Lucifer "An Afternoon Stroll."

Lucifer led his Baby Girl out of the cafe, and a crowd surrounded them as expected. Cameras flashed as questions were hurled their way. As suggested, they each answered a few questions, ignoring anything about Azazel or their visits to the hospital.

Soon, Lucifer had his fill of the pesky reporters, so he informed the group they were done answering questions. He released his wife's waist and took her hand, lacing their fingers tightly before pulling her through the over-eager reporters, causing the crowd to part. However, one brave fool reached for his Baby Girl. His fingers had barely grasped the sleeve of her jacket when, in a blink, Lucifer was between the foolish man and his wife.

The man was on the shorter side, and with Lucifer as tall as he was, he towered over the small man who had shrunk back, but the dense group of his fellow reporters and photographers blocked any escape.

Lucifer's intense glare stunned the man he stared down at and everyone else around as the shouts and questions stopped. The atmosphere became silent and tense as everyone waited for their Prince to speak. Lucifer could smell the thick mix of fear and anticipation. The man made a couple of attempts to say something, but the words never left his lips.

"You have some nerve," Lucifer finally spoke, his tone calm but threatening, "to not only touch a woman without permission but the Princess."

"Luce," she called from behind him, "it's okay—"

"It is not!" he snapped, feeling his demon come to life. "How would you feel if I grabbed your spouse or partner? What if I reached out and took hold of your mother, sister, or child? Do you think it's okay if I walked up and grabbed the person you cherish the most, all while not knowing my intentions?"

"I-I apologize, Young L-lord," the man stuttered.

"Well, I think you need to be taught a lesson on manners," Lucifer growled, his demon coming to the surface.

"Please, My Lord, I simply wanted a question—"

"And I said we were done!" Lucifer hissed before taking a deep breath, "Give me your hand," he ordered.

"Wh-what?" the man gasped.

"Give me the hand you grabbed my wife with," Lucifer demanded, "or I'll choose another body part."

The man slowly reached out his hand as the snapping of cameras resumed. Lucifer snatched his hand by the wrist in the blink of an eye, causing the man to gasp,

"I'm sorry! Please, my Lord!" the man begged as Lucifer grabbed one of his fingers with his free hand and pushed it back, causing the man to cry out in pain.

"Stop!" she yelled from behind him, compelling Lucifer to pause and snap his eyes at his Baby Girl, who stepped up next to him. Her eyes locked on his, and she sighed, "Please, My Prince, don't do this."

"This man grabbed you–—"

"He did, yes, and he shouldn't have, but I don't wish to see him hurt," she replied.

"Then how will he learn his lesson?" Lucifer questioned, pushing the man's finger back a bit further, causing the man's face to contort in pain.

"I believe that this man will never forget this encounter. For me, Lucifer, let him go," she asked, staring into his eyes with a pleading look.

Lucifer didn't reply but didn't continue bending back the man's finger. Finally, he rolled his eyes. "This one-time little wife," he ultimately answered as his half-demon quickly vanished, and Lucifer let go of the man's hand.

"Thank you! Thank you, My Prince!" he cried, cradling his hand.

"I am not the one to thank," he responded. "If left up to me, I would have broken every finger one by one, and the only compassion I would have possibly shown would be not breaking your wrist after."

The man turned to his wife and bowed, "Thank you, Princess Kathrine Ann."

She smiled softly, "I think you should go, all of you please. The Young Lord and I wish for some privacy."

Surprisingly, the reporters disbanded with no more questions. "I'm getting very tired of being proven wrong," Lucifer sighed but chuckled. "He doesn't even listen to me, yet, you ask, and you get him to relent. "First Micheal and now this foolish man. I fear I have found my weakness."

She flashed him a wide grin and grabbed his hand, "Come on, let's keep going. Oh, can we stop at the sweets shop again? I want to get Azazel a gift. Does she like sweets?"

Lucifer shrugged, "Why would I know that?"

"Isn't she like one of your best friends?" she gasped. "You two have known each other for hundreds of years and were intimate for a while, and you don't know what sweets she likes?"

