Baby Girl "My Well Behaved Demon Prince."

Kathrine Ann watched as her weak Devil transformed back into his other half, who stood tall and confident, but the sudden change that she knew would happen still perplexed her a bit.

"Welcome back, Lucifer." Meeting his red eyes, she smiled, "I told you, you would be back."

"Oh, please. I'm only back because Louie is weak." He rolled his eyes as she held out the bracelets. "I doubt I'll need those. Louie is too weak to fight right now. Well, unless I try to hurt you, little Wife." Regardless of his words, he took the bracelets and snapped them back onto his wrists.

"Will you stop with the empty threats?" she scoffed. "Is he going to be okay? He didn't look good," she asked, concerned.

"He'll be fine as long as he actually rests. There's still poison in our blood, but I imagine it'll have run its course by this evening, and Louie will be back to his annoying self in no time."

"Luce said you feel the pain too. Is that true?" She asked as Lucifer leaned back against the wall and slipped his hands into his pant pockets.

"It is, but he's right. I'm stronger than him, at least physically. There are benefits to being more demonesque than he," he said.

"Then how does he keep you restrained?" Was her next question.

"I said physically. Unfortunately for me, Louie's part of the mind is much stronger than mine. More willpower, though I suppose that's obvious based on my past."

"I see," She mumbled, looking back at the door they exited from a moment ago, "That's why he was affected more physically by the poison."

"Right, He was more impacted by the physical pain because he's not as tough as I am, while I suffered more from the mental aspect."


"Devil's Kiss is a horrific poison. It causes its victim excruciating pain. Feels like fire running through your veins, and most are incapacitated by it, then on top of that, terrible hallucinations accompany the pain."

"Like what?" She questioned, her eyes fixed on his.

"Depends on the person." He shrugged.

"What did you see?" She quickly asked.

"None of your business." He snapped suddenly.

"Right, sorry. A bit personal, I imagine."

"Very much so, nosey little Wife. Despite all the pain and anguish, Devil's Kiss is not deadly but has driven many people mad." Lucifer smirked wickedly, "It's a favorite of mine."

"Favorite? What do you—Oh! That's so fucked up." She fussed, realizing what he meant.

"Fucked up torture for fucked up souls." He defended as her eyes drifted again to the door behind them, "Go on. Be with your friend. I'll find something to occupy myself with." He replied.

"Yeah, that's what I'm worried about. I'm sorry, Hubby. I can't just let you run around."

He glared at her with narrowed eyes, "You know you're truly pushing your luck with these pet names. Don't think I didn't hear you call me LouLou earlier." He fussed, and Kathrine Ann couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh, come on. Don't be so grumpy. Now, back in the room,"

"And if I refuse?" He questioned, pushing himself off the wall and closing the small gap between them, towering over her.

"Then I'll be forced to send your entourage after you," she threatened, and a disgusted look crossed his face. "That's what I thought. Come on, then. In you go. You will sit and behave yourself, and so will they."

"Oh, please. Like that'll happen," He grumbled.

"And to who are you referring? Them are you?"

Lucifer shrugged, "Both." He answered as Kathrine Ann grabbed his hand and led him back into the room.

"Great, he's back." Azazel groaned.

"Sorry, Azazel, but he stays. Can't let him roam the halls alone."

"I can stay with him." Thron offered.

"No, thank you, Thron." She returned, "Knowing my mischievous husband, he'll ditch you at the first opportunity."

"Mischievous?" Lucifer scoffed, "Now I'm mischievous? I think I prefer evil."

"Fine." Azazel huffed, "Just leave me alone, okay, Lucifer?"

"Whatever, I've got nothing to say to any of you assholes anyway," Lucifer griped, sitting in a chair at the opposite corner of the room and pulling out his phone.

"Do you even know what to do with that?" Milril asked, his eyes fixed on Lucifer.

"I'm sure I can figure it out. I'm not an idiot." He replied.

"That's debatable."

