(Timeskip: Next night)
(POV: Shiraga)
Yosh! As my parents are asleep I can start training a bit. Unfortunately, being a baby and 1 year old at that doesn't give me much. I wonder if I can start meditation and increase my mana.
"Nami, if I start meditating as a baby, will my mana change and if it does, can my body handle it at this moment?"
"Don't worry little brother, you can start doing your little meditation, but be careful as you are now, your body can't handle much mana gather. I prefer you to gather mana for 30 mins a day if possible!"
"Now atleast you sound reliable then before..."
"Is that a compliment?"
"Yeah, yeah, sure..."
"Yay! My little brother praised me!"
*sigh* Okay, nevermind that, let's put up a barrier and get to it. Should I imagine like putting a barrier or should I just shout a word 'barrier'? Well let's test it out! Hum, hum, I can see that it doesn't need any shouting just imagine a barrier and it will envelope my surroundings, as I can see right now my limit is putting just around my room. Okay, now close my eyes and clear my mind, my mind is clear.
(POV change: Third person)
As he said that, his surroundings started to glow. Some strange orbs started to fly around him, going inside him, you can say that he's sucking them like vacuum-cleaner. Shiraga's aura started to spread around his room, dark and sinister aura that could send shivers down ones spine. You could say that it's thanks to his bloodline which is correct. If the barrier wasn't up at that moment probably even maous with seraphs could even feel it even being in heaven or underworld. Glowing lasted exactly 30 minutes and instantly stopped, barrier around his room vanished like it wasn't even there. Shiraga opened his eyes, eyes glowed in the dark as if looking for a prey and ready to devour it, hair glowed white at the moment, but vanished instantly and stopped glowing.
(POV change: Shiraga)
Ah... I feel different all of a sudden. Feels like I slept quite well and ate fully. Strange... I guess it's that skill at work, I wonder how much my mana rised up.
"Status, but show only HP and MP"
HP: 1500
MP: 2250
DAMN! Meditating this small time gives me that much mana?! I feel like getting tickets for premium gacha is worthy! I wonder when will some quest show up?
"Shiraga-kun, you got a quest!"
Speak of the devil...
"What's the quest, Nami?"
"Here let me show you!
- Rewards: Rejuvenation potion x3 ; Shop points: 2500 -
- Penalty for not finishing: Lost all progress in meditation -
- Quest timeleft: 6D 23H 56M -
Here you go!"
Well... I wasn't expecting this type of quest, but atleast its good at the moment, helps me to concentrate on this. Rewards are quite good for starters, but what's that potion though?
"Hey, Nami, what does that potion do?"
"Oh that potion helps you to regain 100% of your health, mana and stamina at the same time. Quite good for you if I say so myself."
Is this serious?! Potion that helps me to get all my stats back up just by drinking it. Not like I'm complaining, but man, having these potions will come in handy later on, when I go hunting! But lets leave that matter later, right now I need to focus on the quest at hand. Well not like I can gather much mana at the moment, but reaching 4000 will be peace of cake! Oh! I remember that I have some shop points for that begginers package I opened yesterday! I need to check up that store and see what it can offer.
Balance: 100,000
- Skills -
- Weapons -
- Clothes -
Well what did I expect, quite the shop if I say so myself, basic stuff. Skills, weapons and.... clothes? Why would I need that? Well can't cry over spilt milk, but I even wonder if I will ever use that category, but you can't say never. Let's see what skills this shop offers.
- Martial arts (basic; can evolve into master): 5000 SP -
- Weapons mastery (basic; can evolve into master): 10,000 SP -
- Mana manipulation (basic; can evolve into master): 5000 SP -
- Destruction magic (master level): 100,000,000,000 SP -
Quite a lot of things this shop offers, can't lie that all skills seems useful. For starters I guess I can buy mana manipulation, weapons mastery and martial arts. They evolve when training I suppose, I mean everything gets better when you get used to it. But that last item is quite expensive, destruction magic, well I even wonder if it's even worth buying it. Nevermind, lets focus on hand.
"Nami, could you buy me those 3 items from the top please?"
"Sure thing! Everything for you my little brother..."
"Yes, go ahead."
That's it for this night I guess, can't do much this time. I checked everything this system can offer me now, well except the weapons and clothes. Weapons category I can check later with clothers category as well. Well, might go to sleep and wait for another night and quickly finish that quest at the moment, because I dont wanna lose all progress I done with the meditation.
"By the way Nami, how much mana my body can hold now?"
"Well, to give you estimate I think around 5000, you should say thanks to your bloodline with that dragons health skill you have, not like I'm complaining, because I will always love you no matter how do you look and get in the future!"
Huh... I guess that skill really is OP as I said before. And damn this system with her love, it sounds so cringy. Nevermind, I should go to sleep and prepare myself for another long night tomorrow and finish that quest.
(Author's note: Thank you for the support so far, I really appreciate it! Makes writing more reasonable I would say.)