"No," he shrugged, "so?"

"It's got to be the looks," she grumbled, rolling her eyes.

"What?" he asked.

"Or the money, maybe," she continued. "Probably both."

Realizing what she was referring to, he narrowed his eyes and said, "I have plenty to offer besides looks and money."

"Romance obviously isn't one of them."

"Come now, that's not true! I've been romantic," he huffed.

"When?" she laughed as they walked.

"I took you to dinner and a play," Lucifer reminded her.

"To prove a point to your scorned lover," she clarified.

"And to show you I care!" he defended, "and today. Only a couple of days later, I brought you out again—"

"Because?" she asked with a raised brow.

"Because I care," he answered.

"Because you fucked up again and pissed me off," she laughed. "Look, I appreciate you taking me out and letting me feel freedom and see our people, but all these things were done out of atonement, not romance."

"Two things can be true simultaneously," he defended.

His Baby Girl just smirked as they strolled, "So," she began gaining Lucifer's attention, "the one you cherish most, huh?"

"You act surprised. I believe I made my feelings clear," he replied, averting his eyes to the front.

"You said I was important to you," she recollected, "bit different than most cherished."

"I don't see the difference," he shrugged.

"Well, I'm glad to know the feelings are mutual."

This caused Lucifer to glance over at her and catch the red tint on her cheeks. Was this the mystery feeling they discussed? That she cares for him? He already knew that, so that must mean it is something deeper. He was jerked to a stop before he could think about it too much, not realizing his Baby Girl had stopped in front of a storefront. One Lucifer was familiar with. The window was filled with a variety of clocks. Tall stand-alone clocks, small ones you would find on desks, and a few that could hang on the wall, but the main focus was the large spread of watches exhibited on a table in the center of the display. They were beautiful. Not a single one was the same,

"Is this Azazel's father's shop?" she asked as her eyes took in all the handcrafted details of one particular watch.

"Outta Time Clocks," Lucifer nodded, "It is, though its original name was The Clock Shop. About a century ago, Zadazious, Azazel's father, decided to change the name to something a little more unique."

Lucifer could tell that his Baby Girl wanted to go in, but the store was dark, and the sign on the door explained that they would be closed for a few days due to a family emergency.

"They're beautiful," she mumbled.

"Yes, Zadazious is truly a master of his craft, and as much as I dislike his eldest, I have to admit that Alrion is also very skilled. Azazel, though not interested in crafting, is excellent at repairing watches and clocks and, as you know, is the one who obtains most of the supplies needed to make them."

"Is your watch one of theirs?"

"Yes, I have a few, in fact," Lucifer nodded, looking down at the watch on his wrist. "I do have a couple I've obtained from other worlds. I have even brought some of the more interesting pieces I found to Zadazious for him to examine. This watch is my favorite," he stated, holding his wrist out to his Baby Girl. "Everything on the watch is collected from Hell. The metal is a type that always stays cool, and the face is made from a shed Vuldrago scale."

"The giant lizard birds?" she asked as she lightly grabbed his wrist to examine his watch more closely.

"You remember. Good, and yes. As the Vul matures, they develop shiny black scales that cover their legs. These scales are shed a few times until they are fully grown. Some of those living in the Borderlands collect the scales and sell them to jewelers, fashion designers, and watchmakers. Not the rarest of material, but I've always liked the look and the creature they come from."

"It's beautiful," she smiled, letting go of his wrist.

"I'll show you some of my others later if you like, but for now, shall we?" Lucifer suggested, holding out his arm as a gesture for her to continue walking, which she did. "Camping!" Lucifer suddenly blurted, causing his Baby Girl to look at him confused. "I took you camping with only the intent of us becoming closer."

She tilted her head and hummed, considering his claim, "I think, at that time, your idea of closer, and mine were very different," Lucifer narrowed his eyes and glared at her. "But I admit, the camping trip, hiccups and all, was romantic, and I can't come up with an ulterior motive."

Lucifer smiled widely and smugly, "See, I'm a romantic Devil."

She scoffed, "One in three isn't impressive, Jr."