"Seriously, Milril?" Kathrine Ann snapped, "If you have nothing nice to say, then—"

"Shut the fuck up." Lucifer finished.

"Oh, Jes," she stopped herself. "Nope, nope, I'm not going there again." She sighed, "Everyone, just leave Lucifer alone, please."

There was a bit of grumbling, but no more jabs or comments were thrown from either direction. Kathrine Ann took the chair next to Azazel's bed while Milril and Viskiam shared the small couch, and Thron leaned on the wall by the door with his arms crossed over his chest, "Where's your dad and brother?" She asked, suddenly noticing their absence.

"Oh, I sent them home shortly before you got here to eat and shower, hopefully, sleep, but I doubt it." Azazel explained, "Just like you, they have been overly worried despite being told multiple times by myself and the doctors that I am okay."

"We worry because we care." Kathrine Ann defended, pinching Azazel's cheek, who promptly pulled away and glared at her.

"Oh? What are you, hum?" Lucifer suddenly stated, capturing everyone's attention, and Kathrine Ann wondered what he had found on the phone.

"What?" she asked, and he flipped the screen to see a bunch of brightly colored tiles mixed up on it. She got up and walked over to where her husband sat. Looking at the screen, she recognized a few words, "I think it's a game."

"I know that, but what do I do?" He replied, "I need something to pass the time besides listening to your boring conversation."

"Uh, I'm not sure. It looks like a matching game." She mumbled.

"You're right, Princess," Viskam confirmed from over her shoulder, causing her to flinch. She hadn't heard him approach, "Look, you use your finger to swap bricks next to each other to match at least three of the same." He explained, demonstrating, "You have this many moves for the round, and you need to collect this many of each brick before you run out of moves to win the round." He continued, pointing to the side panel.

"Ahh," Lucifer replied, smiling a bit as he followed Viskiam's instructions. "Thank you, elf."

"Viskiam," He rolled his eyes standing up straight, "and glad I could help."

"I know your name. I merely choose not to use it." Lucifer replied as Viskiam sighed loudly and crossed the room to the couch.

Milril scoffed, "Told you, you wouldn't—" But he stopped when he caught Kathrine Ann's death glare on him, "Er, I mean, enjoy your game?"

"Anyway," Azazel loudly called, "Tell me everything that happened since I last saw you, Kat." She demanded as Kathrine Ann made her way back to her chair.

"Guess I'll be here till they release you." Kathrine Ann laughed, sitting back down.

"Start with your evening out." Azazel suggested, "What did you think of Hell City? Oh, and where did Louie take you to dinner? How'd the theatre look, and how was the show? I saw advertisements for it. The actor playing Lord Lucifer looked hot."

"Hot doesn't even begin to describe the actor portraying Lord Lucifer." Kathrine Ann giggled and saw Lucifer's eyes snap to her in her peripheral, but she didn't look over. "Let's see. Hell City was not what I expected at all, and I can't wait to see more. I for sure want to see more of Central City, but I also want to see West City and the Borderlands. I would say East City as well, but I know—"

"Not a fucking chance." Lucifer interrupted.

"Why not?" Azazel asked, "I could bring her. No one would dare,"

"Yes, they would." He snapped, "Her soul—you don't get it. Pure souls are rare, and my little Wife is very pure. East City is not an option."

"Okay, let's agree to disagree." Kathrine Ann intervened, "So, Louie took me to Lilliana's, and we had a private dining room overlooking the lake. It was magical, and the food was delectable, though the Earth dish was a bit off. The theatre was excellent. I felt like I stepped back to the original Grand Opening, and the performance was eye-opening. I'm still shocked by the truth of it all, though it was difficult to pay attention to the history of it when the scene where God cast Lucifer down to Hell, and his shirt was all ripped to pieces, practically falling off of him and his muscular body glistened in the light. Yum." She winked and was sure she heard her demon Prince growl from his corner, causing Azazel to raise a brow, but Kathrine Ann just shrugged and blushed.

