Water 7

Asdrerd and Mysha were seated at a bar table, together with Rob Lucci, Kaku, Blueno and Kalifa.

What were they discussing? To understand it all we have to go back five months when Asdrerd and Mysha were arriving at Water 7.


Asdrerd and Mysha had finally arrived in Water 7.

They were currently flying over the island.

Asdrerd had covered himself with a cloak to hide the wings. This was because everyone knew he could fly, but he didn't have to show his fruit powers.

The city, in general, seems to be tending upwards. The island is made up of canal ways, alongside which sidewalks usually pass. On the top, water flows from an immense fountain.

Once they landed on the island, they immediately attracted the attention of passersby.

Without giving weight to their looks, Asdrerd laid Mysha on the ground.

"Keep it; I inserted the map of the entire city inside. Just press the slightly raised metal button." Once grounded, Mysha pulled a small piece of metal out of her pocket and handed it to Asdrerd.

"Hm?" Asdrerd clicked on the button and a virtual map began to float above the piece of metal. The map showed all the shops or known places in the area.

"Not bad at all!" Asdrerd said satisfied. Now he could visit the city without getting lost and then draw it.

"It should be fairly accurate. The latest update is after last year's Aqua Laguna." The girl informed for safety.

After agreeing, the two separated. Mysha had to go and ask about the ship, while Asdrerd first wanted to visit the city and check out some weapons shops.


Asdrerd did not care about the ship; he left Mysha with it.

His first goal was to visit the island museum.

Seeing the map, he noticed that the museum was on the other side of the city, so he decided to fly so as not to waste too much time.

Arriving at the museum, he landed and entered the building.

Inside he looked with disgust at the paintings hanging on the walls.

Taking a quick turn, without ever stopping, he quickly left the museum.

Once outside, he barely holds back his vomit.

"Ahh! There was little missing."

"Is the level of art in this world really that bad?"

He wondered after seeing the paintings in the museum and thinking back to the painting of the "Master Kaiba".

"In my future kingdom, such paintings will be banned. If anyone dares to bring works of this level to my kingdom, he will be sentenced to death!"

At the idea of seeing such crap on his future island entirely dedicated to art, he began to worry.

He didn't just want his paintings in his kingdom; he wanted to see other works, to experience real emotions.

Furthermore, he would never have improved without other painters of his level.

Suddenly he remembered a secondary character in the original work.

'Of course! She is perfect!' He found his smile after thinking of Marianne, known as Miss Goldenweek.

'If I remember correctly, her dream is to become a painter. It's decided! She will become a member of my crew, my pupil and my rival.'

Asdrerd decided to train young boys and girls to become artists. He would have chosen only those who truly loved art and Marianne was a perfect choice.

All happy, he started hopping and heading towards the weapon stores marked on the map.



Mysha managed to get an immediate appointment with the company's president, a man named Iceburg.

Iceburg is a tall, thin man with purple hair and dark, voluminous lips. He wears a red and orange vertical striped jacket over an orange shirt, black pants and black shoes.

They were currently alone in the man's office.

"Is what you said true?" The man asked the girl sitting across from him.

"Sure! I can guarantee that type of wood." Mysha replied without even a second of uncertainty.

"If you can get us some supplies of that wood, then not only will I help build your ship myself, I'll make you a 50% price." Iceburg smiled and proposed to the girl.

"Money is not a problem... what I want is to participate in the realization of the project."

Mysha had no money problems. She and Asdrerd alone had or could make so much money that they could buy the whole company.

"Do you know how to build a ship?" Asked the man, trying to help the girl as much as possible. He didn't want to deceive her; on the contrary, he wanted to build the perfect ship. For this reason, he did not want to make it ruined by the owner herself.

"I can't call myself an expert. I don't want to participate in the construction, but only in the project on paper."

Mysha pulled out a blueprint from the ship and placed it on the desk. The girl had drawn a draft in these months, where she did not know what else to do. She was sure that together with the collaboration of expert carpenters, she could integrate metal in some areas of the ship.

Leafing through the girl's plan, Iceburg nodded in surprise at the amount of detail that Mysha wanted.

"All right! We'll start tomorrow if that's okay with you." The man wanted to start soon.

"Sure!" Mysha nodded.

Drawing out a pen, Iceburg made calculations on a piece of paper.

"Considering the material and size of the ship you requested, I believe it will take a month for the project and two years for its construction. Obviously, this is the estimated time after receiving the material."

"Two years?" Feeling the time necessary, Mysha asked surprise.

"Yes, it is already the minimum time, it is a really difficult wood to work on." In a depressed tone, the man tried to explain his calculations, showing the girl the sheet.

"Excuse me; I didn't want to doubt your ability. I know the type of wood. According to my calculations, it would take at least five years."

Mysha was not an expert carpenter, but she knew well the type of wood she wanted to use for her ship. In addition to its rarity, it was a very soft wood, it was enough to use that minimum of extra strength to ruin the wood forever.

After hearing the answer, Iceburg understood that the girl in front of him knew that wood well and began to trust her promise. Few knew that wood, it had disappeared from circulation for many years.

"In fact, that is the real-time, but we will accept 30% fewer construction requests, doing this and increasing the workforce, we should do it in two years."

"Then thank you Director Iceburg." Mysha stood up and held out the hand to the man.

"And I thank miss Mysha for making one of my dreams come true. I have always wanted to build a ship out of that wood." He took the girl's hand and thanked her in turn.

"Mh, it will be an excellent ship, it could even beat your late master's masterpiece." Satisfied with the man's response, Mysha was looking forward to getting to work on the project. According to her estimates, it would have been one of the best ships ever created.


After a moment of silence, Iceburg laughed and replied,

"Hahaha, I don't think I can get past the master. But I'm sure he too would have liked to work on this project."

"As a thank you, I would like to tell you something."

Mysha had noticed that the man before her was a good person and to thank him for his availability, she decided to give him a warning.

"Oh?" Thinking he could receive some useful information for the construction of the ship, Iceburg asked curiously.

Mysha went to the man's ear and announced, "Cutty Flam is alive!"

".... :O Wh-

After hearing what the girl said, Iceburg opened his mouth wide and before he could ask he was interrupted.

"How do I know? From your reaction, I can understand that you already knew... Wait... I understand... Does he have the blueprints to Pluton, right?" Noticing the surprised expression of Iceburg, Mysha understood everything instantly.

The man's expression was more on the tone of concern and fear. She understood that Iceburg must have already met him, and linked the two facts, understanding the whole development.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, I can promise it." She said as sincerely as possible.

"Thank you!" Seeing the girl's gaze, Iceburg returned calm and thanked.

"Be careful, I have noticed some suspicious movement among your employees." Mysha came up to his ear again and gave one last warning to the man.


Once out of the office, she pulled out a piece of metal and started following a bright dot on the map.

"Oh, he seems to have just come out of the museum, better get there quickly to report the situation."


Next Chapter: Weapons Shop