Baby Girl "Don't Try and Turn the Tables."

"If you're not going to leave, then I will. And don't bother following me this time. Since my feelings don't seem to matter to you, there's nothing left to talk about," Kathrine Ann said through gritted teeth as she stared directly into Lucifer's eyes, willing herself not to let the angry tears fall while he watched.

As she forced herself to move past him, the first couple of tears broke free, but she only managed one step before he gently caught her by the arm. She stopped but refused to look back at him. He hadn't even given her a chance to explain how she felt. Deciding he knew what was best for her when he had no idea what his decision put her through. Sure, it didn't last long, but those few minutes— before she could think on it more, he tugged her arm, pulling her into his embrace.

"Speak. I won't interrupt till you're done," Lucifer promised, resting his chin on her head.

"I was scared," she admitted in a low mumble. "Blood and glass all over the floor, your phone laying there also covered in blood, and fucking Viskiam telling me to calm down but not offering me any reason to," she explained. "My brain jumping to every worst possibility. That you were hurt, someone was torturing you, that you were dead. I had finally found happiness again, and now it could have been taken from me in the worst possible way. Can't you try to understand how I felt walking into that room and not knowing what took place? What if it was you? If you walked in and saw that, and I was nowhere to be found," Lucifer sighed and tightened his hold on her but didn't say anything. "I know you believe you did what you had to, but you're wrong. You could have told me what was going on. I was in that room right in front of you. I could have helped, and even if you were worried it was a trap and didn't want me in the room, you should have told me to run, told me I needed to get out of there. Told me to get your father, Belial, Viskiam, anyone. You could have told me something. You could have spared me that pain, but instead, you deceived me."

There was a long pause before Lucifer finally spoke, "I am sorry, Kathrine Ann. Truly, I am." He finally admitted, turning her to face him, "I didn't consider in that moment what finding our room that way would make you think."

She leaned into him, resting her head on his chest as she sniffled, but no more tears fell. She hadn't meant to get so emotional. The chaos that followed the incident had forced those feelings to the back of her mind, but once she was reminded of all the fear, dread, and pain she had experienced at that moment, she couldn't push it back again. And then he brushed off her feelings like they weren't important, not even bothering to let her explain. 

She pulled back and met Lucifer's gaze. Kathrine Ann could see the guilt and sincerity in his eyes as he used his thumbs to softly brush away the dampness from under her eyes.

"Don't think too much into it, Jr. Those were tears of anger due to being married to someone so hardheaded," she defended, pushing away from him.

"Oh?" he smirked, "I suppose I should be crying too then." 

Kathrine Ann punched Lucifer's arm, making him laugh as he rubbed the spot she hit him, "You put some force behind that one, Baby Girl."

"Jerk," she grumbled through pressed lips.

"I will not make a promise I can't keep, Kathrine Ann, but I will promise to try my best to keep you included, even if I don't like it. But if it comes down to your immediate safety, I will always do what I must to keep you safe."

She was still upset, but her heart was softening as she processed everything he admitted. However, her mind was not. The rational part of her didn't like that he openly stated he would do it again.

After a short pause, Kathrine Ann forced her mushy feelings back, sighed loudly, and stepped back around him, dramatically collapsing into his chair and snatching the book she had been reading off the desk. Lucifer chuckled at her display, which earned him a pointed side-eye as she flipped through the pages, trying to find where she left off. Damn him for always knowing what was under the surface! She wanted him to understand she was mad, and even if this stupid heart felt different, it wasn't in charge of her actions. Her brain was, and for once, she was following it instead of her heart.

"Come, my angry Doll, I haven't eaten lunch, and it doesn't seem like you have either." He instructed, plucking the book from her grasp before tossing it back onto the desk.

"Hey!" she snapped.

"It's past lunchtime, and you need to eat. You barely touched your breakfast, and I will not have people think I'm starving my beloved wife," he explained, holding out his hand for hers, but she just glared at him. Finally, Lucifer dropped his hand and sighed, "Fine. I was going to take you out to a late lunch, but I guess if you're really that mad at me—"

Her resolve broke, and she couldn't hide the sparkle in her eyes, "Out to lunch?"

