After agreeing, Mysha left to finish the preparations.
Garp carried Luffy in his hand while Asdrerd followed them from behind.
Shortly after they arrived in a house on Mount Colubo, a woman more than 2 m tall with long curly orange hair came out. She was not very fit, she was wearing a white shirt with a large necklace of red pearls and checkered pants kept up from a belt. It was Curly Dadan, the leader of the mountain bandits in this area.
(Author Note: Corbo, Corvo, Colubo?)
Seeing two children with Garp, she became worried and asked, "Don't tell me I will have to take care of these brats too!"
"𝘽𝙬𝙖𝙝𝙖𝙝𝙖𝙝𝙖𝙝𝙖! That's right, he is my grandson, his name is Luffy, the other one is a colleague of mine, and he is Asdrerd of the Shichibukai!"
She did not read the newspaper much, so she did not know Asdrerd.
While Garp was arguing with Dadan, a child spat on Luffy and Asdrerd.
Asdrerd managed to dodge without difficulty, he knew what would happen, and he had already sensed his presence. Luffy was hit instead.
Ace took an interest in Asdrerd and approached.
"Oh Ace, you're back at the right time!" Garp said seeing Ace approach.
"Luffy, he is Ace, and he's three years older than you, you get along!"
"Old man, who is this boy?" Ace asked looking at Asdrerd curiously.
"Ah! He is 10 years old like you; he will be your teacher to make you an excellent Marine!" He announced to the two children.
"Master!?" He did not believe that a child of his age could be better than he is.
They went in and the place was full of bandits, they all ate except Luffy and Asdrerd, they should have gotten their own food.
Asdrerd went to the highest place on the mountain to paint it, while Luffy followed Ace.
Once the painting was finished, he handed it over to Dadan and told him to sell it and consider it the payment for his stay.
Dadan could not understand the value of the painting, she did not understand the art, and so she did not trust much and was about to throw it backward, when, "Ah, Dadan! Don't tell anyone I painted it!" Although she did not seem to, Asdrerd trusted Dadan, she was a kind woman, but to be sure, he threatened her.
"I'm a member of the Shichibukai; I can send you to jail too!"
Dadan decided to go sell the painting tomorrow, she still did not trust it, but even in the worst case, she would have made some money.
At that moment, Ace entered alone.
The bandits asked Ace but found out nothing.
"Dadan doesn't have to worry, Luffy will be back in exactly one week," Asdrerd reassured Dadan.
The next day Ace went out and Dadan went to her "friend". It was from him that she bought alcohol, various stuff and sold the things she stole.
She arrived in a shop hidden on the mountain, was rundown with potholes on the roof.
"Welcome Dadan, do you want the usual?" A hooded old man smiled at Dadan.
"That's why I'm here today!" Dadan pulled out the painting and tossed it to the owner.
Once the shopkeeper took the painting, he screamed in surprise.
"Where did you get it? I can give you 100 million Berry!" The old man was thinking he could easily sell it to a few billion, but seeing Dadan launch the painting, he thought that she did not know of its true value.
"𝗪𝗛𝗔𝗧?! 𝟭𝟬𝟬 ... 𝟭𝟬𝟬 𝗠𝗜𝗟𝗟𝗜𝗢𝗡!?" She screamed after hearing the price.
'Is that painting worth 100 million? No! I know this old man, if he said the price it means that it is worth at least three times more, so this painting has a value of 300 million. Also, did that brat paint it personally?' She thought after remembering the boy's words.
"I know your methods; I don't think it's worth so little." She said trying to raise the price.
Making an annoyed face, the owner said, "Okay okay, I can give you 400 million Berry, 600 if you tell me where you found it."
Dadan opened his mouth wide, dropping the cigarette. She calmed down and realizing that its value would be greater than 600 million. She tried to negotiate, not so much for the price, but because she wanted to know the reason for this value.
"I received it. To be honest, I didn't know it was worth so much... 550 million, plus tell me what you know about this painting." She announced her offer.
"500 million and that's fine." Seeing that the woman accepted his offer and that she really knew nothing, he began to tell about the mysterious Painter Spered.
Despite the shop appearances, the old man pulled out a bag full of money. After receiving the money, Dadan bought food and alcohol at will and took some new weapons for her and her subordinates. Unfortunately, the shop had no beds or furniture better than hers, so after making her purchases she returned home happy.
