Weapons Shop

Asdrerd had visited several weapon stores, but none had met his criteria.

Currently, he was still with a hood and cape to be unrecognized.

He knew people would mess if they saw his face.

As he walked to the next shop marked on the map, he stopped several times to touch the walls of the houses, the water from the canals and a few times he raised his head to the sky to take deep breaths.

Asdrerd was happy. Being able to touch and see Water 7 with his own eyes was the best.

Looking back on his past, when he no longer had any aspirations, he started laughing without realizing it.

"Mama Mama! I want to do like that person over there!" A child seeing Asdrerd laughing heartily wanted to try to imitate him.

The mother's gaze fell on a cloaked man who laughed and touched several buildings in the city.

"Do not look!" She shouted covering his son's eyes.

As she was walking away with her son, the woman thought, "Such people should disappear! It would take the Naked Angel to teach him a lesson."

While Asdrerd was looking at the map, he noticed a building not present on it.

He looked at the name of the plaque hanging over the wall.

The plaque had Asdrerd's photo of his second bounty.


Looking inside the building, he noticed some children who were cosplaying the Naked Angel.


"I beg you! My son is missing; he is nowhere to be found!"

Asdrerd heard a woman scream from inside the building.


'I don't want additional problems, better to leave.'

He did not care about the lives of strangers.

Asdrerd opened the map and headed for the next weapons shop.

As he headed he did as usual.

He touched the walls, floor, and water of the canal.

As he put his hand into the canal, he felt someone grasp it.

"Hm?" Suddenly feeling a hold, Asdrerd raised his hand.

Once pulled up, he saw a boy. The boy was not life-threatening, but he was soaking wet and shaking.

The boy began to cough, spitting out of the water.

People around saw the scene and applauded.

"He saved a child!"

"He is a hero!"

Hearing the sentences and applause, the woman ran out of the building and noticed the scene.

She ran to the boy and looked at the man in the cloak.

"Thanks for saving my son!" She bowed slightly and then asked worriedly, "Samuel how's it going? Are you OK? I was worried! Never go away from me again!"

Hearing the mother's voice, the baby opened his eyes and jump into the mother's arms.

During the jump, he kicked towards Asdrerd's head, which he dodged easily.

"𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐇!" The crowd screamed.

"He's Asdrerd!"

"The Naked Angel?"

"Why was he hooded?"

"Stupid! He didn't want to be thanked for saving the boy. "

"He's a real hero!"

"Help the children without wanting anything in return!"

"Not for nothing is he considered the guardian angel of all children."

Hearing the name of Asdrerd, all the people inside the ILC association building went out and saw their God.

The children ran to him instead, wanting an autograph.

"When I grow up I want to be a hero who helps children not to find them in the same situation."

"An autograph please!"

"Hold my son in your arms!"

"Shake my hand!"

Asdrerd didn't want to waste time with this mob, so he put his hood back on and flew away, ignoring them.

"He's gone!"

"Sure! He doesn't want to be thanked! It helps by choice and not by fame."

As people continued to talk about the Naked Angel, Asdrerd heard a voice.

"Hey hero, I'm here!"

Recognizing Mysha, Asdrerd took her by the collar and took off again.

Mysha did not complain. She had seen the whole scene, and she knew that Asdrerd was shy.

'It's astounding though. In the beginning, I thought he was ignoring the request of the woman looking for her son... instead he headed towards the canal where the child was as if he already knew his position.'

"So?" Asdrerd asked the girl.

"Hm?" Not having listened, she had not heard Asdrerd's question.

"Do you know a good arms shop? I did not find anything good." He asked a second time without wondering why the girl had not listened.

"Ah! Of course, I know the best weapons shop in the city."

Mysha led Asdrerd to the shop.

Once they reached the shop, they landed.

The building was three stories high and it was a luxury shop.

Once inside, two girls who were dressed in the uniform of the shop greeted them.

"Welcome!" They both said with a slight bow.

They were both about 170 cm tall. One had black bob hair; the other was blonde with a medium length braid.

The girl with the blond hair looked at the two and said, "You are new, aren't you? This is a high-class shop. What you see in this plan are the weapons that cost less, but are of excellent quality."

The sales clerk tried to make them understand that this place was not suitable for people without money.

Asdrerd was hooded, but a set of classic clothes could be seen below.

Mysha instead was in a green Kimono with blue butterflies flying. The workmanship was not bad, but it was not certainly the best material.

"Oh!" Looking around Asdrerd saw weapons of all kinds hanging on the wall, divided by their usefulness.

