( Author's note: I read comments a bit and saw a lot of people expect a summon for Fate/stay series and such. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't have that in mind. I want to create characters that are original, what I mean is completely from imagination thus giving it some originality. Don't hate me too much. Thanks for reading!)
(POV: Third person)
As Shiraga shouted to summon his companion, strong light enveloped the whole barrier, that blinded him fully and he needed to cover his face with his arm. After the light subsided thus granting Shiraha to see what person he summoned. But strangely, there was no person in sight. Now he didn't know how to feel: sad or happy, suprised or dissapointed. So many emotions flood his mind that he didn't even knew what to do. He thought probably it just didn't work and something happened. Shiraga asked Nami what's going on, but the answer he got that the summon worked perfectly without any errors. Right now the only thing he thought was "Did I just summoned something useless." Not knowing what to do, he just walked around while still keeping the barrier on and looking around, searching for the person or something at this point. Walking for couple minutes, searching he found a strange paper on the grass. Small paper with strange writings on one side and on another was blank. Shiraga scratched his head looking at this strange paper and heard Nami say that's the summon. He was so dissapointed in his summon that he just wanted to blast whole ground into smithereens out of anger. Releasing his aura and mana out of anger, the paper started to glow, instead of light now it glowed pitch black. The writing on one side was pulsating red and on another side, out of nowhere, there was strange writing. It glowed for couple seconds and stopped and the paper just incinerated from his hands. Later he heard systems voice...
(POV change: Shiraga)
What the fuck was that?! I summoned hoping for something good and got literally trash paper that just incinerated into ashes! Now I know how people feel how they play gacha and get useless characters.
- Blue Flame (intermediate level): Allows user to cast blue fire magic, stronger then original flame and the flame doesn't go out without permission of the caster. -
- Darkness affinity (master level): User now can fuse his magic with darkness magic and shape his spells. Darkness is indistructable unless it meets his rival light magic. -
- Stealth (basic level): User now can move stealthily.>
"Hey, Nami, mind explaining me what the hell is going on now?!"
"Shira! Don't shout at your sister! *clears throat* Apperiantly, when you summon you get some skills from the person you summon, but regarding that strange paper you summoned I don't know even what you summoned at the moment."
That's how it is... Well works for me! New skills and even movement skill at that as well. The main problem right now is where that person hiding at. If the paper was the catalyst in order to summon, then it should be around here and didn't go that far, plus I still got my barrier up, I would feel it that someone wants to barge in or get out of here. Strangely though I don't feel any precense in the barrier, just me alone.
"Ara~ Did my master got scared that he couldn't see me?"
Where that voice come from?! *laughs akwardly* I'm just imagining things, I guess a lot of things happened today and that summon really was a rolleycoaster of emotions, probably I'm just tired from all of this shit that is happening.
"Hahahaha! Master, you are funny, the voice you are hearing is in your mind, you can say that I'm linked with you through soul, means that if you die then I die too and well you were the one who awakened me from my slumber so I should say thanks in my real form."
So that wasn't my imagination, wait now another entity is linked with me and can hear my thoughts as well?! What is this bullshit! Now I can't hide anything or keep secrets from anyone at this point, if every summon gonna be like this then fuck this... Wait, wait, wait, what does she mean real form?
(POV change: Third person)
As he said that, the loud *poof* sound and smoke come up in front of him. When the smoke subsided, from the smoke, woman in her 20s emerged. She was quite tall around 1.80m. She had dark-gold eyes and dark, long, silky hair and noticeably you can see that she had dark fox-like ears. Her figure almost looked like a goddess: little darkish skin, her face could mesmerize everyone who looked at it, she has not overlarge but big chest, her backside was plump that showed off her assets, leaf-shaped 9 tails that came out of her backside. You can say that her whole appearance was 10/10 in every way you look at it. She was dressed in Heian-era imperial clothing with a hakama on her lower half that showed off her womanly assets quite well, on her back she carries a katana.
"Ara~ Did my master likes how I look?" She giggled a bit, while turning to Shiraga's face and started to look in his eyes.
"Well, what can I say, from the looks I can give you whole 10 points out of 10, but would you mind and introduce yourself." Shiraga said while turned his head into her face and started to glare at her with slit eyes.
"Ara~ No need to be on defensive master, I wouldn't do anything that can danger you. Well at first, my name is Kurayami and I'm the shikigami, in other words I'm the spirit-like fox that can't be killed and only serves the master who summoned me. I'm one of the legendary familiars, thus granting me a ability to act on my own and have my own mana without masters support in replenishing my mana. I'm defensive-stealth like shikigami, it grants me the ability to protect my master and act in shadows if needed and well versed in swordmanship. Of course I can change my age, size, height and other body parts if I want. So if I may ask the master, does my introduction suffices?" Kurayami had a serious face talking about herself and as she finished she smiled waiting for an answer.
"That was informative, but don't call me master, I would prefer if you could call me Shiraga. Anyways, would you want to know any information at the moment?" Shiraga sighed at the word master that she said and while finishing he turned back at her.
"Shiraga it is then. Regarding information, I don't know anything regarding this world, do tell please." She smiled at him while finishing.
Then Shiraga started explaining. First of he said that this towns name is Kouh and some other basic stuff. He said that this world has devils that rule underworld and that they sometimes come from the underworld, heaven and the whole God dead thing and that Micheal now overlooks it. He started about fallen angels that now reside in Grigori. Later he explained that there sometimes happens killing regarding devils that don't listen to their master's orders and just roam within the humans and kill them for fun, the same idea is for fallen angels except they don't listen to their leader. He talked about himself, that he is a dragon and told her that he is still unknown to the factions. After that, he just talked about himself, where he lives and such.
"And that's about it I suppose, well later you will find out more if you stick around me." Shiraga exhaled and said in releaved voice after explaining that much.
"Fufufu~ I won't be going anywhere, you know I told you that I can't leave my master alone because we are linked together~" She let out a small smile and Shiraga just sighed.
"Anyways, I have to get back home, my parents will start to worry about me. By the way, where will you stay?" He looked at her curious what Kurayami will do.
"As a shikigami, I can get back into your body and stay there, unless you have something else in mind, Shiraga." She let out a seductive smile at him, Shiraga just stared at her and then looked away.
"Just get in my body and wait, I will figure out later where to put you if you even want that anyways." Shiraga said that in his monotone voice.
"Fufufu~ As you wish, Shiraga." Kurayami let out a little giggle and then dissapeared out of sight.
Shiraga then started thinking "Okay then, lets get back". While he said that he jumped up from his sitting position and started walking home with a smile on his face.