
Asdrerd was alone in the room, he was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, and he did not know which option to choose.

By refusing both invitations, he should have become a wanted pirate. The navy, the bounty hunters and maybe even the pirates would have chased him, but he would have been free in all his decisions. He wanted to travel and not hide forever.

Accepting the government's proposal would have guaranteed him a lot of freedom, he only had to present himself in time of need against the four emperors, and as far as the meetings were concerned, he could very well be absent.

In this way, he would have his bounty canceled, bounty hunters and the navy would not chase him, and most pirates would have avoided him too.

It was not bad as an option, he could travel freely, he could also take advantage of the situation and use the navy as a shield and abandon it when they requested his services, at that point he could also resort to option one, but at least he would have gained several years to improve.

Accepting the revolutionaries' proposal was the worst choice, it was risky and the one that offered less freedom, given that it would have to infiltrate in the Shichibukai and participate in revolutionary activities. However, it was also the choice that offered the possibility to draw more landscapes... he could draw Baltigo and Momoiro without too much difficulty and the territories of the world government since he had to enter Shichibukai too.

'Mmmm, what am I supposed to do?' He had been lying down thinking for hours, but he just could not decide.

"All this because of this damned bounty! Damn! I just wanted to travel and draw freely!" He said banging his fists on the bed.

"Isn't there a way to avoid all three options?"

"Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think Think..." he said softly, beating the index finger of his right hand on his forehead.

After some reflection, he managed to find a fourth solution, but it did not allow him to evade the three previous choices, moreover, it would have been the most difficult and it would have been a long way.

However, he decided to eliminate the first of the options, he could not afford to become a wanted person right now, he was too small and weak, he also had no way to travel, sooner or later they would have found him or in the worst case, Garp or Mysha could deliver him directly.

He had to agree to enter Shichibukai and use the name to avoid trouble, and then leave the organization in times of need. As for revolutionaries, would he have liked to refuse BUT if the invitation in the Shichibukai was a trap to catch him? After all, the world nobles wanted him alive... In this case, the revolutionaries would have helped him.

'Okay, I will go for the third choice, although it is the most dangerous, I will be able to exploit everything in my favor. Once I paint the landscapes of their territories and have the certainty of being able to defend myself, I will be able to abandon them and choose the fourth option.'

Looking at One Piece, he understood one thing; the freest and least busy beings in the world were the four emperors. The navy, bounty hunters and pirates would have avoided you if possible, moreover the emperors would not usually fight directly, and they would leave the rest to the subordinates.

'To become an emperor, however, I will also have to learn to fight ... I don't feel like it ...' He thought listlessly.

'A great initial effort and being able to paint in a limited way for a goal where I will be able to draw all the time eh?' Thinking in this way, he found the desire to improve.

Then he thought of Blackbeard, Big Mom and other pirates, they did not know how to fight, they were simply strong.

'I will only have to create techniques; learning to fight from 0 is useless.'

Asdrerd wanted to travel slowly to all the islands of all the seas to draw them.

In these years, however, while creating techniques, he would have to decide where to go and therefore draw only those places during his journey. Only in the future would he recover the rest of the islands left behind.

To become an emperor, he would have to become a pirate. This was also perfect for deceiving the world government, as it was quite normal for a member of Shichibukai to be a pirate.

He should also have created a crew, also useful to be able to defend himself from the two organizations after having betrayed them or in any case to leave the fighting to them.

While he was thinking about future members and then planning the trip, he fell asleep.

Despite a few hours of sleep, he still got up around five, as he was used to.

He did not feel tired, in his previous life, he would have had sleepless nights, waiting for a certain moment of the day to admire a perfect panorama.

He got out of bed and first went to Mysha's room.

Opened the door without even knocking. She had told him to come once the decision was made. Furthermore, he certainly could not enter an inappropriate moment, right? She was a robot.

Once he opened the door, he saw a girl with long silver hair lying on the bed, sleeping deeply under the covers.

Mysha would usually notice any nearby life, but once she went to bed she would not even notice if a bomb went off in her room. Usually, she would sleep inside the robot, only she had not been able to resist the sight of a bed after so many years.

'Did I get the wrong room?' He wondered after seeing a human girl sleep.

Seeing the robot near the window of the room, he no longer knew what to think.

Thinking that he had entered one of those impossible inappropriate moments, he closed the door, and he went to wash and eat something. Once finished he returned to his room and started painting looking out his window.

A couple of minutes later, the cyborg Mysha entered the Asdrerd room, as yesterday, in a reduced version of her life-size, she certainly could not destroy the bar.

Seeing Asdrerd who was painting, she closed the door and waited behind the boy.

An hour later, Asdrerd finished painting, looked at the picture satisfied before hearing a voice from behind.

"Nice painting, congratulations, the style reminds me of a new painter named Spered!"

Turning, Asdrerd saw Mysha and not knowing how to respond, he smiled.

"It's you, right?" The cyborg's left hand turned into a notebook and the finger of the other hand into a pen.

"Emm ... what are you doing?" Asdrerd asked after seeing Mysha take notes.

"I wrote that you are Spered! Knowledge is power!" Mysha put the notebook away and turned it back into his hand.

Asdrerd smiled.

"Yesterday you told me that you are a cyborg who has lived for millennia, thanks to the fact that you have changed piece by piece of your body, transforming yourself into what you are now, right?" He asked the robot in front of her.

"Yes! So what? Have you decided to join us? You know I can reveal to the whole world of Spered!" She tried to convince Asdrerd by blackmail.

"Mh, you don't need this blackmail, I was already going to join!"

"Then there are no problems, nobody will find out for now, but it will be excellent information in case you betray us in the future." She did not really think about this option, Asdrerd was just a child, and he wanted to free his friends from the nobles, he would never have betrayed an organization created precisely against the latter.

"Mhmh, it would certainly be interesting news. Of course, never as much as news about your identity. Especially if on the front page there is a photo of a beautiful girl with silver hair."

He said looking at Mysha with a threatening look.

"What!?" Mysha was agitated to have been discovered for the first time in all these millennia.

"What?" Asdrerd replied before smiling. "Knowledge is power" The smile grew bigger and bigger. "Right?"

"Do not worry! We know a vital secret for both of us. Nobody will be in a position to blackmail the other."

It was vital for Asdrerd to hide the fact that he was Spered, which is why he made it clear.

"It seems that I underestimated you ... I don't know how you managed to find out, but you are the only one in the world to know my true appearance. I should take your responsibilities."

Mysha had already calmed down, thinking she could take advantage of this opportunity.

The girl told Asdrerd about her real plan. She said that Mysha the cyborg would die and not the real she. In addition, since Asdrerd already knew her secret, she would travel with Asdrerd in her human version.

Thinking about the pros and cons, he decided to accept this request.

She had vast knowledge, a mysterious power to allow her to live all this time, and she was also very rich, he could take full advantage of her.

The only cons were the fact that he had slightly increased the difficulty of betraying the revolutionaries, but he had the girl's identity in his hand as a chip.

One way or another he would have managed to get out of the group.