Lucifer "Azazel's Recollection."

Lucifer sat in the chair next to Azazel's bed. His whole body ached with every movement, and his mind was groggy like he hadn't slept in days. He knew he needed more time to rest, but this was important. However, he didn't realize exactly how weak he was. His Baby Girl was arguing for his other half while he sat lost to the conversation and zoned out,

"—Luce," He snapped back to the room, "how many children's souls are damned?" His Baby Girl asked him.

"None." He answered, "The sins of children are never their own. They are caused by something or someone else."

"I believe I've proven my point." She stated.

"Let it go, little Wife. You won't change their mind." His demon spoke up, startling everyone except him. He knew he was too weak to hold him down, and he didn't even know if the bracelets would work at this point, "What? I'm not taking over, just listening, or am I not allowed that luxury now?"

"You're both here?" Kathrine Ann asked.

"So it would seem. I told you I can't hold him back." He answered.

"Don't worry I won't interrupt. I just can't help but enjoy listening to this tiny human putting a bunch of half-demons in their place." His other half chuckled.

"This is funny to you?" Milril snapped.

"Very," Lucifer replied. What's wrong, Milril? Don't you like the Princess sticking up for me?"

"That's only because she doesn't know the real you,"

"Enough!" Kathrine Ann fussed. Lucifer, if all you're going to do is cause problems, then I will give Luce the bracelets. Now hush, and Milril, stop arguing with him. All you're doing is egging him on. And this discussion as a whole is over. The decision on what happens after Luce talks to Azazel will be made by my husband and me only, now Azazel. How are you?"

Lucifer also turned his attention to why they were all here, only to find Azazel staring at him. Her brows knitted, and concern floated off her, "I'm fine, don't worry about me. How are you feeling?" He asked, repeating his Baby Girl's question.

"Been better," She answered, "but I've also been worse."

"How's your leg?" His worried wife asked, stepping closer to the bed.

"Stop looking at me like that." Azazel huffed, "I don't like that pity look."

His Baby Girl chuckled, "It's not pity, Azazel. It's concern. I've been so worried."

"No need, I'll be fine, and my leg is okay." She responded, "Hurts like a mother fucker when the meds wear off, but they've been pretty good at keeping me doped up, and the doc says it'll heal up fine. Nasty scar but no permanent damage."

"Did the doctors say how long till you get out of here?" He asked.

"Hopefully, a few days." Azazel answered, "Just until they're sure there's no infection and the wounds are healing properly.

"I'm sorry, Azazel." He sighed. This shouldn't have happened, and I promise I will find out who did this."

"Well, I can tell you it was more than one person, Louie." She replied.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the recorder he made himself grab before leaving the castle this morning. He placed it on the bed and tapped the record button, "Tell me everything, Azazel.

"Okay, I'll tell you everything I remember, but I don't know how much it will help."


Azazel stepped through the threshold right into Viskiam's office. The soft woosh of the portal closing behind her caught the elf's attention. He was sitting at a wooden desk scribbling away, but now he put down his pen and smiled at her,

"Azazel," he greeted, standing up and walking around the large desk. "This is a surprise. I didn't realize you were popping in."

"Yup, Lord Lucifer has a couple of things he needs to be dropped off," She replied, digging through the bag that hung off her shoulder and pulling out a small envelope, "Including this." She handed him a sealed letter, "And I need to make a few personal runs for my dad."

"Okay. Have a seat," he motioned to the empty chair. "Let's get your permits signed, and you can be on your way."

Azazel sat down in the chair while Viskiam walked around the desk back to his chair and opened one of the many drawers, pulling out the papers he needed. "So, how are things in Hell?" he asked as she handed him a list of places she needed to go, and he began filling in all the required information.

"Good. Our new Princess is stepping into her role quite well." Azazel chuckled, "And Louie, poor thing has no idea what to do with her."

"Oh?" Viskiam looked up for a second, "I knew she would be a handful for him."

"They're making it work, though. Fortunately for Louie, she's very forgiving and patient. It also helps that she truly seems to care about him. Any other woman would have walked by now, but you know how he can be."

