New quest and resolution

(POV: Third person)

Next day...

Shiraga woke up from his bed still yawning, went to the bathroom to freshen up, brush his teeth and dressed up in his school clothes and went to the kitchen to get breakfast. He said good morning to his parents, ate the breakfast and went to school. School was still the same, boring as usual. School day passed quickly and he was on his way home and then he heard how system announced something.

Rewards: 1 free skill of user choosing (only basic level), 100% off to buy a weapon from the systems shop, gets a boost in HP and MP, SP 10,000;

Penalty for not finishing: Loses some of the HP and MP points;

Timeleft of the quest: 14D23H53M>

"Better prepare myself, this outta be fun!" Shiraga thought while smirking evily outside that didn't get unnoticed by some classmates that almost shit themselfs looking that his face from fear. As he got home, ate the dinner and instantly went to his room, closed the door and put up a barrier.

"Kurayami, we got something fun to do these 2 weeks!" Shiraha said happily almost clapping his hands out of the amusement.

"Oh really? And what would that be?" Kurayami appeared in his room, sitting in his chair, while looking at Shiraga's antics. The only thought she could muster right now is 'How adorable' while looking at his smiling face.

"Well, how to say this, we gonna go hunting!" Shiraga turned his face where Kurayami was sitting, beaming with a smile, that smile wasn't one that could mesmerize, but one that could drive fear into person's soul.

"Fufufu~ From that little smile of yours, I could say we gonna go hunt some stray devils you talked about yesterday, that cause some havoc in the city?" Kurayami let out the smile as well, that was almost similar to Shiraga's but not that severe.

"Right on the money! With my observation skill I can sense them easily because they can't hide their killing intent nor their magical power. Oh by the way, mind teaching me some swordmanship while we at it?" From his smile, he went into serious mode and looked at her, waiting for the answer.

"Ara~ You sure? I'm not gonna let you slack of in the training and it will be quite brutal." She let out a sadistic smile at Shiraga.

"If you think I'm afraid of some little training, you surely mistaken, apart from my skills and being good in close combat, I don't really have anything that goes with weapons combat." Shiraga said the truth to her, feeling pumped up for the training.

"As you wish then, Shiraga. So, when are we starting this training of yours? Kurayami looked at him with serious face this time around.

"I can even start today, but the problem is parents at the moment." Shiraga let out a big sigh, feeling dissapointed.

"Fufufu~ I can hypnotize them today, it's one of my specialty after all and then we can start, but be careful, the hypnosis will last till tomorrows morning." She giggled a bit, then turned serious at the end.

"Sure go ahead, we will go into forest after that." He said that and let out a little smile at her.

"As you say, Shiraga." Kurayami vanished instantly from the chair. As she vanished he started browsing his weapon shop category. He did have that scythe in his inventory, but he wasn't sure if he can handle it or not, so he just left it at the moment. Looking at his balance in the shop that gave number 70,000. Shiraga didn't spend much his points because he didn't have to apart the clothes he bought from shop just to gear up a bit and looked cheap. As he was browsing, his eyes stopped the two-handle claymore sword, the swords name was 'Vulcan'. As he was reading swords description, he instantly bought it because the description said that this sword was the best for starters and easy to imbue magic attributes in him. Well it costed quite a lot, 45,000 to be precise. As Shiraga finished his business, Kurayami appeared and said that everything is ready and we can set out.

At first day sword training, Kurayami was ruthless and literally throwed around Shigara with her katana. Thanks to regenaration, Shiraga easily healed any cuts she dealt to him, but that wasn't the only thing. His whole body screamed of pain and after 2 hours he couldn't handle it and passed out. Kurayami just sighed at the passed out boy and carried him back home.

Next day he couldn't even lift a finger for couple hours because his whole body was so stiff, every movement he did you can hear cracks there and there. He didn't even go to school and said to parents that he wasn't feeling good. He didn't gave up that easily and later that day went again to train his swordsmanship in order to get better. Suprisingly, Shiraga could see Kurayami's movement that yesterday he couldn't even grasp. Thanks to that he lasted longer and didn't pass out this time.

At his 3rd-5th day training, he started to put up a great fight for Kurayami, who got really suprised that Shiraga improved quickly. Shiraga was finally able to imbue magic into sword with blue flame, thus granting the sword more sharpness and infinite flames that nobody couldn't stop unless he feels like it. He got an idea to check his status because it was quite a long time he did that. Shiraga's eyeballs almost popped out when he saw his HP rised up to 70,000 leaving MP behind at 45,000. He couldn't even believe how this training paid off in his physical abilities, of course he checked his weapons mastery skill as well, which ranked up from basic to advanced and martial skill suprisingly ranked up as well and is finally at master level. Shiraga couldn't keep his laughter of his amazing growth, and started laughing of how he improved in this short time and near his side Kurayami gave a questioning glare thinking that he went insane from this training.

On 6th day they just had a day off in this training. Of course they could have done it, but Shiraga told Kurayami let him have a rest today saying "Training all the time isn't good for one's health". She didn't retort at his words and left it be. He just lazed around the house, watching TV, well what other person would do in his day off?

On the 7th he decided to equip his scythe, leaving the house, going to forest, putting up the barrier.

"So, I can say that we are here not for training?" Kurayami asked Shiraga in the serious voice.

"No we are not for training today. Today I want to equip my main weapon, The Crescent of The Angel, who once was wielded by Grim Reaper himself." He let out a evil smirk which didn't go unnoticed by Kurayami.

"Ara~ I would love to see that weapon and how it looks~" She let out a small laugh, but concentrated back quickly as she started laughing.

"Oh, you will see it alright. COME TO ME CRESCENT OF THE ANGEL!" Shiraga shouted while putting his hands up in front of him.

Timeleft for the quest: 7D9H45M