Lucifer "She is my Other Half."

Lucifer's Baby Girl was quite content with his suggestion of soup and sandwich. They were about halfway through their meal, and Lucifer was explaining some of the finer details of Hell politics when he was interrupted by Thron clearing his throat. Lucifer and his sweet doll looked over to find the two mothers from across the room standing a few feet behind Thron, their daughters standing between them.

"Young Prince, Princess, these four have requested an audience," Thron informed.

Lucifer cocked his head out of curiosity. Very few had the nerve to approach him when he was out in public. Something he rather liked, but he did want to know what these women and their daughters could possibly want, so he gave Thron a nod and waved the small group forward,

"Beg your pardon, Prince Lucifer and Princess Kathrine Ann, but the girls are quite insistent on coming over," one of the mothers explained as they all stepped closer to the table.

Lucifer sensed the anxiety surrounding the two women and the nervous excitement coming from the girls. Though the woman who addressed him spoke clearly and hid her discomfort well, neither she nor the other mother met his eyes and stared down towards the table while the girls kept shifting their gaze between him and his Baby Girl.

"They really wanted to meet a real princess," the other woman added. "I hope we are not overstepping."

"Well, don't look at me," Lucifer smirked at the two girls, "Last time I checked, I wasn't a princess."

The two girls turned their eyes to his smiling wife, "Well, come closer," she instructed, and both girls quickly scurried over. "What are your names?"

"I'm Yartha," the first one said. She was the shorter of the two and had wide pink eyes, dark bluish-black hair, and a light brown complexion. Her wide, excited grin revealed a mouth full of pointy teeth.

"And I'm Jules," the other introduced. Her eyes were dark orangy-brown, her hair was golden blonde, and her skin was light with a red hue. What stood out about her was the three fingers and thumb on each hand.

Any average human would have found these things off-putting and strange, but his Baby Girl didn't spare a glance. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Yartha and Jules. Tell me, how old are the two of you?"

"I'm six," Jules answered first.

"And I'm almost six," Yartha followed.

"How lovely," she smiled, "So, did you want to ask me something?"

"Yes!" Yartha squealed, "Is being a princess hard?"

"Do you get to wear really pretty clothes and crowns all the time?" Jules added.

"Do you have a whole bunch of maids who follow you around and do everything for you, like dressing you and doing your hair?"

"Can you eat whatever you want, like dessert for every meal?"

His wife chuckled at the girls' enthusiasm, "Well, I suppose if I insisted, I could eat whatever I want. But truthfully, although I do like an occasional sweet, I'm not a huge fan of sweets. I don't have any maids, but I'm okay with that. I prefer bathing and dressing myself. However, I do have someone who brushes my hair for me," she explained, giving Lucifer a quick glance and smirk before continuing. "Yes, I do get to wear pretty dresses all the time. In fact, I have so many dresses that I haven't worn the same one twice. I have a few crowns but only wear them when the Prince takes me out. And is being a princess hard?" She hummed, tapping her chin. "I don't think I would say it's hard, but there is a lot of responsibility, especially for me because I'm not from Hell, so I have to learn all about my new home, and I have to learn your language," she paused, "I suppose that part has been pretty hard. It's difficult to learn a language I can't hear."

"You don't know Hellish?" Yartha gasped.

"I've been learning since I arrived," she replied, "but in my past life, I lived on Earth and spoke one of the languages there called English, so that's what I hear when people talk to me, though there are a few words that don't translate well."

"I have trouble with the words, too," Jules sighed as her cheeks turned pink. "Some of the kids at school make fun of me when I write words wrong or don't understand some of the words they use here."

"They're just Vuldrago shit!" Yartha snapped, "I told you don't listen to them. They're just jealous because you know another language, and they never will."

"Yartha!" Her mother quickly scolded. "Language."

"We just moved back to Hell two years ago because of tensions in our home world," Jules' mother explained, "we never thought she would need to know Hellish."

"Pendrom," Lucifer sighed. "I'm sorry for your plight. I am doing my best to reinstate peace there, but most of your leaders will not compromise."

"It is better here," the mother smiled, "Even if a treaty is reached, I doubt we will return."

"I think you are a wonderful friend, Yartha," his Baby Girl smiled. "And Jules, never let anyone make you feel less because of who you are or where you're from. "Can I tell you two a secret?" both girls eagerly nodded. " I'm pretty terrible with my words right now. Just a little while ago, I was trying to read the menu and confused the word egg with baby. I thought they wanted to feed me a baby Clokra."

The two girls stared for a second and then started laughing, much to the mother's dismay, "Girls!" one of them gasped, "Don't laugh at Princess Kathrine Ann—"

"It's fine," his giggling wife reassured. "Both your Prince and I had a good laugh over it, and if we can laugh at me, I think it's okay if they do. However, let's keep that secret between us," she winked, and both girls quickly nodded.

"Thank you, Lady Kathrine Ann," Jules' mother smiled. "Come, girls. We've taken enough of the Prince and Princess time."

"It was a pleasure meeting you two young ladies," she smiled as all four of their visitors bowed before returning to their table.

"I guess he was right," Lucifer mumbled.

"Who?" she asked.

"Grandpapa," Lucifer answered. "According to my father, the reason for requiring me to have an angelic wife was for balance. Though I can be charming when I wish to be, sadly, I am my father's son."

"What?" she laughed, picking up her spoon, "Luce, you are wonderful with children,"

"True, but children aren't the ones who run the city and take care of the worlds. I believe I'm beginning to see God's plan," he hummed. "When it comes to running Hell and handling my people on other worlds, I'm seen as intimidating, hard to approach, and cold. You, my lovely wife, are much the opposite. You exude approachability, kindness, and compassion."

"Oh, come on, your people love you," she reassured.

"They respect me. I like to think most of them know my father and I do what's best for Hell and that I will continue once I take the throne. However, they also fear us both. I admit I've never done anything to ease that fear. There is no way either of those mothers would have been willing to bring their daughters over here if you were not with me."

"I think you're exaggerating," his Baby Girl accused, returning to her meal.

The rest of their meal was mostly silent, with only a few words to break it up. Once they were done and the plates were cleared, Thron approached,

"We'll be walking to the hospital. I want the doors cleared. No reporters in or around the hospital entrance," Lucifer ordered.

"Understood," Thron bowed and left the balcony.

"Alright, Baby Girl. Shall we walk along the lake again, or would you prefer the street view?"

"Street view!" she excitedly answered, "I want to see all the shops."

"As you wish, but know there will probably be more cameras and attention," Lucifer warned.

"I don't think there's any way of getting around that," she sighed.

"Time," Lucifer reassured. "Eventually, they'll get bored. However, for now, we have one of two options. Option one: We ignore them, and they will follow us, determined to get their story. Option two: We allow them a few minutes and then ask them to leave us be. Hopefully, they will agree, but nothing is guaranteed."

"We should speak to them," his wife stated with a nod as she wiped her mouth with a napkin and stood up.

"As you wish," Lucifer smiled, also rising, "but we mention nothing about Azazel. Though they have probably figured out she is the one in the hospital, we do not admit or give away details."

"Understood, but why?" she asked.

"It's not our place," he replied. "If Azazel wishes to share her experience, that is her decision. Let's go."