Unexpected Calls

Before explaining the plan, Mysha began to tell the story of the island.

The island was called Heterna and had a circular shape. Its name derived from a legend handed down by the inhabitants. The protector God of the island was said to have come from a planet called Heterna. Failing to go back, he created the island in the likeness of his old planet. The island became famous thanks to the Heterno Wood, grown on trees planted by God himself.

It is ancient history, a legend; there is no certain proof of this God.

Suddenly, one day a sea monster came out of the sea and made all the inhabitants disappear, without causing the least damage to the island.

Since the appearance of the monster, almost nobody has managed to set foot on the island. The few who managed to touch the island land disappeared soon after.

While Mysha was continuing to explain, Asdrerd thought about why this story was not present in the manga.

'Strange that there was not even a small note on this island. Admirals and Buster Calls who failed in their mission, a mysterious sea monster, inhabitants who disappeared...'

Asdrerd thought of several options while Mysha began to tell about the monster.

While Mysha was describing the monster's appearance, Asdrerd painted it perfectly following the descriptions given by Mysha.

Once he finished drawing it, he made a surprised face. For safety, he showed the drawing to Mysha.

The picture depicted a monster identical to Sin from Final Fantasy X.

"Perfect! It is identical to your painting." Despite knowing Asdrerd's artistic skills, she could not help but be amazed.

Having confirmation from the girl, Asdrerd began to connect the points and formulate hypotheses:

'1- It could be drawn in a draft, then he hadn't published the chapter because of copyright or because he didn't like it. In short, a discarded idea.

2- Although it is a story of many years ago, it could have been born with my arrival, which must have changed the past.

3- It is a part of history that has yet to be written.

4- This world is alive; therefore, it is normal for new elements to be present. It is not the world designed by Oda, or rather, since the same events have happened and the classic characters are present, it could be a parallel world.'

He was thinking of other options since he wanted to be prepared for anything, but the most likely were the four previously thought.

Meanwhile, Mysha was finally about to illustrate her plan.

"A few more meters and the monster will notice our presence. It is impossible to hurt him and as soon as we set foot on the island, the chances of disappearing are many."

"So? We already know these things, tell us what you have in mind," Asdrerd said, tired of hearing the story for the umpteenth time.

"Disappear; who knows what it feels like... ahh ahh, I would like to try to disappear from this world!" N.6 was drooling color at the thought of disappearing.

Meanwhile, Franky was stocking up on Cola.

Mysha hearing Asdrerd complaining went straight to the point, although she was sad about this. She loved to explain everything precisely.

"It's simple! We are 3-

"𝗙𝗢𝗨𝗥!" Number 6 shouted into Asdrerd's mind, also causing him some pain.

To make him stop screaming, Asdrerd told Mysha to say four from now on.

Mysha saw Asdrerd pointing to the note. She was worried, but nodded without saying anything.

Then she resumed the speech.

"We are 4, but none of us can swim, for that reason, Asdrerd will have to act as bait while flying. Don't worry! Xott never made anyone disappears outside the island. He will try to attack you, but just increase the altitude and you will not be hit."

Before she could continue talking, she saw Franky with his hand raised.

"I can swim!" Franky said after seeing Mysha look at him.

"I understand! Some cyborgs can swim." She replied, remembering that Lala could also dive into the water.

"I can swim too."

Asdrerd did not want to hide this from Mysha. After all, they would travel together for several years. This information could be useful. Mysha was the brain of the group.

Mysha looked at him, blinking several times before asking for confirmation.

"Are you sure?"

"I don't see why I should lie..."

"But you ate a Devil Fruit!" She was sure of this fact; he was certainly a Logia.

"Yes, I know!" He confirmed.

"But ..." Hearing even the confirmation, Mysha became more curious.

"Yes, I know!" Asdrerd did not want to explain anything, so he repeated the previous sentence.


Realizing that he didn't want to reveal anything else, Mysha accepted the situation.

"Okay, the important thing is to know. The plan does not change; dodging from the sky is certainly easier."

Even dodging into the sea was not difficult, it was enough to enter the sea monster's radius and once you caught his attention, you just need to back slightly.

However, Mysha did not completely trust the calculations of more than 40 years old.

Before Mysha could continue to expose her plan, Asdrerd heard Den Den Mushi ring.

Once picked up, he realized it was Dragon since the snail was similar to him.

"I am Asdrerd, what do you need Dragon?"

Dragon hearing Asdrerd's response calmed down. He intended to ask some random questions before moving on to the main topic, to understand if anyone else was present besides Asdrerd.

"Hi Asdrerd, how's it going with the navy? Did they start trusting you?"

"Not yet."

"Mh, I understand. Were you able to discover anything?"

"No, they still don't trust enough. Until recently, they believed me the Color Criminal."

"Okay, see you next time."

Once the call was over, Mysha continued to speak.

"As I was saying-

Another call was coming.

He took the Den Den Mushi without even looking, and answered.


"It's me again."

"Tell me..."

"I forgot to tell you that we found a child on your island years ago. Do you know him by chance?" Dragon made a description of the boy.

"No, I have to go now."

When the call was over, he put the Den Den Mushi away with the others and motioned for Mysha to continue.

But just then, a third call was coming.

He took the Den Den Mushi quickly and in an angry tone, he shouted, "Dragon, I don't know that fucking baby. Ok? Stop calling me!"

"Dragon? What did you mean with this?"

Once the voice answered, Asdrerd checked the snail. It had a black cap on the head... it belonged to the five elders.

'Shit!' Asdrerd swore in his mind, insulting Dragon in all the languages of his planet.


Next Chapter: Asdrerd Vs Xott 1