Lucifer "Dessert First.”

Lucifer's soaked clothes lay scattered on the balcony, and the soiled and drenched bandage once wrapped around his forearm now trailed across the floor, and he was sprawled out on the bed naked and barely conscious, with only a sheet covering his lower half. He tried to stay awake, forcing himself back to consciousness when he could, but it was becoming a struggle, and in this threshold between wake and sleep, laughter bubbled up from the back of his mind,

'So weak.' Scoffed his demon.

"Piss off." He mumbled.

'You're so desperate for me not to be with her that you make yourself suffer. All you had to do was let go and enjoy the quiet. You wouldn't be so worn out if you hadn't fought so hard. Trust me, I know.'

"Can you blame me?" he asked.

'I wasn't going to hurt her. We had a deal,' his demon snapped. 'You should have trusted me,'

"Didn't realize you had a sense of humor,"

'Fuck you,' he muttered as Lucifer continued,

"I don't see how you do it, how you can sit there right on the surface whenever you please, seeing and listening to everything, even speaking to me so easily. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't hold on for more than a few minutes. It was like trying to tread water with your legs tied together, all while holding a conversation." Lucifer explained.

'Oh, poor Louie. So sorry for your struggles. It must have been so difficult not having dominion over your own body, not being able to control your own life. Well, guess what? That was nothing. You have no idea what it's like being pushed down. To be betrayed by your own self, made to be quiet, and no longer allowed any control over your body. Ignored, imprisoned, and forgotten, only allowed out on a leash to do the shit no one else wants to do. Adding to your stupid little water metaphor, it's like being held under the surface. You can see the light, but you can't quite reach it. Everything you once knew is nothing but a blur, and the only thing you can do to make the pressure stop is fade back and wait.' He explained, and Lucifer felt a twinge of guilt. 'But, after a few thousand years of practice, it became as simple as floating. I just had to ensure you didn't see me making ripples.'

There was a pause, but Lucifer could feel him still there, waiting for a response,

"What do you want me to say? If you want, we can go around in circles all over again, but you are the only one to blame for your situation."

'Lies! There are two people to blame, and neither is me. The punishment doesn't fit the crime. It never has, and you know it! Our Little Wife seems to realize that. She wants me around, and you wouldn't deny your precious Baby Girl, would you, Luce?'

"Please shut up and leave me in peace."

'I want to see her again.' He demanded.

"Leave me be, I said!" Lucifer growled, "You have left my body weak and starving. I don't have the patience to deal with you right now. Please go away."

'Not a chance, Louie. Now that I've tasted her, I want more, maybe a compromise?'

Before Lucifer could reply, he heard his uncle's annoying voice in the hall outside his door. Pulling out of his semiconscious state, he looked at the closed door and was about to force his other half back but stopped.

"Behave, and you can remain for now, but stay out of my eyes." Lucifer allowed.

He didn't get a response. However, he felt his demon fade back just a tad, and Lucifer wondered if he would regret this, but his Baby Girl's voice pulled his attention.

She and his uncle were talking right outside their room. He couldn't make out much at first, but he could tell the conversation was turning heated, and as their voices rose, he got a bit here and there. Like Micheal refusing to tell her what he wants and maybe accusing her of playing games with him because she replied, 'Am I laughing.' Lucifer debated getting up and moving closer, but suddenly, her voice rang through loudly,

"Because I thought it would be romantic," she huffed, throwing her hands up exasperated. "I don't have to explain myself to you. The point is, Louie is not with me, and I don't know where he went or where he currently is, so move out of my way before I start screaming." She threatened, "You may be an archangel, but I'm the Princess of Hell. Wanna bet who the security will side with?"

There was a long pause, but Lucifer was sure he heard an unfamiliar soft voice. Suddenly, the door flew open, and he saw a servant girl walk in with a tray, followed closely by his Baby Girl. The servant's eyes went wide when she saw him, but Lucifer quickly put a finger to his lips, and she nodded before turning to the table to put the tray down while his Baby Girl slammed the door shut.