On the right, there were many types of pistols, bows, and rifles.

To the left of the room, swords, spears, and knives decorated the environment.

Looking to the side of the entrance, they could see shields, armor, clothes, and masks.

Forward, behind the counter of the cashier, there were all kinds of ammunition.

Asdrerd did not know how to recognize weapons; he simply thought that quality was expensive.

"Mysha, let's go to the third floor!"

With a nod, the two headed for the stairs.

"Wait! You can go to the second-floor maximum; the third is exclusive for VIP members only." The girl with the bob hair came up and informed the two.

"And how do you become a VIP?" Asdrerd asked.

"You have to be an important member of society and show your identity." The black-haired girl illustrated the rules.

"I understand..." In a despondent tone, Asdrerd had given up on the idea of showing himself as a member of the Shichibukai.

The blonde-haired girl approached her colleague and added, "The second floor is also not suitable for people like you, not to be rude, but I don't think you can afford the weapons on that floor."

Asdrerd and Mysha paid no attention to these words; they were certainly not offended for so little.

Asdrerd needed three different types of weapons to interpret his three characters.

He also thought of his future crew.

Well, a place to stock up on can always come in handy. He said with a smile.

"Hm?" The two girls looked at him in surprise, while Mysha had already understood what he was going to do.

"I'd like to speak to the store manager!"

"Do you happen to have an appointment?" The girl with the black hair asked Asdrerd.

'Of course not stupid, look at them!' The girl with the braid shouted in her mind.

"No, but I would like to speak to the manager about the future of the shop."

"I'm sorry! However, he does not receive without an appointment." The black-haired girl bowed apologetically.

The girl with the blond hair instead thought of a system to chase away these two who did not want to understand their position.

"All right! I will see what I can do. I am going to call the manager."

Asdrerd thanked and waited.

Soon after, the girl returned with the director behind her.

"Are you the ones who dare to mess in my shop?"

He said drawing a sword and pointing it at Asdrerd and Mysha.

The manager was a bald man with a black side mustache. He was tall and thin, dressed in an elegant black suit.

"Everyone who works here knows how to use weapons perfectly. Leave and nothing will happen."

Mysha understood that the blonde-haired girl had said false things about them.

Asdrerd, on the other hand, was thinking he could take advantage of this opportunity to disconnect his two identities.

"I just wanted to warn you of a disaster that will happen soon and that will involve this shop."

The owner motioned to the two girls next to him.

The blonde-haired woman happily drew a spear, and the girl with the bob hesitated before pulling out two pistols.

Quickly deciding on the plan, Asdrerd took off his hood.

Seeing his face, the chief quickly lowered the weapon and ordered the two girls the same thing.

"Naked Angel, sorry for our behavior." The man knelt and apologized.

"Don't worry; you couldn't have known it was me. I did not mean to confuse my appearance." Asdrerd didn't care about the treatment he received, he just wanted to leave a good impression for the success of the plan.

"Of course, we understand your thought very well." Hearing the Naked Angel take the blame, the owner stood up.

"What can I do for you? You wanted to access the third floor, right?" He asked after getting up.

With a nod, he answered the question.

"Yes, but that wasn't our ultimate goal. We wanted to get your attention."

Confused the owner tilted his head.

"My attention?"

"Yes, we messed up on purpose."

Asdrerd said looking at the girl with the blond hair.

"..." Concerned about offending a member of the Shichibukai, the girl looked away.

"As I mentioned earlier, something is going to happen that will involve your store." Asdrerd reported the conversation on this point.

"What exactly?" The Naked Angel was famous for seeing the future. Although unconfirmed, this was his power.

"The Color Criminal will appear here on this island and his golems will also reach this shop. I don't know anything else. I came here to catch him." Asdrerd said.

"Let us help you; even if it doesn't seem like, we're very strong." The man wanted to defend his shop and wanted to make a good impression on an important figure like the Naked Angel.

Mysha who listened in silence to the conversation understood more or less, what her partner wanted to do.

'He just wants to mess with his golems and then defeat them, so he can create some doubt for the five elders.'

Mysha had only understood part of Asdrerd's plan.

He wanted the weapons shop for himself; also, this was a great opportunity to convince the five elders that he was not the Color Criminal. He did not care if anyone was injured in the fight. Obviously, he would try to keep them alive. He needed them as witnesses.

Leaving the shop with the excuse of checking the surroundings, Asdrerd smiled.

"Let the plan begin!"


Next Chapter: The Color Criminal Appeared