Finishing the quest, growing up!

(Timeskip: Some nights later)

(POV: Shiraga)

YES! Finally I reached my limit! Meditating wasn't so bad as I thought, feels quite nice if I say so myself, warm feeling like being enveloped into hug. But lets throw that thought aside. Let's open up status and see at what MP I'm at.

"Status, but show only MP"

MP: 4750

So, my those numbers are my limit at the moment, well can't blame it, because I'm still growing up. Well, lemme claim that reward from the quest!

"Nami, claim my reward for finishing the quest"

"Right away, Shira"

So there's even bonus rewards huh... That's even more better to finish quests before deadline to get more bonuses! I know that I spended a big sum of SP for 3 skills some nights ago and getting SP points will not be that hard it seems so I will get stacked of them, but I guess I need to spend more of those, but let's not jump the rope to soon, better be careful then sorry.

"Hey, Nami, what level I'm right now?"

"Looking at your stats, well, I can say that your magic capacity now rivals mid-level devils, I suggest for you to stop your training and wait when you're atleast 7-8 years old, you don't wanna hurt your body now do you little brother?"

Did she just mock me? I think she's making a smug face right now. But I guess I should listen to her, being a training fanatic isn't good idea, I don't wanna be one of those guys, just thinking about them makes me shiver. I guess I should focus on growing up then and interacting with parents more, experience the childhood again would be another sentence.

(POV change: Third person)

For Shiraga childhood, he experienced good memories. He started walking near his 2th birthday which was a gift for himself and parents who looked happy at the son's healthy development. He started talking not that long as well, couple days later when he started walking which suprised his parents again. Shiraga actually got what he wanted mostly from his parents, who loved their son dearly and were always with him. He couldn't say that he didn't liked the affection he got, it was quite nice to feel parents hug or praise when he did some good deed.

At his 3-5 years, parents started to worry for him, because he didn't interacted with other children and if he didn't interact he can't develop social skills that is needed for him, Shiraga's words for his parents were "But I don't feel like it". His mom, Akami, insisted to go with dad to the park couple days in a week to meet some children and make some friends. He grunted at his moms words, but he still respected her and time from time went to the park. What he couldn't believe that at that park he met the main protagonist of the DxD, Issei Hyoudou, and the cute tomboy girl Irina Shidou with him. He instantly went to interact with them. Day to weeks and months, they become quite friends, but Shiraga instantly saw that Issei developed his usual line "Wanna be Harem king", of course he wanted to change his thinking a bit, but he didn't wanted to alter the timeline from the original series so he left it as it is. Sighing at Issei's antics, he mostly talked with Irina to past time and to get to know her better. Well Shiraga didn't meet Irina's parents, just because he wasn't sure if they could sense his powers or not, he was quite careful not to alert the factions at the moment of his precense, well not yet. He went to Issei's house couple times and immediately saw that he started collecting some 'ecchi' stuff. At that moment, he stopped coming to Issei's house and made excuses, that he had always something to do and can't hang out.

At the age of 6, Irina left the Kouh while saying goodbye the Shiraga and Issei respectfully. Of course Shiraga was sad at this development, but he couldn't do much. After she left, Shiraga interacted with Issei less and less, and at some point stopped, well because he had some quite 'fantasies'. He instead started to gather knowladge on how to use magic while activating his mana manipulation skill. With his MP being around 20,000 past these years because of body growth and mana capacity. His HP raised as well, but not that much instead of 1500 he had when he was 1 years old now he had 10,000 without doing any activities, which he was quite suprised at this development. Nami explained that thanks to his bloodline he got, his body year after year strengthens himself without any complications and at some point he even managed to awaken some of his bloodlines power, but almost lost control of it and went berserk. Nami then scolded him for couple hours that she was worried, and he just brushed it off, while enabling his 'I don't give a fuck' mode. With his mana manipulation, Shiraga's mana got denser and denser, he didn't bother making spells at the moment, he just waited for when he turns 7 years old, and start his physical training. He didn't get any quests at all, which seemed strange, but he wasn't sure what activates them.

When he turned 7, Shiraga insisted his father, Eisuke, to place him in some martial arts dojo to train his body, which father happily agreed, but his mother gave him quite a glare of dagers that shook him to the spine. Thanks to his martial art skill when he bought when he was a baby, dojo master found interest in him and made Shiraga his discaple. With daily training, like running, sit-ups, push-ups and such and thanks to dojo master, his martial art skill evolved from basic level to veteran level, thanks to Nami who explained that he needs 1 more push and he could master martial arts skill fully. His HP went up a lot even leaving MP behind reaching whopping 30,000, which suprised him a lot.

Shiraga's middle school days were boring and nothing much to do. He was first in class in every thing, so teachers mostly didn't bother him, children in the school are quite scared of him how he looked, white spiky hair, with red eyes made them shiver everytime they saw him. That didn't bother him much, if they don't mess with him, then he doesn't mess with them. Thus granting him a nickname in the middle school 'Red-eyed white lone wolf' which was quite good nickname for him, he even wanted to say thanks to the person who made that name.

Around his 10 birthday, his body turned quite muscular, even his six-pack could be seen but vaguely, Shiraga's face turned from cute to quite handsome, he had grown a lot, he was around 1.50m in height. He stabilized his MP and HP in same numbers reaching 40,000. His mana control and physical prowess was on par even of high-class devil level, that made him smirk evily thinking that he got quite powerful, but still lacked some control of bloodline. But atleast he managed to control a bit thus granting him to have slit like reptilian eyes and boosting his power about 10% which made a great difference in power and mana control. When he unleashed some of his bloodline, he got some new skills, some of them are 'Dragon's breath', 'Dragon's claw'. Dragon's breath was self-explanatory, but dragon's claw made his hands stronger and his nails got longer, thus granting him ability to slash or even stab a opponent easily. He bought a skill from the shop as well, such as 'Observation' that allowed Shiraga to sense his surroundings easily and saw that there were a lot of rogue devils hanging around Kouh, which didn't suprised him much. Someday late at night, while buying some clothes from the shop that looked cheap, but atleast covered his face, went on hunt to see if he can kill or catch some of the rogue devils. To his suprise while being high-devil level, some of the rogue devils runned away, most of them were stupid and attacked Shiraga. Shiraga smirked evily and like a real battle maniac, killed them or should I say massacre them without a single thought, you can say thanks to Hajime's body and psychological and mental levels, he didn't even feel pity for them.

(Timeskip: 1 year later)

(POV change: Shiraga)

*sigh* Quite some eventful days if I say so myself. I had fun killing some stray devils, got some skills, awakened some of the bloodline, turned 11 years old. I can even say I had quite a blast! Now the biggest challenge comes.

"Nami, I want to use my special summon ticket and summon a companion on my journey!"

"Of course! Finally Shira-kun uses his ticket! I wonder what ally you will get!"

Hahaha! I'm so excited!

(Author's note: I made this chapter a bit longer, as thanks for the support and great ideas you guys gave me! I really appreciate everything you people say! I hope you continue reading, I will try uploading chapters daily, unless something happens! Thanks again for all the support!)