Went Berserk?!

(AN: Sorry, today I was able just to post 1 chapter. So I made it longer a bit then usual, hope you enjoy!)


(POV: Third person)

A shout echoed through the forest, thanks to the barrier nobody heard it outside the forest. The scythe appeared out of nowhere and landed in his hand, what Shiraga didn't expect when touching the weapon, that he instantly went unconscious, hearing how Kurayama shouted his name out of consern.

Somewhere unknown

"Ahhh.... My head hurts.... W-where am I?" Shiraga said in the low voice bringing himself from laying position on his feet to stand up. The place he was in, was like he experienced when he died, literally nothing just void of emptiness. What was concerning him more, that around this void the death aura was everywhere he felt. What was more, there was a person looking at him in a curious gaze unbeknown to him.

"So, another one showed up to claim me." The voice came behind Shiraga, which was without any emotion. He instantly turned around and went into defensive position waiting for the attack, but what he saw infront of him suprised him more. A little girl around his age was standing in front of him. Her face showed no emotions, eyes had no light but full darkness, her hair was swinging loose, she was dressed in some sort of battle maid attire.

"Who are you?" Shiraga said still in defensive position not leaving the newcomer out of his eyes.

"I'm the weapons spirit you picked up, although I'm quite suprised that someone so young picked it up. What's more, you have a darkness affinity, which is suprising as well. I wonder if you will meet the expectations and become my master hehehehe...." She let out a small chuckle, that someone who listened to it will surely feel fear. Shiraga, who didn't flinch in the slightest, was adressing the situation he was in. The only thoughts came to him was that this was surely some sort of test to prove worthy. Shiraga snapped out of his thinking, when he saw that she started to do something. She out of nowhere summoned the same scythe, that he was holding when he passed out and was sizing him up and probably waiting for a moment to attack. In couple seconds she vanished in a instant and quickly closed the gap between them swinging the scythe with evilish smile. He didn't saw it coming and the only thoughts that spread his mind was that she was so fast. Not letting his suprise cloud him, he instantly grabbed the 'Vulcan' out of his inventory, and clashed with the scythe that resulted with the shockwave that resounded in the void.

"Not bad, but are you gonna handle this!" She said in the evilish voice, vanishing again and appearing behing Shiraga which suprised him with the speed again. He didn't lose the focus and dashed forward to dodge her, but to no avail. She scraped him quite badly on the back, which resulted in blood gushing out of the wound. Holding in the scream he got out of the way. Thanks for the regenaration he was able to regenarate the damage she dealt to him, but the pain on other hand didn't vanish.

"Ho ho, to think that you can regenarate from that cut. Well surely you are the first one, that lasted this long against me. Don't dissapoint me now, boy." She said while dashing at him in fast speed. Still feeling the pain, Shiraga, got back on his feet to counter the attack. As she was closing the gap between them, she fainted the swing and kicked him with the leg into his abdomen, thus resulting him to spit out blood and blasting away from her sight. She vanished again and appeared behind him, then she hit with the weapons handle on the back which resulted in the blood curling scream from Shiraga. He felt immeasurable pain, that he never felt before.

"If this keeps going I will surely gonna get chopped up with that scythe." Shiraga thought in his mind still hanging from going unconscious. "Not even my skills are working on her, even if I actived my bloodline at 10% boosting myself, it still not enough, activating more would be a suicide for me!" Shiraga talking with himself in his mind, thinking what to do in this situation.

"Ho? Still hanging there? You surely seem durable, but not strong enough to handle me. Oh! After you die here you actually die outside too. Just letting you know~" She let out a sadistic smile at him. Shiraga looked at her who was getting closer to him. He started to curse himself not knowing what to do and regretting that he even started this trial. But then he remembered that he had those potions when he got from the first quest. Still clinging to life, he lifted himself from the ground pulling out the one of the potions from the inventory, when the potion got to his hand and he wanted to drink it, she noticed and instantly appeared in front of him and snatched the potion from his hand and kicked him away.

"You know boy, drinking potions on the battlefield won't do you anything good you know~ Better accept your fate." She said that while laughing at miserable state that was Shiraga.

"DAMMIT!" He screamed in his mind. "If only I trained hard enough, this would be peace of cake, damn my lazy attitude!" Still cursing himself in the mind.

"Do you want power?" Said the mysterious voice in his mind. "Power? If power would be easily accessible I would have already reached it!" Shiraga screamed in his mind. "What you reached is just a drop of water in front of the whole sea. I'm asking you again. Do. You. Want. Power?" Mysterious voice asked him again. "If you saying the truth, then show me that sea you talking about!" Shiraga screamed at the mysterious voice. "HAHAHAHAHA! GLADLY!" The mysterious voice laughed while Shiraga started to lose his consciousness.

"W-what is this p-power? My first and only master didn't had this much death and darkness aura! Just w-who are you?!" She asked in shaking voice, this was the first time she experienced fear in front of the opponent. In her whole she didn't experience this emotion. She always liked to toy with her opponents killing them while laughing at them, but this time, she don't know what to do. Shiraga slowly stood up, all his wounds healed up compeletly leaving no mark behing. His whole body started to change: his skin turned in dark black scales, from his back 2 wings emerged pitch black like night, dragon like tail appeared from his backside, his nails got longer and stronger with his arms, in short his whole body started to change into dragon's body just in human form. What shook her the most that red slit eyes stared at her with such killing intent that she never felt before, not even her first master had that strong aura. He ten opened his mouth and from it came out a big smoke.

"What am I? HAHAHAHA! Your executioner!" Shiraga said laughing evily with his voice. "Prepare to face the power of chaos!" He then said smiling evily that made her shutter to the bone.

Out of the void, back at Kurayami.

"Master!" Kurayami screamed forgetting what Shiraga said to her about calling him. She instantly went to him when he collapsed on the ground, to check if he's alright. Checking his health, she sighed with relief that her master is okay, but Kurayami's eyes landed on the scythe Shiraga talked about.

"No wonder he collapsed, this weapon oozing such strong aura." That's what she thought at the moment, while looking at the weapon Shiraha is holding. Not even a minute passed she noticed that her connection with Shiraga started to fade. Kurayami then focused back at her master's condition, but she couldn't do much. Feeling deppresed not knowing what to do, she picked up Shiraga and started to shake him.

"DON'T YOU DARE DIE ON ME!" She shaked him, screamed her lungs out and you could see that she started crying. As she said that in couple seconds, she noticed that Shiraga's body started to change. He grown wings, his skin turned into scales, nails got longer and such. What Kurayami noticed more that his aura become dark and uncontrolable. It was so strong that even damaged her hands while she was holding him into embrace. Kurayami felt danger while holding him and instantly released him from the embrace and jumped back.

"Such strong and sinister aura... What master did I got...." Kurayami couldn't believe the changes Shiraga gone through and was hoping that everything turns out okay.

(Author's note: If you guys wondering how does that Scythe Girl looks like check it here. Just remove her eyepatch and replace her hair color into black and green pupils into black as well and you will get the full picture of her. https://overlordmaruyama.fandom.com/wiki/CZ2I28_Delta)