your freedom, asshole.' Louie groaned. He was still hurting from the poison, 'Oh, and don't forget to take a detailed report from Azazel, who I'm sure will be more than happy to talk to you. Also, there's still the talk with Father, and almost all of Hell City's runnings must be overseen. Court complaints handled, halflings in other worlds checked on,'

'Yeah, right!' He huffed, 'I won't be doing any of that crap.'

'Okay, don't,' Louie hummed. "I'm sure you can handle it, Father.' He laughed before settling in the back of their minds.

'Ha! You forget I know you! I am you, and you would never let your precious Hell fall to pieces.' Lucifer replied, calling his bluff, but he didn't get any response, 'I know you won't, Louie!'

When Lucifer brought his focus back to the car, he had a scowl on his face, and his little wife still sat silently maneuvering the vehicle through East City. Only now, he had noticed the odd feeling in his chest. It was uncomfortable, like a dull throbbing ache. He remembered this feeling vaguely. When Olreth left Hell with not even a goodbye, and then that night in the woods. Lucifer snapped out of his thoughts, forcing his attention back to his window, where he watched the row of houses and businesses pass by,

"So this is the famous Hell City." He mumbled, "How plain."

"You seem surprised." She finally broke her silence, but her words were stiff like she was responding to someone she didn't wish to talk to.

"I haven't seen it in a long time." He admitted, "Even then, it was only a couple of times that my father would take me here. He was always worried someone would try to steal me away to manipulate him or something."

"Seems like the demons of East City weren't the ones he should have kept an eye on." She scoffed, and his head snapped to her as a low growl slipped from his throat, "What? You can be a prick, but I can't?"

"I didn't mean it, okay?" Looking back out the window, he huffed, "I don't even remember what she kisses like. Don't care. Kissing isn't what I use her for."

"Thought you didn't lie?" She replied.

"You want an apology or not?" Lucifer snarled.

"I don't want it if you don't mean it, Lucifer. If you want Angelique, then go. I'll drop you off once we get through Central—"

"I'm not lying!" He spat.

"Yea, you are!" She spat back, "Either you lied and said those words to hurt me, or you're lying now because Luce is bitching at you. Which is it?"

"I don't know!" he hissed, "Both, I guess."

Silence fell over the car again. She wasn't as hurt anymore. Instead, his little Wife was oozing curiosity though he could still sense that pesky feeling floating around. What more did she want? He apologized, so why was she still upset? He didn't think about it for long as a bright glittering gate appeared as they came around a curve,

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Lucifer rolled his eyes, "I knew Central City was my Father's pride and joy, but this is a bit much." He criticized as they got closer to the gate.

"Is it too flashy for the Demon Prince as well?" she chuckled, but he rolled his eyes. "You act as if you've never seen it before."

"That's because I haven't." He replied exasperated, "I thought I explained that already,"

"How is it possible?" She asked, "You and Louie are one. You have the same body and mind but have never seen your own city."

"I know everything he knows, but just because I have knowledge of something doesn't mean I've experienced it. I understand how this car works and what to do to make it move, but I've never actually driven it. I know what Hell City looks like, all the dukes and duchesses, all the businesses, and yet I've only met a couple of them. I've seen all the worlds, their people, language, and traditions but never with my own eyes. It's like looking at a photograph or pictures in a book."

Kathrine Ann pulled the car up to the gate where another guard, dressed slightly differently from the first, approached as she reached for the window,

"What, no kiss this time?" He asked sarcastically.

"You want a kiss?" She glared, "Choose a cheek."

"Oh please," Lucifer scoffed, "What am I, your father? Why would I kiss you on the cheek?" He questioned, and in an instant, her laughter filled the car, emphasized by thick amusement that covered almost every other feeling she was projecting, "What?"

"Wrong cheeks, Hubby. The only part of me I'm willing to let you can kiss is my ass." She laughed, "And considering how mad I am at you, that's a pretty gracious offer."

She was still giggling a bit when the guard got to the car, and she rolled down the window, greeting the man with a bright smile as he leaned down while scribbling something in the small notebook he held. He was a young halfling with brown hair and bright green eyes similar to hers. He glanced up and returned the smile with a polite nod, "Good morning, ma'am, identification?" He asked, half his focus still on the notebook,

"Is that really necessary?" Lucifer growled before his charming wife could answer.

Just as expected, the guard's eyes snapped to see him in the passenger seat, arms crossed over his chest, and red eyes drilling into the now very pale guard. "A-apologies, Milord! I'll get the gate open immediately." He stuttered, taking a few quick steps back and stumbling over his feet.

"Thank you, sweetie." Kathrine Ann smiled apologetically to the flustered boy, who bowed again.

His little Wife rolled up the window before turning to Lucifer and chuckled while shaking her head.

"What so damned funny this time?" He demanded.

"You," she laughed, "You and Luce are so similar and yet so different. It's like all Louie does is hide his feelings, but you can't seem to hold yours back. It's like two sides of the same coin."

