Baby Girl "Two Failed Buttons."

*Warning!* This chapter contains descriptive sexual content that is not appropriate for minors. Reminder: This is an 18+ story, and it will contain explicit content for mature readers only.*

Kathrine Ann stepped out of the shower after satisfying all her needs and dried herself off before proceeding to her hair. While patting her long locks, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and smiled. She felt proud and relieved knowing she left Lucifer speechless, satisfied into silence. A tinge of pink crept up her neck and onto her cheeks as she remembered exactly what she had done to achieve that reaction.

She had been concerned about the significant difference in experience between her and Lucifer. She had some experience from her past life, but it was limited to about fourteen years, a very experimental fourteen, but nothing compared to Lucifer's fifty thousand years. This had been a source of anxiety for her as they got closer. She feared that she would be a bland disappointment. However, her Devil was putty in her hands, pleading for more, and Kathrine Ann happily gave it to him. She only hoped this reassured him that she was committed to their relationship, regardless of William's possible relocation.

She hadn't confided this to Lucifer yet, but she felt more connected to him in the past few months than she ever felt towards William or anyone. Although she had loved her ex-husband deeply, meeting Lucifer made her realize that something was missing in her past relationships, something she didn't know existed till now.

Kathrine Ann wrapped the towel around her chest and exited the bathroom, finding precisely what she had expected. Lucifer lay in bed, sound asleep but not like she had ever seen before. Her Devil usually slept in one of a few positions and, more often than not, woke in the same position he fell asleep in. However, right now, he was sprawled across his side of the bed. One arm was behind his head while the other stretched out, legs spread wide with a thin sheet covering his lower half and a light snore coming from his slightly parted lips.

Katherine Ann softly laughed as she quickly put on her underwear and slipped her arms into a clean shirt. She contemplated wearing the pajama pants he had given her but decided against them since they were too large and would be uncomfortable to sleep in. Only securing a couple of the buttons on the oversized shirt, she crawled across the bed, snuggling close to Lucifer. Kathrine Ann very gently placed her hand on his chest, but despite the light touch, Lucifer's body twisted, and his arms wrapped around her, pulling her into him. He kissed her temple softly and nestled his face into her hair. Katherine Ann cuddled into his embrace, reflecting on how crazy the last couple of days had been. It seemed like weeks, maybe even months had passed since they shared their first real kiss. With a big yawn, she adjusted herself in Lucifer's arms and quickly drifted into a deep sleep.


Kathrine Ann opened her heavy eyes with a groan. The suns' light poured through the windows, and for once, she hated the bright greeting. Lucifer grumbled next to her and tightened his grip on her waist,

"Not yet," He mumbled.

"But breakfast," Her words argued, but her body nuzzled into him.

"Fuck breakfast," Lucifer yawned, opening his eyes, "It feels like it's been a year since we had a decent night's sleep." He added as his eyes lazily found hers while he adjusted his position slightly.

"Aren't you hungry?" She asks, but as Lucifer opens his mouth to reply, his eyes widen, and a smirk crosses his face, "What?"

"I'm hungry, alright," He replied in a deep, seductive tone, looking down at her body, "but what I want to eat will not be served on a plate in the dining hall." The shirt she wore was opened, exposing her bare chest to him. The two buttons she fastened last night must have come undone while she slept. Lucifer traced his fingers down her bare side,

Kathrine Ann couldn't help but giggle as Lucifer's touch tickled her skin, "I thought you wanted to sleep?"

"I did until I realized my naughty little doll left something open for me to explore." He answered, making little swirls on her skin as his fingers now moved up her stomach.

"I did no such thing," she defended with a little shrug. "The buttons must have come undone."

"All seven buttons somehow came undone, did they?" He smirked, his fingers dancing right under her breasts.

"I may have only buttoned two," she admitted, "The two right here." She informed, running her hand between her breasts, lightly caressing her skin.

"Only two?" he asked, licking his bottom lip as his fingers ran along the side of her naked breast, "Well, I am very grateful for those two failed buttons," he added, flicking one of her nipples and causing Kathrine Ann to take a sharp inhale.

Not wasting the opportunity, Lucifer pressed his lips to hers. Skipping the slow but sweet start their kisses usually had, Lucifer plunged his tongue into her mouth hungrily, tasting everything she had to offer as his hand cupped her breast. A wave of heat flooded over Kathrine Ann, and she couldn't stop the moan that followed. In one quick movement, Lucifer was on top of her, his legs straddling her waist as he continued his shameless onslaught. The fire inside her was growing, and she knew he knew that. As if he had read her mind, Lucifer rolled his hips, making sure she could feel the effect she had on him.

Finally, he pulled back, breaking the passionate kiss. Kathrine Ann panted, looking up at her husband. Lucifer's bare, toned chest rose and fell with his own quick breaths. His silky black hair, which was messy and disheveled from sleep, fell in his face. He bit his bottom lip, the sharp canines just peeking through, and his beautiful blue eyes raked over her body, settling on her exposed breasts for a moment before moving up and locking with hers.

The two of them just stared at each other for a long moment before Lucifer's brows knitted together, and his sexy lip-biting shifted into pressed lips as his eyes once again moved from one part of Kathrine Ann's body to another,

"What's wrong?" She asked suddenly, very self-conscious.

Did he not like what he saw? Why was he looking at her like that?

"I don't know where to start." He answered, "I want all of you at once, but I only have one mouth."

His response sent a shiver of desire radiating through her. "And two hands," she reminded him with a seductive smirk.

"You're arousal is intoxicating." Lucifer stated as he leaned over her, closing the gap between them, "I think I could get off just from that." He added, his lips hovering over hers. Kathrine Ann's lips parted slightly in anticipation of the coming kiss, but instead, Lucifer smirked and moved down her body.

The lips she expected to connect with hers instead wrapped around one of her breasts, and she gasped. One of his hands found her other breast, kneading it, causing her to moan. Kathrine Ann's mind became fogged, only able to focus on the building sensations pulsating through her entire being. She felt Lucifer's other hand travel down her waist, his fingers teasing her skin as they made their way across her thigh, and her breath caught. She pushed her hip against his hand, desperate for what was coming next, but a loud knock came on the bedroom door before she could find out.