A naval ship had just arrived in Marijoa.

One person was getting off the ship; it was none other than Asdrerd.

As they were arriving in Marijoa, Garp went on another ship for a certain order received.

During the trip, Asdrerd decided to take full advantage of his knowledge of the future, pretending that this was his power derived from the fruit. He intended to show his value to the world government with this knowledge, to be sure of returning home alive.

When he got off the ship, the local guards escorted the boy; a camera filmed everything.

As announced in the newspaper, today the Naked Angel would make an appearance, and this was a way to make the new member of the Shichibukai known to the world, who had made so much talk about himself.

Asdrerd was looking at Marijoa with eyes full of desire. He wanted to paint it.

'Hold on! This is not the time; I will be back in the future!' He mentally forced himself to resist this temptation.

As he was being escorted, the Celestial Dragons looked with angry eyes. That brat was the one who had dared to humiliate them and who had forced the government to free their slaves, they could not forgive this affront.

A family of those nobles approached the guards who were escorting Asdrerd. The guards stopped. They dared not disrespect the Celestial dragons.

The family was made up of three members, Father, mother, and son.

The father was not very tall; he had long hair held upwards, like a brush, so his bubble was disproportionate.

The mother was the tallest of the family and had a towel on her head. She did not show her hair to the public, because she knew that unworthy people would land on this sacred land today and would never show her beautiful hair.

The son was about 20 years old, as the father had brush hair.

"Because of you, our family has lost two slaves! To repay us now you must become our slave!" The mother announced. She was the head of the family; she had to do something to fix it. Her friends had made fun of her for having to obey and free her two slaves.

"Guards, take that brat, now belongs to us of the Sobrix family!" He ordered the guards who were escorting Asdrerd.

"Ma'am, we have orders to escort the boy inside the building." A guard said trembling.

"Do you dare to refuse my order?" The woman already knew about this matter, but who would have dared to get in the way anyway? She has waited for this moment since she learned that the boy would come to Marijoa.

"I am Perla Sobrix, no matter who you have become, you are a plebeian and as such you must obey me! Nobody can stop me; today I will have a slave of the Shichibukai!" She thought as she was laughing like crazy.

"Yes Madam!" The guards said and turned to catch the boy.

'I thought such a thing would happen!' Asdrerd smiled and said in his mind.

Colored clouds were forming in the sky, then color began to rain, several puddles formed on the ground.

"What is going on?" The guards shouted.

"That sucks; I'm getting dirty all over!" Perla Sobrix took an umbrella from her bag and covered herself, leaving her son and husband to take the rain.

"Guards! Why have not you caught my slave yet?" She asked the guards who had been distracted by this unusual rain.

"Yes!" The guards took up positions and surrounded Asdrerd.

"𝗛𝗮𝗵𝗮𝗵𝗮𝗵𝗮 doesn't worry; I'll give you at least one meal a day!"

The satisfied woman shouted.

The rain was getting stronger; the entire entrance was now full of puddles. A giant Rainbow Golem formed from a puddle behind the woman and took her in its hand as color dripped from all over its body.

Knowing that the child would not do anything to her, she smiled and said, "Brat you know who I am? Make this monster stop now!"

"Did you want to scare me? 𝗛𝗮𝗵𝗮𝗵𝗮𝗵𝗮, I am Perla Sobrix! You would never dare to hurt me! The Sobrix family is-

"Who, me? I am not doing anything!" Asdrerd said with a smile on his face.

The golem broke the woman's bubble and put it in his muddy body. Asdrerd knew that the only way he currently had to kill someone was to smother him with the golem. He was not remorseful, even if it was the first human life he took away.

"Don't worry, you'll be my Golem's daily meal."

Pearl heard a voice in her head, it was the brat's voice.

She tried to speak as all the liquid from the golem entered her throat.

