
Arriving in the room, the five elders reached their places and sat down. There were no other chairs available, and they signaled Asdrerd to start talking, putting pressure on him.

Asdrerd knew very well how these things worked. On Earth no matter what business you do; there will always be people who will try to stop your advance in that sector.

Even for painters, it was the same. He participated in meetings where painters exchanged their ideas and techniques, trying to give false advice to their "colleagues".

Just in one of these meetings, Asdrerd had been threatened to be removed forever from the world of artists if he had not explained to them the way he painted so vividly.

In the end, false rumors were circulated about him, and he disappeared from circulation, nobody asked for his services anymore and all his works were banned from museums.

He never found out the real reason. The voices of someone of little importance could not force museums to remove their paintings.

Despite this, he continued to paint for himself; the money he had made in the past was enough for him to live in a dignified way without problems.

For him it was not working, it was passion.

This was his only "technique". He had passion and talent. He had not studied art and did not use any complex technique. Asdrerd drew what he saw, and he recreated in his paintings the world in all its nuances.

From that fact, he understood that he would never have to show himself inferior to others, otherwise, they would forever take advantage of his weakness, and he lived like this until his death.

"Wait for a second!" Asdrerd turned to the elders before leaving the hall, and then returned with a chair taken to one of the nearby rooms.

He put the chair near the elders and sat down.

"Brat you think you are our peer!?" The bald man with the mustache spoke.

"My information will speak for itself." Asdrerd was not arrogant; he had to do this to survive, not only now but also in the future.

Irritated, the five elders looked at each other quickly. They let the matter slip to hear what the brat had to say, after which they would take action.

After a few seconds of silence, Asdrerd began to speak.

"First, I start repeating that I am innocent and that someone is trying to frame me, not only today but also the first attack on the World Noble's months ago, it was not my doing!"

"I perceive lies in these words! You should tell the truth!" The four-eyed was staring closely at Asdrerd's eyes.

"I know you can perceive the lies of others, but I can assure you that what I say is true. Yours is a perception, but I can prove what I say, consequently, your words are worth less than mine are."

Asdrerd had understood that the four-eyed could somehow hear whether the words spoken by an individual before him were true or false.

Asdrerd was expecting a "How dare you?!" Or something like that, but instead, the elder was silent.

"Keep talking!" Declared the Cap.

With a positive nod, Asdrerd resumed his speech.

"Do you remember the accident of my first bounty?"

"The Rainbow Liquid accident." The tall sage said.

"Exact! Rainbow liquid just like rain and that monster today. That criminal wants to attribute his crimes to me!" Asdrerd tried to highlight the connection between the two incidents.

"You said that that's not your power and that someone is trying to frame you, can you prove that your power is to see the future?" Seeing that the brat in front of them was going around the words without explaining anything, the cap asked for proof.

"Exact! You will see that at the end of this discussion we will become excellent friends. I have never done anything wrong; I want to collaborate with you." With a smile, Asdrerd looked at the five.

"My power allows seeing future events, obviously I can't know the whole future, I would have gone out of my mind otherwise. To be more precise, I do not even know how my power works, but I can put it at your service, I know it will be difficult to believe me but ask me questions about events of which it is impossible to know the answer."

Asdrerd certainly could not say that he knew the whole future; he would have dug the pit by himself, so he had to say he did not know his power well, even if this statement had made the five elders before him more suspicious.

"Isn't it too convenient to say you don't know how your power works and only known random events about the future?"

As expected, one of the elders asked immediately after hearing that excuse.

"Well, I'm only 10 years old and I haven't had this power for too long, I still have to understand how it works." He really could not find any more excuses. This was his only way.

"You see the future, so you should also know the past, right? Time passes, once the past was our future, moreover future and present are what they are now because of the past, and therefore your knowledge of the past cannot be zero." The old man with the cap was attentive to these small details and immediately thought of some traps to be aimed at the brat.

"Excellent deduction! I will not be able to know the past 100%, but I know the secrets derived from it." Understanding the elder's intentions, Asdrerd confirmed his thesis.

"Try to convince us that you have that power then!" The Cap continued to press on in search of evidence.

"I know the existence of Imu, the only one worthy to sit on the empty throne. To be above all, that even you 5 considered the pinnacle of world government, respect."

