Lucifer "Her's or Mine?"

*Warning!* This chapter contains descriptive sexual content that is not appropriate for minors. Reminder: This is an 18+ story, and it will contain explicit content for mature readers only.*

Lucifer stood leaning with his back against the balcony railing and staring at his Baby Girl, who was sitting cross-legged on the couch talking to him. However, he was too lost in his troubled thoughts to give her the attention she deserved. This was an unusual occurrence in Lucifer's life. Typically, he was confident and decisive when it came to Hell. He always did what was best for his people and the future of his city. But now, his heart and mind were in conflict. Was he really going to allow his wife's ex to live among them? Sure, he would be nothing more than a formless soul, but would that matter? What if he came here and all the feelings that had faded returned? Where would that leave Lucifer in Kathrine Ann's life?

"Lucifer!" his Baby Girl called.

"Hum?" he replied, snapping out of his spiral. "I'm sorry. I was thinking."

"That's the third cigarette you've lit and let burn to ash with no more than two drags. I already told you not to worry," she sighed as Lucifer looked down at his fingers to see nothing but a stick of ash connected to the small, unburned nub.

With a sigh, he leaned forward and dropped it into the ashtray his Baby Girl insisted on getting. Her reasoning was to avoid creating unnecessary work for the groundskeeper.

"I know you did, and I trust you, but what if your heart changes?" he asked as she uncrossed her legs and stood up. "You can't help that, and you can't say there is no chance it'll happen. You were married to Antony for many years, and we've only known each other for a few months," Lucifer admitted, hating feeling so insecure.

"I was married to William, not Antony, and though I did love William, I feel now like I didn't even know who he truly was," she stated, walking over to Lucifer and offering him a soft, reassuring smile that mimicked her feelings. Though he did sense a little worry, she was mostly calm. She reached up and lightly touched his cheek, "I know who you truly are, Luce," She added, pushing herself onto her tiptoes and pressing her lips to his.

As before, the kiss was soft and reassuring, but as it continued, his Baby Girl's lips turned hungry, and the kiss became more passionate. She nipped and sucked on his lips till they parted, and her tongue dove into his mouth, eagerly tasting him and intertwining with his tongue. Lucifer felt her press her body against his while both her hands weaved their way into his hair. His naughty doll then gave a firm tug, making him hiss at the slight sting, but with the light pain came arousal. Lucifer wrapped one arm around her waist while his free hand moved to her cheek. Their kiss turned even deeper before Lucifer finally, but reluctantly, pulled away,

"You're trying to distract me," he accused, running his thumb along her jawline as her eyes opened. Those emerald green pools swirled with lust while an adorable and mischievous smirk crossed her lips,

"Duh," she replied, pulling his hair again to reconnect their lips. However, this kiss ended quickly, and she released his hair.

However, her lips weren't done. Lucifer let out a soft moan as his Baby Girl left a trail of kisses down his neck, sucking and licking till she reached his collarbone. 

"Kathrine Ann, I don't think you realize what you're doing to—" Before he could finish, she bit him, causing another hiss.

"I know exactly what I'm doing," she replied, running her hands down his chest, her fingers tracing the details of his toned body, "I always keep my promises."

Lucifer pulled her closer, rubbing his very stiff little Prince against her leg as her uninjured hand moved slowly down his abdomen, "I'm slightly regretting the pajama pants." He groaned.

"Yours or mine?" she asked as she ran a finger along the waistband of his pants.

"Both." He answered in a deep, lust-filled tone.

"How about I take one pair off?" She offered, her fingers moving under his waistband, "You're choice."

"You take off mine, and I'll take off yours," Lucifer negotiated, but his wife shook her head.

"I'll be doing all the undressing, my Prince," she replied, looking up at him through her lashes while seductively biting her lip, "Mine or yours?"

"What does each choice offer?" he asked as her hand slipped further down, her finger now drawing light circles down the toned V of his pelvis.

"If I told you that, it'll ruin the surprise," she pouted.

Her fingers were so close it hurt. He needed her to touch him, "Mine," he chose.

Much to his growing frustration, her hand moved back to his waistline, where she slowly moved it around his body, pushing the pants lower and lower, all while keeping her eyes locked on his.

Finally, when the pants began to droop, her soft touch guided the material over his very erect member, and he moaned at the contact, but the touch was temporary. As the pants fell to the floor, her hand pulled away.

"Close your eyes." she instructed, and he obeyed, "No peeking."

Lucifer felt her step away from him, but her hands ran all over his body. His breath caught when she grabbed him, and her hand moved slowly back and forth. He grabbed the railing, allowing the pleasure to wash over him, but the slow movement soon turned into delicious torture, "Kathrine Ann," he groaned, "Please."

What Lucifer felt next made his eyes snap open, and he gasped. Her soft tongue ran from the tip to the base and back before she wrapped her warm mouth around him and began bobbing her head back and forth. As she continued, she took more and more of him into her mouth till he felt his tip slip into her throat, "Fuck!" He cried out as she moved faster. Lucifer clung to the railing as his head fell back, and his breaths became short and uneven.

This wasn't the first time he had a woman's mouth pleasure him, but it had never felt like this. It had never felt this good. With ragged breaths, he looked down at his Baby Girl. The sight of her pleasuring him made him groan and bite his lip. He was getting close. Lucifer released the rail with one hand and found her bun. It didn't take long for him to release her hair and bury his fingers into it, lightly gripping a handful, "Slower," He moaned, "Let me." He instructed, licking his lips. She listened, moving her hands to his hips as he began thrusting. The indescribable pleasure she was giving him was overwhelming, and it didn't take long before he felt himself about to explode. He went to pull out of her mouth, but she held tight to his hips and took over the movement, "Kathrine Ann, I'm going to—," He warned, but instead of letting go, her eyes flicked up to meet his, and she moved faster. Before Lucifer could do anything, he finished in her mouth. She swallowed while staring him in the eyes and continued for a few more seconds before releasing him and standing up, using the back of her hand to wipe her mouth.

"Not too bad for a prude, huh?" She smirked while Lucifer, still coming down from his euphoria, stared at his wife. She grabbed his pajama pants, pulled them up, and grabbed his hands. "Bathed, fed, pleasured, now bed." She ordered, leading him inside, but Lucifer pulled as soon as they entered the room, causing his Baby Girl to squeal as she fell back into his arms.

"What about you, hum?" he growled, pulling her close so that her back was pressed against his front. "It's not fair if I'm the only one pleasured," he claimed, placing a soft kiss on her neck.

His Baby Girl chuckled and pulled away, "Now, now, Luce, you made a choice, remember?"

"I can smell your arousal, Baby Girl. You must want relief." He countered.

"Oh, how sweet of you to worry, but there's no need, Darling." She smiled as she walked to the bathroom and opened the door, "I'll take care of me." She winked, stepping inside the bathroom, "You need your sleep. Good night, Luce." She called, shutting the door.

Lucifer stood there, staring at the closed door with a crooked smirk on his lips.