"H̷g̷a̷g̷r̷a̷g̷r̷a̷ ̷g̷o̷ ̷g̷r̷u̷ ̷g̷r̷e̷e̷i̷ ̷g̷r̷e̷r̷ ̷r̷g̷e̷ ̷g̷r̷o̷g̷r̷o̷ ̷g̷o̷g̷o̷ ̷g̷h̷o̷g̷ ̷g̷h̷i̷g̷ ̷g̷h̷r̷e̷g̷?̷ ̷G̷ ̷g̷r̷ ̷g̷r̷r̷ ̷g̷r̷r̷r̷r̷!̷ ̷G̷r̷e̷ ̷G̷r̷e̷r̷e̷ ̷G̷r̷o̷g̷r̷i̷x̷!̷"̷

(Hahaha do you really have the courage to go on with this scene? I do not think! I'm Perla Sobrix!)

Asdrerd certainly did not enjoy taking lives, and he was not even a murderer who killed at random. Asdrerd was simply defending himself and did not want this family to take revenge in the future by disturbing him. In order not to risk, he decided to eliminate the root.

But he had to admit that in this case he wanted to laugh, but stopped at the thought.

This and more to achieve the dream.

After a few seconds, the golem spat the lifeless woman.

When the woman died, viewers did not know what to say.


To Amazon Lily, Hancock who was watching the scene exclaimed, "What did he do?! He is crazy?" She did not believe her eyes. Hancock was witnessing the scene with the two sisters in her rooms; she had already forbidden all the girls to approach the palace.


The revolutionaries, on the other hand, were currently traveling, so they did not yet know about the matter.

Various famous pirates were witnessing the scene amused or incredulous.

However, everyone was thinking about the same thing.

"That boy is crazy." "He won't come out alive." "He doesn't know the gravity of what he's done," and things like that.


Returning to the facts of Marijoa...

Asdrerd could not stop the golem now; otherwise, they would have had proof that it was he, so he moved the golem to the other members of the Sobrix family.

After killing them, he made him unleash a bit before being attacked by his own Golem. Asdrerd dodged the golem's fist, then with a touch of his hand made it melt.

Shortly thereafter other guards arrived who were escorting the five elders and Sengoku. Mihawk was looking at everything from the meeting room window.

"How dare you kill the World Nobles? Especially on this sacred territory!" Other Celestial Dragons screamed believing they were untouchable.

"Child, you have committed an unforgivable crime." Said the old man with the cap.

"I didn't do anything, the golem attacked me too! You should thank me for stopping him instead!" Asdrerd lied in a calm tone.

"Lies!" The four-eyed elder said as if he had sensed something in Asdrerd words.

"Do you have any evidence?" Asdrerd asked calmly.

"You are the only one who could have done such a thing; you used the powers of a devil fruit, right?" The four-eyed continued not trusting Asdrerd's words.

"I indeed have the powers of fruit, but I can show that they have nothing to do with the monster of a while ago, on the contrary, I have an idea who it may have been."

Seeing that everything was going as planned, Asdrerd smiled involuntarily.

"If so then show your true power!" The tall elder stepped forward to speak.

"My power is based on seeing the future, I knew a monster would attack Marijoa, and here I am. I wanted to warn you." He said as convincingly as possible.

"This shows nothing!" The tall man looked at Asdrerd threateningly.

"By speaking in private I can prove you my words!" Asdrerd was sure he was safe for now.

"Why would you want to go in private? Prove your innocence to the world, you are in Live worldwide!" The cap asked, putting pressure on the boy.

'Here we go ... It all depends on this,' Asdrerd thought before asking, "For me there are no problems, but I could reveal details about Imu, is that okay for you?"

The five looked at Asdrerd in surprise.

'How does he know this secret?' They thought simultaneously.

"Okay, come on in, we'll talk in private!" Announced the cap.

'What? Did they accept even though he killed celestial dragons live worldwide?' Sengoku, who had attended the entire debate, thought, and then remembered Asdrerd's last sentence.

'IMU? Who is Imu?' He wondered before returning to the palace.

The five elders were escorting Asdrerd to the room where they usually spoke.

He was nervous. From the debate that would take place shortly, his fate would be decided. He had prepared himself for the whole trip, trying to imagine unexpected questions and then finding an answer first so as not to be found unprepared. Asdrerd had prepared a speech to demonstrate his "power" to see the future and indicate a possible culprit for the golem.

All this to make the world think that it is capable of seeing the future and creating a value for the world government.

Meanwhile, the whole world was talking about this matter.