"I can talk about Rocks D. Xebec and how Garp and Roger had to team up to defeat him."

"Or the lies you told about Ohara."

Asdrerd said of the events he remembered having occurred years ago but kept secret.

The bald old man with a mustache was not persuaded by this and said, "Few will be made known, but however this information may leak."

"If this is so, anything I illustrate about the past will not make you change your mind, so what do you say if we bet on the future?" Asdrerd thanked in his mind the elder who asked the question since he did not have much more to tell about the past.

He used this excuse to get off the dangerous path of the past and go on the safe path of the future.

"Bet? What do you mean?" Not understanding where he wanted to go, the Cap asked.

"Simple! I will write a date and a certain event on a sheet; you will only be able to see those sheets once the date has been reached." In this way, he would have gained time, and he would have held the reins of the speech.

The elder with the cap was interested in this little game.

"Oooo! And what would you like to bet?"

Sure, he could not go wrong if he let events run without interfering. Asdrerd declared, "In case of wrong events, you can do what you want, I will be your pawn, you can change me as you want, make me a slave to those nobles who want me ardently or whatever you want."

"What if your power proves correct?" Not perceiving lies from the declaration, the four-eyed wanted to know his intentions.

"Well, we'll talk about it in the future, things change with time; you just need to know that I just want a sincere collaboration with the world government."

Having not even thought about making this type of bet, he did not know what to ask for.

After looking at each other with a quick look, the Cap nodded.

"Okay, we accept, but we want to enter into a contract with the signatures of the 6 present here." He added, remembering that the brat in front of him knew about Imu and other things that were to remain unknown to the world.

After exchanging their conditions for half an hour, they entered into the contract.

Briefly, the contract forbade Asdrerd from exposing information about the government.

In case they find out about his disclosure to third parties, Asdrerd will have to accept the consequences of losing the bet. As for the elderly, they would not have had to open the scrolls with the information before the date. Otherwise, they could have interfered in this event; they would have lost the bet. In this case, Asdrerd would reveal information about the world government to the world, and they would have to give Asdrerd the entire Navy.

The bet concerns the future, in case of victory, Asdrerd will become a collaborator of the world government and will be able to ask for a reward of his choice, which must, however, be approved by the government, to avoid asking for exaggerated things.

Asdrerd didn't really care about the prize, he just wanted their collaboration to buy time.

In case of defeat, he will become a slave to the world government.

Until the end of the bet, Asdrerd will be considered a member of the Shichibukai. He will not be able to renounce his position nor will he be driven out. He will also be forced to carry out his duties as a member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and then intervene if the emperors attack the navy. In case of absence, he will be considered defeated.

Two precautions have been taken to ensure that this contract is not ignored.

The first was to let the whole world know about the contract, to lose the government's credibility if they ignored one of the conditions.

The second was the scrolls. They had to be all in the room of the Elders, under close surveillance, therefore impossible to modify.

Furthermore, they had all been written on the same papyrus, which has a special effect, such as the Vivre Cards. (A/N: Better explained in chapter 22)

The content cannot be read if all the participants had not previously shed a drop of blood, only then will the contents be revealed. To do this, Asdrerd and the elders had to pour their blood into the papyrus before being cut to form the scrolls.

In this way, he might not even know the exact date, which he also explained to the Elders.

Asdrerd wrote different content in each scroll.

In the first, he wrote that Doflamingo would blackmail the government to enter the Shichibukai. He had decided to write about Doflamingo because he was only certain who would enter the Shichibukai.

Asdrerd had occupied a post. He did not know if it was Jimbe's or Kuma's place.

In the second, he said that Dragon the revolutionary would cause more and more trouble to the world government and that he would become the number one wanted in the world.

In the next, he described the defeat of Crocodile in Alabasta by a pirate who will be known as a "Straw hat" and the merits will be given to Smoker.

In the last, he told of the war in Marineford, of how the Marines wanted to execute Ace, son of Gol D. Roger and the intervention of Whitebeard.

He decided to write two events that happened before the story began and two later, so as not to cause suspicion and to gain as much time as possible.

Obviously, in all four cases, it did not go into detail.

Before leaving, he said to the Elders, "Ah yes! What is trying to frame me with those colors is likely to be someone who wants to take revenge on you for those experiments."

Remembering Mysha's words when he saw his powers, Asdrerd left the room.