"Naive," Viskiam laughed, sliding the top paper to the side and beginning work on the next, "At least in the ways of women."

"That's for sure." Azazel laughed, leaning back in the chair, "But they'll be alright, I think. I can see him changing already. You know, he took her camping for a couple of days, just the two of them. Oh! and today, he humiliated Angelique in front of me and five other women because the dumb cunt had the nerve to call out the human race for being warmongers and also too emotional," She laughed, "All to take a cheap blow at Kat."

"What?" Viskiam laughed, "The Vampires start wars weekly and are also the biggest grudge-holders I have ever met."

"Right! But Louie put her in her place, and it was actually quite sweet." Azazel informed, "Of course, he ruined it later, but hopefully, he'll patch it up tonight."

"Tonight?" Viskiam questioned, shifting another paper.

"Yes, the Central City Theatre's grand reopening is tonight. They just finished a huge restoration, and hopefully, Louie will bring Kathrine Ann. It's the perfect opportunity to introduce the Princess to her people."

"Agreed, but we both know he is one stubborn Prince."

"He is, but I think he's found his weakness. He really doesn't like it when Kat is upset, especially if someone else upsets her."

"Like Angelique?"

"Like Angelique." She smirked.

"Well, here you are." Viskiam smiled, stood up, and handed her the needed documentation. "Be careful, and see you in a few."

"Thanks, Kiam!" she replied, taking her permits and stuffing them into her bag. I'll be back."

Azazel left Viskiams office and walked down the hall to the front of the large building that housed Hell's embassy. She waved and nodded to a few halflings she recognized before walking out the front doors. It was early morning on Shain, and the sun had just risen. She loved Shain. It was one of her favorite planets mainly because of the atmosphere. Something about the air was always light and crisp. Breathing here was easier, and nature was a priority for its inhabitants. They built around nature and allowed it in every aspect of their lives. Vines and flowers crept through every space and crevice, trees grew tall and healthy right in the middle of the city, and there were no cars. Almost no pollution, and that was probably why the air felt so good. Over the next few hours, Azazel ran from one location to another, dropping things off or picking things up. The sun was setting when she finished up at her last stop. The large amount of elven stone she had purchased sat heavily at the bottom of her bag, along with a few other things she had acquired. Her father and brother used the stone to make watch faces. It was a beautiful white stone with veins of gold and silver running through it. Shain had an abundance of it, and she always got a fair price. She and her family had been loyal customers for many years, so the man who sold it to her always gave her a solid deal. It also helped he was a half-demon himself. Elven stone was one of the more popular choices in the shop, and it being a foreign stone meant an excellent mark up making it one of their more profitable items.

Azazel walked a familiar path through woods she knew pretty well. She was on Dedum territory, but she didn't worry. The Dedum and the elves tolerated each other but weren't friendly. However, they did seem to like her and the other halflings. She, personally, had always had a delightful relationship with the Dedum. In fact, she felt a little disappointed she didn't have business with them on this trip. Usually, they sent her off a bit high and with a couple of bottles of the most delicious alcohol she had ever tasted. She could see the edge of the woods that led back to the city center when she heard rustling behind her. She didn't think much of it, figuring it was an animal or just another person on the path, but she looked back out of curiosity, and her heart skipped a beat.

Two figures stood a yard and some away from her, but their faces were covered by cowls, only allowing her to see their chins. One with a long, thick, silvery white beard and the other hairless. Not shaven but seemed not to have facial hair. A woman or a young boy, Azazel guessed. Both wore black robes accented with silver. The older bearded one held a coiled whip in one hand. Azazel wasn't sure of their intent, but she didn't plan to hang around to figure it out. She quickly headed for the forest edge, but suddenly, the younger one stood in front of her causing her to gasp and back up. Then she heard a crack, and she was pulled off her feet. The whip she saw was now coiled around her leg, and she felt it digging in, spikes twisted in the leather.

"You got her!" The younger one cheered. Now, she was sure it was a young boy.

"Yea, good job, boy, filthy demon scum." He spat.

"Wrong scum to mess with, bub," Azazel hissed, carefully reaching into her bag unnoticed, "I don't return, and you'll have a war on your hands." She warned.

