Hearing about a new companion, Mysha looked around curiously but saw no one.
"Hm? When he arrives?"
"It's already here!" Asdrerd said taking a piece of paper from his hair.
"Hi damn humans! I am Number 6! I will kill you! "
The piece of paper was stained with color.
"Are you okay Asdrerd?" Mysha asked worriedly.
"Yes, why?" Asdrerd did not understand the reason for that question.
"Well here..." Mysha didn't know what to say in order not to offend Asdrerd.
"Human called Asdrerd!" The paper spoke telepathically to Asdrerd.
"Hm? What's up Number 6?" Asdrerd asked looking at the sheet in his hands.
"Number 6!?" Mysha and Franky exclaimed looking at the piece of paper. ⊙_⊙ ⊙.⊙
"Are you sure you're okay?" The girl was worrying now.
"They can't seem to hear me!" It said to Asdrerd.
"I imagined..." He sighed remembering the night before.
It was night and Asdrerd was pondering.
Several days had passed, but the elders had not yet contacted him.
Asdrerd was referring to his identity as Spered.
He took the piece of paper 6 and looked at it for a few minutes.
'Now I can open a museum, which I will abandon when I betray the government. Same thing I will do with Mr. Green's museum... As soon as I betray the government, they could also be targeted, but I don't care. The main museums will only be in my kingdom. These two museums will only serve to advertise. Once destroyed, the people who fell in love with my works will be forced to come to my kingdom...'
Asdrerd had already decided when to betray the government and had already taken any countermeasures.
While he was pondering, he trained in his signature.
Asdrerd wrote on the sheet of paper and tried to move the signature made with his power to make it unique. He wanted to avoid the freebooters of his works.
As he moved the color slightly, he heard a laugh.
"Hahaha stop it human! You are tickling me!"
"Hm?" Asdrerd looked around but saw no one.
"Hey stupid human, why did you stop tickling me? Ah, it's not what you think; I don't like it, umh!"
"It can't be..." Asdrerd didn't want to believe it but it couldn't be otherwise.
He looked at the sheet of paper number 6.
"I see you understand, human! I am the great and unique sheet Number 6! I have a proposal for you human! If you help me, I could spare you from the extermination of humanity!"
Asdrerd thought that the note was talking; he did not expect a mental connection with a sheet of paper.
He had already tried using the Color Link effect with other inanimate objects, but obviously, nothing had happened.
"These days I have been able to observe you and you seem suitable for this mission. What do you say? Ah, it's not that I want to save your life because I'm fond of you!"
"A Tsundere piece of paper..."
The two talked a little longer.
[Return to the present]
"Hey, number 6! How do you speak? You are the first object I hear." Asdrerd said aloud, as he always spoke to him.
"A-Asdrerd, maybe it's better if we postpone the trip until tomorrow. How about a good night's sleep?"
"Don't you hear N.6?" Asdrerd asked Mysha and Franky, pointing to the piece of paper in his hands.
"Emm..." Mysha approached Franky and said, "It's more serious than it seemed, he even gave it a name."
"What do we do?"
"We can't tell him he's gone crazy or something; he might take offense and not take you with us."
"So let's hold the game?"
"Yes, for now, let's do this!"
Returning to Asdrerd the two smiled and approached the piece of paper with their faces.
"Heeeeeeeeloooooo Nuuuumberrrrr Siiiiiix." Mysha greeted strangely as if speaking in slow motion.
"This woman is treating me like a fool! It's not a bad feeling... I mean, how dare you?"
Number 6 did not expect to be pleased to be insulted.
"Besides Tsundere, is it also Masochist?" Asdrerd thought.
"It said it is not stupid and that it understands human language."
Asdrerd reported to Mysha.
"Hey, Asdrerd! It's not human language; it was created by us sheets of paper." N.6 proudly said.
"Ah, sorry N.6, I hope we will get along."
Franky, who was looking to the side, decided to give a couple of compliments to secure the place for the trip.
The four decided to go to the island to collect wood, following Mysha's directions.
Asdrerd wanted to fly, but in the end, they had to go by ship.
Days passed, and they finally saw an island not far away.
"𝗦𝘂𝗽𝗲𝗿! That's the island!" Franky was thrilled to be able to admire the island of his dreams.
"Yes, it is that. We just cannot get any closer than that, "said Mysha.
"Yes, I have heard the legends. Even the admirals haven't been able to get close." Franky lost his enthusiasm.
"Exactly, they even tried a Buster Call, but it failed to scratch the island," Mysha added, making Asdrerd increasingly irritated.
"Stop going around it, tell me the legend."
"Don't you know? It is the first time I have caught you unprepared..." Mysha was surprised at the thing. Normally she knew everything and thought she could help Asdrerd with her knowledge. However, ever since she met Asdrerd, she began to lose faith in herself.
After a few seconds of surprise, Mysha recovered and said,
"No! It is normal that you cannot predict the island's past and future. Nobody has set foot on that island for at least 60 years. It is uninhabited like my native island, but because it is uninhabitable. It's impossible to even land there."
"And that old man over there?" Asdrerd pointed to a thin old man with a long beard and hair covering his entire face. The half-closed eyes and nose were the only things not covered.
He was dressed in a wooden shirt and had a leaf instead of his underwear. He was currently on a tree positioned near the sea. The old man was urinating at sea.
"Monster! Take this!"
"Hahaha, do you like my urine? Hahahahah!" He screamed as he covered himself with a new leaf.
"..." Mysha fell silent.
"So?" Asdrerd asked.
"..." He got no answer.
"... Franky, can you tell me about the island? She is gone." Asdrerd seeing Mysha stunned turned to Franky.
"100 years ago, this was the paradise island for every carpenter. This is because on this island there is a particular tree, with a wood that seems to have been born only to build ships. It is perfect. My master has always dreamed of coming to this island and building a ship with this wood, but in the end, he had to give up his dream."
The cyborg told something about the island before he started talking about his teacher.
'Why do people keep going around the speeches? We have been here for ten minutes, and they have not yet told me why it is not possible to approach...'
Asdrerd was getting more and more irritated.
"Okay, Franky, but 🆆-🅷-🆈 we can't get close?" He asked, spelling the word.
"Because of a sea monster," said Franky.
"A monster that not even admirals or a Buster Call can defeat?" Asdrerd had never heard of such a monster.
"Yes, his name is ..." Franky stopped before saying the name.
"I hate humans..." The piece of paper complained.
"I understand you..." Asdrerd could only agree with N.6.
"Xott Greppo!" A female voice said a name.
"Mysha?" Asdrerd turned, hearing Mysha finally speak.
"Exactly, his name is Xott Greppo." Franky also said the same name, confirming that they were talking about the same monster.
"I understand, but why are we safe here?" Asdrerd wanted to know more about this island.
"I don't know ..." Franky had already said everything he knew.
"I can answer the question," said Mysha.
"You are finally back in yourself."
"Mh! Xott Greppo cannot go too far from the island. By calculating the various past attempts of various pirates, members of the navy and others, I was able to establish that none of his attacks could reach us at this distance."
Mysha took a sheet of calculations from her bag and showed it to Asdrerd.
"You were sure you could take the wood, right? What are you planning to do?" Seeing the calculations, he did not understand Mysha's goal but knowing the girl, he was sure she certainly had a plan.
Mysha smiled and nodded.
"Yes, I'm sure I can land on the island. Listen..."
Next Chapter: Unexpected Calls