"Wish I could have gone," Azazel sighed, "Sadly, I had business in another world," She pouted, "Could have watched a play with a hot ass halfling instead of having my leg ripped to pieces by a racist and his dumbass brat. Did you get to meet him? Like a private meet and greet with all the actors and actresses."

"No, we didn't stay too long after the show, but we did meet up with Cornelia and Sari for a drink. I got to meet Sari's husband, uh," She paused, trying to remember the man's name,

"Felton Vaga." Lucifer reminded.

"Right, Felton. How did you know that?" Kathrine Ann asked.

"I know a lot of things, little Wife. Just because I'm not on the surface doesn't mean I don't pay attention."

"Seems your husband is wary of the men around you?" Azazel teased.

"For good reason." He mumbled.

"Anyway, what did you wear?" Was her next question, "I'm sure it was amazing."

"It was beautiful! I have to admit Luce knows fashion, so it was a form-fitted dress that hugged all the right places. The top was covered in black sequins that slowly transitioned into red and sparkled with the slightest light. Tall gold lace-up heels, a gold collar necklace, and of course, a gold crown. I used the same makeup palette you brought for the wedding. I look damn good."

"Sounds sexy. Too bad you didn't get a private meeting with Lord Lucifer's doppelgänger," Azazel winked. "Anyway, I'm glad someone came to his senses and took you," Azazel called loudly.

"Pointless statement," Lucifer mumbled, not looking up from his phone as he swiped back and forth with his finger. "Louie is out cold, and I had nothing to do with any of that because I had to be on my 'best behavior.' However, you did look delicious in that dress." He continued, still not looking up. "Also, can we please stop talking about the hot actor who played my father? It's a bit uncomfortable."

"I have to agree," Milril added, "Lord Lucifer portrayed as half naked and sexy. It's weird."

"Indeed," Viskiam muttered.

Thron didn't say anything, but Kathrine Ann saw him give a small nod.

"Well, look at that. You all finally agree on something." Kathrine Ann pointed out.

"Ignore them, Kat," Azazel demanded, "Tell me, honestly, how many times did Louie fuck up?" She smirked, "I'm guessing at least three."

"Oh, hum. Let me think a second." She hummed as she relived that night, "Well, if you include the first fuck up of him ignoring my request to go out, then, yea, that would be three. He wouldn't hear me out on why I wanted to go out, then at dinner, he hid the fact someone was trying to poison me, and lastly, at the theatre, he didn't explain his intentions, making me feel I was just a pawn to prove a point." She admitted, and Lucifer chuckled, "What is it, Hubby?" She asked, and he growled, "Hubby or LouLou, you choose."

"Neither," he spat, glancing up from the phone. "And I was laughing because it seems my other half is the idiot. I have no intent on wooing anyone, but even I know those were all stupid actions."

"Well, he made up for it." Kathrine Ann winked, "We had some very close, meaningful moments."

"You fucked?" Azazel gasped as a wide smile crossed her face.

"Unfortunately, no." Lucifer answered before she could, not looking up this time, "He did promise not to fuck anyone else, though. A decision I'm not particularly happy about."

"No shit!" Azazel gasped, "You got Louie to commit? I didn't think it was possible."

"It may not be," Kathrine Ann sighed, "Since someone isn't on board."

"Not like I have much of a say!" Lucifer fussed, "Besides, the others aren't enough anymore. Their blood tastes like shit, and touching them feels like caressing a fish. You're all I want. For once, my annoying other half is right. Taking the things I want from you isn't very good either. I need you to give them to me." He shrugged, still not looking up, "Why do you think I've been so nice?"

"Nice?" She laughed.

"Honestly, he has been much more tolerable," Azazel admitted.

"See," He sneered with a quick glance up, "I'm being a good little demon. I deserve a reward."

"Tell you what. On the way home, I'll have Thron stop, and we'll get you a cookie." She teased.

"I know that's supposed to be an insult, but I haven't personally had a sweet in thousands of years. I expect you to honor that offer."