Lucifer "What Came First?"

Lucifer steered the vehicle through a busy Central City, his Baby Girl's words echoing in his mind,

'...but you're not even willing to try. This isn't just about me, Luce. You've lived as half yourself for most of your life. How are you okay with that?'

He didn't know what to say. How could he explain to her that it hadn't mattered if he was okay with living this way? That it wasn't up to him because if he hadn't controlled himself, his father would have. Lucifer had hated holding his other half back. It hurt not being able to be himself, but as time passed, his demon stopped trying and accepted he would never be free, while Lucifer accepted he would never be whole.

She was looking at him, waiting for a response. Those green eyes held a silent plea. She wanted an answer, an answer that would tell her he would try, but he didn't know if he would. If he even could. What would his father say about it, but what was the alternative? He knew if he said no to his wife, it might cause her to push away, and a battle for control would begin if he said no to his demon. He took a deep breath as he pulled to the side of the road and parked the car on the curb in front of their destination.

"I've been considering the idea," he finally said, and joy erupted in the small space.

"Really?" she asked as a bright smile stretched across her face.

"I asked him for some time and peace to think last night. I'm considering the possibility of allowing him a little more freedom, but this doesn't mean I will," Lucifer explained. Her excitement only grew, "I said considering, Kathrine Ann."

"I know, I heard you," she replied, composing herself physically, but Lucifer knew the truth.

"Your lips say you heard me, but your emotions say otherwise."

"My heart may be in control of my feelings, but my mind is in control of my words, and right now, I suggest you listen to my words," his Baby Girl instructed.

Lucifer sighed and exited the car while she patiently waited for him to open her door. Once he did, she took his offered hand and stepped out of the vehicle, "Try to act like I'm not the worst husband on the planet. They're watching," he teased as he tucked a rogue strand of hair behind her ear.

His Baby Girl rolled her eyes but smiled as she reached for his crown and adjusted it slightly,

"My Darling Prince, you truly are something."

"At least it's not boring," he smirked. "I bet you and William never had this much excitement in your marriage."

His Baby Girl laughed, "You are right about that."

Lucifer slipped his arm around her waist, and the two walked to the cafe entrance. Though no one had approached them, Lucifer was very aware of the multiple cameras clicking away from a distance, so as they reached the doors that were held open by Thron, he instructed,

"We will be sitting on the patio overlooking the lake. No one is to bother us, near or far."

"Understood, my Prince," Thron answered, bowing his head before taking the keys to Lucifer's car.

Once inside, Lucifer observed his Baby Girl's bright smile as she took in the decor of the small establishment. It didn't take long until a young woman he recognized approached them.

"Good afternoon, Prince Lucifer and Princess Kathrine Ann." She greeted with a bow, "Your regular table, my Prince?" Lucifer nodded.

Grabbing two menus, the woman led them across the mostly empty dining area and onto a covered patio with a fantastic view of the lake they had walked by the other evening. Following the waitress to a small table on the far end of the patio, Lucifer pulled out his Baby Girl's chair before seating himself,

"Thank you," his wife smiled at the woman.

"Would you like me to move the other guests inside?"

They looked around and saw a small family seated on the patio's other side. A young couple with a little girl who looked no older than five or six were happily enjoying their meal. The little girl seemed to be having trouble actually eating since she couldn't stop giggling at her father, who kept making faces at her every time she tried to take a bite. Lucifer glanced at his Baby Girl to get her preference, but the look in her eyes as she watched the interaction gave him her answer.

"They're fine. The patio is open to any guest. However, we would like some privacy."

"Of course, I'll keep this part of the patio empty," she nodded. "May I start you off with some drinks?"

"My usual," Lucifer replied before his eyes and the servers turned to his Baby Girl. She looked a little confused as she tried to read the menu, "Just make it two."

"No," She declined, "I know what I want. I just don't know what it's called. It's the drink usually served at lunch. The one that's brownish purple and kinda tastes like tea but a bit more floral,"

"Reechee," Lucifer informed.

"Sure," the waitress replied, "Any sweetener or juice?"

"I don't think so?" she responded with a questioning look to him.

"No, just reechee," Lucifer clarified.

The server nodded and bowed her head before leaving to prepare their drinks.

"Reechee," his Baby Girl repeated, committing the name to her memory as she picked up her menu.

"Need some help?" he asked.

"I got it," she assured.

Lucifer sat back in his chair and observed the scene unfolding before him. He couldn't help but smile at the adorable sight before him. His Baby Girl was deeply focused, with furrowed brows and moving lips, as she concentrated on every word she read.

As she perused the cafe's offerings, the waitress returned with their drinks and the assurance that Thron had arrived and was in the kitchen. Lucifer sipped his beverage while gazing out at the shimmering lake. Although the temperature was starting to drop, the sun's rays provided enough warmth to keep it comfortable for the time being. However, he predicted that it would become quite chilly once they set.

"Clokra," she finally spoke, "That sounds familiar."

"Large bird found in farm yards —"

"Right! They're like chickens," she interrupted, causing Lucifer to search his memory, trying to recall the Earth bird.

After a moment, he asked, "Are you referring to the small flightless bird with the tiny head that has weird fleshy bits on the top and under its little beak?"

"Yes, I love chicken. Does clokra taste like chicken?"

"I hope not. Clokra meat is vile."

"Is it really?"

"Yes, it's inedible, and that's not a personal preference. The meat is tough with lots of gristle, and the taste is difficult to describe," Lucifer paused, struggling to find the right words to describe the horrid meat, "It's bitter, acidic, and has an unpleasant sweetness on the back end."

"Gross," she commented, sipping her drink.

"Very. Clokras are bred for their brightly colored plumes, which come in a variety of vibrant colors, and for their eggs, which, despite the nasty taste of the bird itself, are quite delicious—why are you suddenly embarrassed?" He asked, wondering what caused the abrupt change.

His Baby Girl looked at him with wide eyes before looking back at her menu. She looked back at him and burst into laughter. "The word for—" she paused, struggling to control herself. They're so similar, and I-I thought—" another wave of laughter. "I thought the menu said baby clokra!"

Lucifer was confused. Baby clokra? Then, realization struck, and it was his turn to laugh. His nieve little doll was correct. The word she read as 'baby' and the actual word were similar, but the misinterpretation was comical, and her reaction to her own mistake made it even more funny.

"Egg," his Baby Girl corrected once she finally calmed down. "It says clokra egg."