"I don't see the humor," he replied, a bit confused. He adjusted himself in the seat and uncrossed his arms as the gate slowly rose. Also, be careful what you offer."

"Oh? Why's that?" She asked curiously as a smirk slid across his lips.

He shrugged as Kathrine Ann let off the brakes, causing the car to lurch forward, "I told you I'm not one for kissing," He stated as she shot him a suspicious glance, "but I do like to bite." He added, then proceeded to run his tongue across his sharp canines.

Her face flushed instantly as embarrassment surrounded him, but to his surprise, she laughed again. "Your shamelessness truly has no end," she accused him as they moved under the extravagant arch.

Lucifer stifled a laugh himself. He had to admit that there was more to his little Wife than he had expected, and he was starting to understand why Louie didn't seem to hate having her around.

He turned his gaze to the window and watched curiously at the tall colorful buildings flashing by as the car carried them through the busy city. The sidewalks were filled with half-demons of all kinds bustling back and forth. Trees and flowers grew in every available space while the suns's light sparkled off almost every surface, and Lucifer was captivated by all of it. It was his first time seeing any of Central City through his own eyes.

"Even you have to admit it's an amazing sight," Kathrine Ann said, glancing at him.

"I don't have to admit anything, little Wife," Lucifer mumbled back, but his eyes stayed focused on the streets and buildings of Central City.

"We could come back sometime." She suggested, "I mean haven't seen much of the City myself,"

"Why?" He asked, cutting her off.

She shot him a puzzled glance, "Well, I haven't been here all that long."

"No, not that. Why would you want to come with me?" he clarified, still not breaking his gaze from the passing sights. I'm sure your precious Luce would be a more suitable companion."

"I want all of you." She explained.

"Greedy little thing, aren't you?" Lucifer huffed.

"Am I, though?" She hummed, "You get all of me. Shouldn't I get the same?"

"Liar." He accused.

"What?" She snapped, "I am not."

"There's quite a bit you haven't given yet."

"Really?" She groaned, "You're going to bring that up?"

"Of course I am. After all, that's the only part of you I want." He replied.

"You are such a dick!" She snapped, "All of you. Luce does that same shit."

"What?" Lucifer asked, breaking his gaze and looking at his frustrated little Wife.

"It's like you can't just let it be. Anytime you do something sweet or say something even slightly nice, you have to ruin it. Like you just can't let me think you care."

"When have I ever done anything sweet or nice for you?"

"Not you, you! The other you, but you're doing it too, just not exactly the same." She let out a loud, exasperated sigh. "You know what? Forget it."

"You're upset again." He implied.

"I'm fine, Lucifer?" She snapped.

"Are you? Because you don't seem fine." He pointed out.

"Do you care?" She asked.

"Not really," he replied. "I'm just curious why you would claim to be fine when you're obviously not. It seems a bit counterproductive."

"Oh, shut up." She growled, and he smirked, but she did not see.

This was unexpectedly fun for him. Something about her getting flustered and annoyed entertained him. The way she huffed and pouted was, well, it was cute, and he liked it. The rest of the drive was silent, and Lucifer spent most of it staring at the world beyond the car. He wanted to explore the city, not just Central City, but he knew that would never happen. Louie would never allow it. Unless she was right. If Kathrine Ann insisted, would Louie listen? She seemed to think so,

"Lucifer!" Her voice echoed, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"Huh?" He replied.

"We're here." She informed, "You alright? I called you about three times."

"Yeah." He answered, pushing the car door open and hopping out before she had killed the engine.

They were parked in front of the hospital. Lucifer slammed the door shut and stretched his neck to each side. With a sigh, he took a couple of steps toward the entrance, but then someone took hold of his shoulder,

"Go open the door for your wife." Thron's stern voice stated, "Be a gentleman and escort her, little Lord."

"Why?" Lucifer asked, turning to the guard, who had a stern look on his face and a jacket hung over his arm, "She's a big girl."

Thron let out a small sigh, "I know you don't have the same flair for formality or etiquette that Louie does, but he's not here, and you are. So like it or not, you have an obligation to uphold not only to the throne but to your wife." He informed, handing Lucifer the suit jacket, "Now, stop acting like an angry child who doesn't want to do as he's told, and go open the door for your wife, Lucifer."

Lucifer stared at Thron. "Nah." He smirked, crossed his arms, and refused the jacket as well.

"Fine." Thron replied before clearing his throat, "Milril, would you please escort the Princess." He called but didn't take his crystal blue eyes off Lucifer's red ones.

The half-demon, who had been leaning against the black car lazily pushed off, "Sure thing. It would be an honor." He called back and walked towards the car his wife still sat in.

"Touch that door, and I'll break every finger on your hand, touch my wife, and I'll take off your entire arm," Lucifer growled in a low voice, his eyes still locked to Thron's but he knew Milril heard every word.

Thron's expression didn't change, but he held out the jacket again, and Lucifer grumbled as he snatched it from him before walking around the car to the driver's side, where Milril stood only a foot or so away with an amused air around him, "Fuck off, Milril." He snapped as he grabbed the driver's door handle.