"You don't scare me, bitch. Your unholy blood isn't welcome on Shain."

"That's odd because I have permits saying otherwise."

"Fuck your permits," He sneered as the young boy gleefully circled her. She kept her attention on the man, but her senses were sharp and aware of everything around her.

"One chance to let me go, old man." She warned.

"Oh please, why would I do that," He began, but in one quick move, she reached behind her and caught the boy's foot. Within a second, she had him wrapped in her arms and the knife she pulled from her bag to his throat.

"You can bet I'll drag him back to Hell with me too." She threatened, "With the morals you've taught him he may even beat me there if you don't cooperate."

"Let him go!" The man snarled.

"Release me." She demanded.

"Put down the knife first." He negotiated, and after some thought, Azazel dropped the knife but held tight to the boy.

"Now, release me." She demanded, and a sickening smirk crossed the man's face.

"Very well." He yanked the whip, which shredded through her leg as it pulled free. Azazel screamed in pain but managed to grab the knife and throw it at the man. She heard it hit flesh, but she didn't see where, as the pain clouded everything.

"Father!" The boy yelled and ran from her grasp.

"Kill her!" The old man gasped, and Azazel didn't wait. She knew if she hung around, she would be killed, so she forced herself up and limp ran for the forest edge. The pain clouded her mind, and she couldn't tell if she was being followed, but suddenly the boy was in front of her again. Acting on instinct, she swung her heavy bag directly for the kid's head, and it connected with a loud crack, and the boy went down. Not slowing, she rushed for the city center, hoping there would be people to help her. The minute or two it took her to exit the forest into the city was the most terrifying she had ever experianced. People were scrambling and yelling as soon as she broke the tree line. A couple of them ran to help,

"Hell's embassy, please." She gasped, and they helped her to the steps, where she saw Viskiam running towards her.

"Azazel!" He cried quickly, grabbing her from the kind citizens. She latched onto his arm feeling her nails dig into his skin.

"Hunters," She spat, "Get me home, Kiam."


"You know the rest." Azazel finished, "By the way, thanks, Kat."

"For?" His Baby Girl asked, confused.

"Uh, I don't know, saving my life." Azazel scoffed.

"Oh, well, of course," She blushed, "but it wasn't just me."

Lucifer grabbed the recorder and stopped the recording, "Father-son duo, not surprising, but as I said, we will find them." he reassured.

"Yes, we will," Viskiam reiterated, stepping forward, "And then they will pay for their crimes. I'm so sorry, Azazel."

"If you choose to continue to work for my father as a messenger, you will always have a guard, Azazel," Lucifer stated.

"What? Come on, Louie. This was a freak incident,"

"Always, Azazel. I don't care if it slows you down. I will not lose you because of something as silly as speed. A guard or you don't leave Hell."

"Fine." She grumbled, "But I'm choosing who it is."

Lucifer slipped the recorder back into his pocket and forced himself out of his seat, "Baby Girl, we need a moment, I think." He stated, and she quickly came to his side.

The two passed by the rest of the room, and though they got a few stares, none of them said a word as he left the room with his wife. Once outside, he leaned against the wall,

"Luce," she sighed sadly, stepping close to him and caressing his cheek. I've never seen you like this," she added, and he sensed her worry.

"I'll be fine." He reassured, "I just need to rest."

"How are you so weak, and he's not?"

"He's stronger than me. Our body is weak, and he can power through it. I can not. Are you sure you can handle him for the rest of the day?"

"You know I'm still here?" Lucifer grumbled.

"Shut up, huh? Give me a minute with my wife." He hissed at his other half.

"Our wife." He corrected.

"I swear to Grandpapa!"

"Please go rest, Luce." She sighed, "I'll be fine. Lucifer won't hurt me, will you?"

"Probably not." His demon replied, causing himself to roll his eyes.

"Okay, remember you have Thron, Milril, and Viskiam," He reminded.

"I won't need them." She smiled, leaning in and placing a soft and sweet kiss on his lips.

"I hope not." He stated, finally letting go and fading into the back of his mind.