One week later…
"Master Asdrerd would you like something special?" She asked trying to flatter the boy.
His treatment had changed dramatically this week.
That evening Luffy came home all dirty and injured, Dadan seemed to forget what Asdrerd had said but Ace had not.
'"He'll be back in exactly one week!" These words were bombarding Ace's mind.
'How did he know? In addition, why the old woman treating him so well? Who is he really?' Many questions were asked in the head.
Months passed, every day Luffy chased Ace, while Asdrerd went out to think about some technique with his powers and to train his physique, which he did also in his old life. Having a good physique was useful for his ideal as a painter. He had to climb the mountains to reach the top, have a good resistance to cross muddy roads, run away from certain animals, in short, it was useful to study and see with your own eyes, the strangest places in the world.
In this world it would not have been different, even if he had learned to fly, there would still have been places that could not be reached by flying or even islands that block the powers, his knowledge was really limited, so he started reading the newspaper, which he had from Dadan.
That evening, Asdrerd saw three children enter the house, Luffy, Ace, and Sabo; he understood that the story had proceeded smoothly.
The next morning Dadan asked for explanations
"Calm down Dadan, I'll make you a self-portrait later, what do you think?"
Asdrerd usually drew the only ambiance, but he was also very good at drawing important figures, he wanted to train in this too.
"Really?! Hehe! If the master Asdrerd accepts the new baby, we will certainly not make a fuss! Right guys?" Dadan turned and asked his companions.
"𝙊𝙊𝙊𝙊𝙊𝙊𝙊𝙊𝙊𝙊𝙊𝙊𝙊𝙊𝙊𝙊𝙊𝙊!" They all screamed in chorus.
In these months, their life had improved considerably thanks to Asdrerd's painting. They had a kitchen, always clean dishes, every type of food on the table, alcohol every day, nice warm blankets to be able to sleep properly and much more.
"Hey Ace, is he the guy you were talking about?" Sabo asked curiously from the scene.
Asdrerd turned to the three children and said, "Garp told me that I have to train you, today I will follow you in the fights, and then you can go wherever you want!" He wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to try some techniques. Obviously, he did not even know how to train them, so he would have shot some bullshit to convince them.
"Oh really!?" Luffy was happy, he had a lot of respect for Asdrerd.
Ace and Sabo, however, were not happy with this thing and could not wait to give him a lesson during today's fights.
The first to fight were Ace and Sabo
"Asdrerd who do you think will win?" Luffy asked curiously.
"26 wins for Ace and 24 for Sabo." Asdrerd declared without taking his eyes off the fight.
Soon the 50 fights ended and the result did not surprise him.
"Ace, who is he? He guessed exactly the number of wins!" Sabo looked at Ace hoping for an answer.
"It's not the first time that happens ... I think he can see the future, there is no other explanation," he replied remembering Luffy's disappearance.
The games afterward were boring; Luffy had lost all 100 fights.
"Well, now all 3 of you come against me!" Asdrerd wanted to take a closer look at their attacks.
Initially out of pride, only Ace tried to attack him, but he failed to hit him even once, as Asdrerd was using the haki to dodge.
'There are no doubts! He can see the future.' Ace thought after seeing all his attacks being dodged so easily.
"Why don't you attack!?" Ace was angry that he had been underestimated.
Shortly thereafter, Sabo and finally Luffy joined, but they still failed to hit him.
Eventually, seeing the three tired, Asdrerd stopped dodging and formed a splash of color on the ground in front of him.
"What is that stuff!?" Ace and Sabo went on alert.
From the puddle, a muddy rainbow Golem emerged, which easily caught the boys. In these months, he learned to create creatures by controlling the colors. It was not easy to learn to move it since it was made up of several stains united in a giant stain.
This was the first time he had tried this technique with other humans.
Asdrerd had managed to understand something from this. For this, he was satisfied.
Once melted the golem approached the boys.
"Ace and Sabo, you already have excellent foundations, you know how to move and you are quite strong and agile, you just have to learn to better observe the opponent and the surrounding environment." He said concepts he always heard in movies or anime.
"Knowledge is power!" He added remembering the words of Mysha.
"As for you Luffy, you must first learn to control your power, start with a fixed target, when you have a high %, you can try with a moving target." Remembering HunterxHunter, he used these words.
He knew that these tips would not help the boys, so he pretended to help them.
'FANTASTIC!' What useful advice he gave us!" The three children screamed in their minds.