Lucifer shifted onto his side and propped himself up on his elbow while ensuring the sheet remained draped over his waist. He wouldn't have bothered if it were just his sweet little doll. In fact, he would have loved to see her cheeks light up and hear that cute, squeaky voice she fusses at him with when she's flustered. Alas, the young servant setting up dinner kept him on his best behavior. Once she arranged everything on the table, she tucked the empty tray under her arm and bowed to him, then his Baby Girl,

"Is there anything else I can assist you with, Princess?" she asked, understanding the situation.

"No, sweetie, thank you," she replied, opening the door for the girl and scanning the deserted hallway. It seems she had successfully sent Micheal away, but for how long?

Shutting the door once more, his Baby Girl leaned her back against it before letting out a long sigh,

"So, how is my dear Uncle Micheal doing on this lovely evening?" Lucifer asked with a smirk.

His annoyed wife glared at him as she pushed off the door. "You know, for being one of the most divine beings, he's not very sympathetic," she huffed, walking to his dresser and yanking open the bottom drawer to retrieve one of his white shirts she wore as pajamas. "Or nice, cordial, friendly, understanding," she continued, dramatically waving the shirt over her head before vanishing into the closet.

"Nowhere is it written that angels are required to be kind or benevolent," Lucifer called, sitting up and stretching his neck, "I mean, you have met my father."

"Your father has fallen. I expect him to be a dick!" She called back.

"He fell for starting a rebellion, not being a pompous prick. If that were damning, then we would need a lot bigger dinner table."

He heard her scoff, and Lucifer couldn't help but chuckle. "I half expected to find you asleep," she confessed.

"I wasn't far from it. Unfortunately, it seems that I want myself to suffer." He grumbled, feeling his other half's amusement. 'Show's over. You can go now.' He fussed internally.

'Ha! And miss our bath?' He laughed, emphasizing 'our.'

Lucifer perked up. The drama ensuing outside his door momentarily caused him to forget why he was struggling to stay awake.

'Sorry, but no. This is my bath,' he said

'Not fair, Louie!' he growled, fighting. Though he was physically drained and still a bit weak, all the last of the poisons' influences had faded, so mentally, he was fully recovered, making it relatively easy to block out his other half.

"Whose weak now, asshole." He sneered.

"Fighting with yourself again?" his Baby Girl asked, walking out of the closet in her typical evening wear. Amusement encircled her like perfume, causing Lucifer to glare at her accusingly. "What? It's funny and kinda cute." She giggled.

"Funny and cute, is it? I'm literally fighting my inner demon, and you're over here gushing." Lucifer huffed.

"What can I say? It's just cute. I suppose if I didn't know about your other half, it would be a bit unnerving, but I do know about LouLou, and I think it's cute." She shrugged.

"You know, he really doesn't like that name," Lucifer informed with an amused smile.

"He'll get used to it. Now, come on, let's eat."

"I think not!" He fussed, "You made a deal with this Devil, and it's time to pay up, Princess. Bath first."

"Oh?" his Baby Girl questioned. "Sure, I just figured since you were so hungry."

"Dessert first." He smirked, licking his lips.

"Dessert?" She laughed, "I'm not sure what you think is going to happen in that tub, Luce, but—"

"Oh, I know what's going to happen." Lucifer interrupted. "My sweet little doll is going bathe me like she promised."

"Correct," she verified, eyeing him suspiciously as she moved toward the bathroom.

Kathrine Ann twirled her long hair into a messy bun with her uninjured hand. The whole time, she kept her narrowed eyes fixed on her husband.

"Your hands stroking and caressing my body while I—"

"Ha!" She laughed, cutting him off this time, "There will be scrubbing and bathing. If you want stroking, you'll have to do that yourself, Darling," she teased.

Flashing a wide grin over her shoulder, she sauntered into the bathroom and cautiously flicked the lights on with her bandaged hand.

Lucifer sat on the bed with a smirk, his eyes full of mischief. The pride and cockiness of his precious doll's last rebuttal hung in the air, "You may be right, Baby Girl," he called after her, "But don't worry. I'll let you watch." There was a clamor in the bathroom like something had fallen to the floor, "Seems my shamelessness has still not found its end," he laughed as the tub faucet turned on.