"I thought I would try and make up for being such a jerk and take you to this nice lakeside cafe in Central City before going to visit Azazel, but you obviously have your mind set on staying angry with me, so I suppose I'll go alone. I'll just have to explain to Azazel that I'm such a terrible husband that you can't stand to be in my presence," Lucifer sighed, his blue eyes filled with fake disappointment as he slowly stepped back but did not break eye contact.

"Fine, you can take me to lunch," she agreed, rolling her eyes, a hint of a smile on her lips. "That doesn't mean you're forgiven yet, though."

The couple made a quick trip to their room, where Kathrine Ann grabbed a light knit jacket that matched her dress, and Lucifer grabbed both the familiar silver bands that reminded anyone who saw them exactly who they were. Soon after, they exited the enormous castle doors into the afternoon suns to find Thron waiting by the same car she had driven the day before.

"Good afternoon, Thron," she greeted with a warm smile.

"Princess," he bowed his head before turning to Lucifer and repeating the gesture, "Young Lord."

"Thron. Thank you for keeping an eye on everything yesterday," Lucifer replied to the guard.

"I'd like to say it wasn't a problem," Thron commented in an amused tone, "Though it made what should have been a normal day out on the town a bit more interesting."

Lucifer took the keys from Thron and approached the black car,

"Can I drive?" Kathrine Ann asked excitedly.

"No," he laughed.

"Why not? Lucifer thought letting me drive was a good idea," she snapped, annoyed at his tone.

"I think we can both acknowledge that Lucifer is insane," he replied, opening the door for her.

"At least he trusts me," Kathrine Ann fussed, getting into the passenger and slamming the door shut.

She watched as he pressed his lips and walked around the car front before sitting in the driver's seat,

"That's not fair, Kathrine Ann, and not true," Lucifer sighed as he started the car, "You are one of the only people I trust."

"Could have fooled me," she retorted.

"Now you're just acting like a child," he accused.

"Since you treat me like one, I don't see the problem," she retorted.

"I was trying to protect you. It had nothing to do with trust," Lucifer defended, shifting the car into gear and accelerating onto the drive.

"Okay," she mumbled, rolling her eyes and looking out the window.

They stayed silent for a few minutes before Lucifer broke it, "He wouldn't have thought to protect you."

"How would I know what he would have thought to do? I only got one day with him."

"You really miss him that much already? You prefer him over me?" Lucifer accused, and Kathrine Ann caught the honest hurt in his tone.

"Don't be stupid, Luce," she quickly retorted, "I don't want just one of you. I want all of you. I don't know how else to tell you that."

"Funny, that sounds a lot like I'm not enough for you," he growled.

"Does it? To me, it sounds a lot like you're trying to turn the tables," She countered.

"I assume tables that turn is another one of your weird idiom things, but what I said is true. Since I returned to my normal self last night, you've brought him up multiple times," Lucifer pointed out.

"Really? This shit again?" She threw her hands up, "He is you! You are him. You're jealous of your own damned self. All I'm asking for is that you give me all of you just as I've given you all of me." Silence fell between the two of them as Lucifer stared at the road ahead, his jaw clenched tight, while Kathrine Ann stared out her window, arms crossed over her chest, "And, he has nothing to do with this. Look, I know an impasse when I see one. I'll have to accept that, and I will, but you have to accept that I need time to get over it. So, let's just stop arguing about it, please?" Kathrine Ann sighed, not liking the tight feeling in her chest.

"Very well," Lucifer agreed, and they fell back into silence.

They drove this way all through East City, and Kathrine Ann had to admit she hated being this upset at him and knowing he was equally frustrated with her. They finally pulled up to the Central City gate, where the guard quickly let them through. Lucifer rolled up his window and slowly continued before letting out a soft sigh, 

Breaking the tense silence, Lucifer asked, "What if this part of me is all you get? Will that never be enough for you?"

"Oh, shut up," Kathrine Ann sighed, "I think I've made my feelings for you very clear. Just because I want more doesn't mean I lo-like you any less. I thought I proved that last night." Though he didn't reply, and Kathrine Ann kept her gaze out the window, she could see a small smirk cross her Devil's lips in the reflection, "If this is all I get of you, I'm fine with that, but you're not even willing to try. This isn't just about me, Luce. You've lived as half yourself for most of your life. How are you okay with that?"