Baby Girl "The Ruse."

Kathrine Ann walked the rest of the way to the castle alone. Now out in the open, away from the tree's protection and Lucifer's warmth, the cool breeze chilled her to the bone. Feeling herself shivering as the soaked material clung to her skin, she hastily crossed the gardens, making a B-line for the kitchen entrance. Hoping to avoid Micheal altogether, Kathrine Ann decided her best bet would be to sneak through the kitchen and down the service hall, putting her right outside the dining room. With luck on her side, he would be eating dinner with the rest of his family, and she could scoot past without notice, but she didn't hold high hopes since it wasn't quite dinner time. Also, Micheal didn't seem super eager to spend time with his damned siblings. Then there was the throne room. The massive room almost always had its giant doors open, and that was where the hub of the castle's business took place. She knew there would be no way to avoid detection if the archangel was lurking.

Kathrine Ann slipped through the bustling kitchen mostly unnoticed, only receiving a few curious and confused glances. She carefully avoided the servants with trays of drinks hustling down the service hall and emerged into the main corridor only to bump into something solid, causing her to stumble backward. Fortunately, she caught herself on the wall before falling to the ground.

"Oh, Princess!" Vassel gasped, "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine, sorry!" Kathrine Ann quickly apologized.

"No harm done, but what are you doing in the service hall, and why are your clothes soaked?"

"Oh, uh, well, I was walking in the woods, a bit lost in thought, and stumbled into the hot springs," Kathrine explained while looking around the empty hallway, not noticing the skeptical brow raise Vassel gave her, "As for the hallway. I'm trying to avoid causing a fuss."

"Umhum," Vassel replied, not buying either excuse.

"Fine!" Kathrine Ann sighed, "I'm trying to avoid a certain archangel."

"Ah, unfortunately, I think that will be difficult since he has been searching everywhere for you and Louie." She informed, "Speaking of, where is the Young Prince?"

"I'm not sure," Kathrine Ann claimed in a slightly elevated volume, "but if you could, please send our dinner to the room but put it all on one plate," she added in a whisper.

Vassel shook her head but chuckled, "Of course, Lady Kathrine Ann."

With that, Vassel vanished into the servant's hallway, leaving Kathrine Ann alone. With another scan, she quickly and stealthily passed the dining room and held her breath as she approached the throne room. Deciding that stopping and trying to scope out who was close by or inside would only put her at higher risk of detection, she chose to zip past as quickly as possible, and it worked. Kathrine Ann passed the open doors but didn't stop till she rounded the corner at the end of the hall and reached the back stairs, obviously not wanting to climb the main arched stairway. Only once she was out of sight did she stop to catch her breath and peek around the corner, verifying she wasn't followed. With a sigh of relief, she climbed the steps quickly. Just as she was reaching her floor, a tickle in her nose forced her to sneeze,

"May my father bless you," called the amused voice of the archangel she had tried so hard to avoid.

With a loud sigh, she looked up to see Micheal a good way down the hall, leaning against the wall next to her and Lucifer's door.

"Oh, Micheal," she called back unenthusiastically as she trudged toward him, "What a lovely surprise."

He didn't say anything in response as she grudgingly closed the distance between them. It was only when she was within a few feet that he opened his mouth, but she beat him to it,

"I don't know, so save your breath," she answered the unasked question as another tickle threatened her nose, but she pushed it back.

"You were with him earlier," he accused, looking her up and down, "Why are you wet?"

"I was, but now I'm not. As far as my current situation, it's quite embarrassing, and I don't wish to discuss it. So, if you will excuse me, I am cold, hungry, and tired," she explained, walking past him and reaching for the door, but before Kathrine Ann could grab the doorknob, Micheal was in the way, blocking her entrance,

"I have waited too long," Micheal snapped, "One night in this disgrace of a world is sacrifice enough,"

"Fine, tell me why you're here, and I'll pass it on to Luce whenever he shows up, and you can fucking leave," Kathrine Ann interrupted, crossing her arms and meeting the archangel's pointed glare.

"That will not work. I need both of you present."

"Then I don't know what to tell you. Now, please move before I strip in the hallway and leave you to explain to anyone who passes why their Princess stands naked in the hall."

"This isn't funny, Kathrine Ann,"

"Am I laughing?" she growled, holding her arms out, "Look at me, Micheal! You think you had a long day?" she scoffed, "You have no idea what I've dealt with,"

"Just tell me where he is," he demanded, annoyed and angry.

"I Don't Know," she replied with the same energy, "Yes, I was with him earlier. We went to the hot springs, I went in, and he left me there."

"Why would you go into the hot springs with your clothes on?"

"Because I thought it would be romantic," she huffed, throwing her hands up exasperated. "I don't have to explain myself to you. The point is, Louie is not with me, and I don't know where he went or where he currently is, so move out of my way before I start screaming." She threatened, "You may be an archangel, but I'm the Princess of Hell. Wanna bet who the security will side with?"

The two stared at each other for a tense moment till a soft voice interrupted,

"Princess?" squeaked a slim girl carrying a large tray containing one covered plate, one empty wine glass, a bottle of wine, and a water pitcher.

"Oh, this is my dinner?" Kathrine Ann asked, noticing Micheal scanning the contents.

"Yes, Milady," she replied.

There was a short pause as both women stared at Michael, still blocking the door. Finally, he stepped out of the doorway. "Good night, Micheal," she said as sweetly as possible, opening the door and allowing the girl to enter before her.